Tbh do u guys hate forced inverted controlls too?

Those controls made sense back in the days when developers assumed people would be used to how camera tripods are tilted. If you cant change them in the settings, just train your brain with Mario 64 and picture your stick as the lever of a tripod (you're playing from the POV of a koopa with a camera on a cloud after all).
Eh, I don't see what's the big deal. I'm fine with both inverted and normal controls.
Err... Why not playing the Nightdive remaster?
Do what now?
Having "forced" controls in either direction blows.

These days there is 0 reason to force control schemes like this. Hell, even if you think inverted controls are integral to the experience, you can still allow players to change them, just have a warning pop up or something first.

Inverted just makes sense for flying games, and just doesn't for almost anything else first-person IMO, but I'm happier when there are options available for everyone.

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