Sailor Moon fan thread

I'm not crazy about it... Sort of. I have some connection to Sailor Moon because I used to have to watch the same TV as my younger sister and she loved watching Sailor Moon, and made me watch it too naturally. So I mess with it a bit. The original series has one of the best anime openings. I love Moonlight Densetsu. I really like the pastel look to it. It's very appealing to look at. Those old Beat em Ups are really fun too.
I liked very much the anime when it came out in '90, after years I discovered the manga but I stopped reading after three or four numbers: it was pretty "heavy" and a bit creepy sometimes, I didn't want to spoil the wonderful memory I had of the anime

I watched as a kid together with my sister. I remember that our interest peaked at S but started to wane almost immediately at super S, missing a lot of episodes, even worse at stars.
My fav was Makoto/Jupiter, I still remember her introductory episode during the "Seven Great Youma Arc", a part of the story that I always regretted they didn't expand on more. As a kid I even tried to make an comic about it.

I agree with what other already said: the anime may be aimed at girls but they really amped some aspects for the boys. Plus, it may sound weird, by i liked the inconsistencies in animation, with different animator and designers working on different episodes. Sure, the animation and style varied a lot but it led to episodes that had people whose style was tailored for the theme and often helped draw out the best out of the story. There were lots of fantastically animated parts to counterbalance the very cheap ones and the stock footage was often amazing.

I loved the soundtrack, especially the OST of the first series: those electric guitars were amazing and they used them a lot, especially in some instrumental version of the main theme.
"Moon Prism Power Make Up" and "Moon Tara Action" are easily my favorite: they have that mix of romantic yet adventurous sounds that really fit the themes.

I tried to watch the remake but stopped very early and I just checked it occasionally to see how the situation evolved. They tried to adapt the style of the manga but, in my opinion, they didn't succeed and they kept doing mistakes trying to adjust it. Having read the manga I know the anime diverge a lot from it and the character are very different in terms of behaviour but it was good to have two different interpretation of the story. Interestingly enough the manga had a lot of more creepy and horror-like elements (as it was showed in some previous posts) and the author really was fixated on cyborgs. If I remember correctly, the initial idea for Ami was for her to be a cyborg (maybe all the references from Robocop are a remainder to the initial concepts?), an idea that was then used for Hotaru.
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I've never been a major Sailor Scout fan personally, but I have a family member who loves it more....hell, more than anything. She learned enough Japanese and saved up her whole life just to go to Japan last year, to find all the merch she can't get here.

Apparently there's a stage musical tour here in North America, and it's right around her birthday soooo maybe I'll be more of a mega-fan after seeing them live?
I also used to pick up Mixx Zine that was like an attempt at a Shonen Jump-style publication in the US, probably around that same time. I remember it having Sailor Moon, Parasyte, and two other series I can't recall... Ice something? It was cool because the pages were colored. Not like colored like a comic, but black in on yellow or pink pages. I think Mixx went on to rebrand as Tokyopop, not sure.

: puts on nerd glasses : MixxZine included Ice Blade by Tsutomu Takahashi. Today, I learned this series ran for 19 books in Japan with the title Jiraishin. It's been localized in Germany, Italy, and South Korea.

Years ago, I heard that 1990s shoujo demographic magazines were printed in different colors. So today, I did an image search to see if I could find any examples. Here's two Sailor Moon pages from an eBay seller who is offering five Nakayoshi magazine issues. Here's a page of Naoko Takeuchi's The Cherry Project on Pinterest.

Finally, I remember the moment when MixxZine was rebranded as Tokyopop magazine. It was abrupt. All the Mixx branded books went out of print, and the company never used the old name again.

Sorry if this seems like me yelling WELL ACTUALLY. ::agree
: puts on nerd glasses : MixxZine included Ice Blade by Tsutomu Takahashi. Today, I learned this series ran for 19 books in Japan with the title Jiraishin. It's been localized in Germany, Italy, and South Korea.
Ice BLADE, yes! Also Magic Knight Rayearth, which I totally forgot about. That was probably what introduced me to MKR and so I got that Saturn game back then.
Hey Sailor Moon fans, are you interested in some moon memes?
Or do anyone wanna discuss on Sailor Moon S's monster-of-the-week design?
What other IP would you LOVE to see Sailor Moon get a crossover with?

I have a few picks.

Kamen Rider
Yu-Gi-Oh! (any of them)
Teen Titans
Power Rangers/Super Sentai
Kingdom Hearts
Persona (any of them)
I remember it used to come on Toonami back in the day but I didn't really watch it but kept on as background noise.

Until last year I watched it out of curiosity and was immediately hooked.

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