I wasn't aware it came out so er...late? Is that late? Idk if you can say that's late anymore. Either way, I kinda bowed out gracefully from gaming all together around the PS3 times. I had an og one that could play PSX/PS2 but an old girlfriend sniped it like a biyatch. So yeah, fuck that chick. I woulda sent it to my brother though, as it's one (of two) consoles I grabbed post living around him. The other being a 2DS, that actually an ex sent to me. But I didn't totally get it? And then when I moved from the place I was living, an ex of mine took (as I passed it to her, not like...stealing - just she asked for it and I gave it to her).
Anyways, I got back into gaming via turned-based computer games. Because I like to walk away from a game, leave it on, and come back. Kinda like you would with a chess board or something. It's something that I have trouble walking back to retro games over nowadays. And when I pop back over to the retro side of things I tend to actually play the more mindless games so I don't have to spend an involved amount of time learning mechanics or getting through mazes and what have you.
Also, I didn't even know the New 3DS existed. I worked for Gamestop back in the day (don't creep on chicks who work there, they're probably underage and you're 30 sonnnn!) and popped into one maybe...8-9 years ago? I don't really have any reason to go into one anymore but they had a 3DS setup on the wall. So I gave it a go. it had street fighter but it sort of felt like the screen was constantly flashing at me or something and I didn't understand how others could find it enjoyable and kinda ducked out and was scammed by my current gal to buy expensive leggings from a fly-by-night saleswoman.
What game system are retro handheld enthusiast making all the hullabalooh over their handhelds playing? Is it the NEW 3DS?