Pick 5 "Desert Island Games"!


Contrarian Extraordinaire
Level 3
Dec 9, 2024
Reaction score
A trend that pops up every once and a while is to ask the question "what are your Desert Island *blank*". The question is a what-if scenario, where you're stuck on an island and can only bring X amount of Y type of media. In this case, you get up to 5 video games!

Rules are as follows:
1. No internet connection is available so online components can't be accessed. I will say as a mercy that the latest update for your game of choice is available (so if a game had a bad launch or had a ton of DLC, you can have the final version with all DLC). If you REALLY wanna pick an online-only game like an MMO then go for it, I just knew that if I allowed online games my list would be dominated by MMOs so I decided it was unfair.
2. No compilations. Games that happen to have other games available on the kart (Metroid Zero Mission having the original Metroid as a bonus, for example) are allowed, but explicit compilations like Super Mario All Stars, Sega Genesis Collections etc are not allowed.
3. If you want, you can assume you have at least 2-3 friends stranded with you so if a party game is something you'd choose if you had company, there ya go!

(if anyone else feels these rules are too restrictive or have extra stipulations they'd like to add, feel free to mention it when giving your personal list. I made these rules as a guideline, but you can make your own!)


For mine, I'd go with the following 5!

Screenshot 2025-01-21 00-47-36.png

Sonic Adventure 2: Incredible gamefeel, (mostly) fantastic level design and a phenomenal story make this an easy pick for Sonic. You have 3 gameplay styles for variety, multiple minigames to unlock, tons of emblems to chase and an addicting chao mode. Hundreds of hours worth of gameplay just to 100% a single file and thanks to the variety and addicting nature of the game, by the time I max out my emblem count I'll want to jump right back in and start from scratch. I've spent countless hours speedrunning the base game, shooting for high scores on specific levels and jumping through hoops to breed specific chao types to get the coolest little buddies possible. Wildest part is I have still barely scratched the surface of what the game can offer after hundreds of hours spent on it over the years.

Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age: One of the greatest JRPG stories of all time coupled with one of my favorite battle systems ever made it my go-to RPG. FFX may be my all time favorite game, but FFXII is a game I haven't replayed over and over like I have FFX. While both have tons of endgame content and stellar battle/progression systems full of replay value, I feel XII being both a lesser-known quantity to me and a slightly meatier package make it the better choice overall.

Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled: The greatest single player kart racer of all time, period. This is another game that benefits from my "Game uses the latest update" rule because over the year it was supported it got new characters, tracks, modes and ghost challenges to complete. Between the incredible depth the mechanics provide to the absurd variety in gameplay for single player, I'll never be wanting for another racing game.

Vanquish: I played this game so much on PS3/360 that by the time the game came out on Xbox One/PS4 via a remaster I hit the 600k score club for a Hard Mode full playthrough, and I'm still #1 on the leaderboards 5 years later. I adore this game and while it is definitely the skimpiest on my list in terms of content, it is so endlessly replayable that I don't mind. Between high score chasing and self-imposed challenge runs I could probably plug more hours into this than almost any other game on this list. Quite literally a perfect game from front to back as far as I'm concerned.

Resident Evil Remake: This was the toughest choice. The other 4 games were guaranteed right from the start, but the 5th option haunted me for a while. What's more is even once I settled upon Resident Evil I still couldn't decide which game to go with. Ultimately I chose to go with the Remake of 1, over 3 on the Dreamcast or 4 on current-gen consoles. It really is just a perfect game and while I'll miss the replayability of Mercenaries mode from 3 and 4, the core game of Remake is my absolute favorite Resi to play over and over again. I actually almost decided to go with the Saturn version of Resi 1 for all the extra bonus challenges it had that no other version got, but Remake is just such a better game pound for pound that I wouldn't miss it too much.

Honorable mentions would be Monster Hunter Freedom Unite/Generations Ultimate, Super Monkey Ball and Star Ocean: The Last Hope
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Trails in the sky 1-3
Crossbell duo

Without any internet guides, these games would take a massive amount of time. So long that I might forget enough of the first game to be able to replay it reasonably fresh. Infinite replayability hack 😎
Honestly didn't even know that there were Crossbell games! It's so weird that despite how much I adore Sky 1 I've not touched a single other Trails game. I'll have to get on that asap!
Honestly didn't even know that there were Crossbell games! It's so weird that despite how much I adore Sky 1 I've not touched a single other Trails game. I'll have to get on that asap!
They didn’t get official English translations until pretty recently. Highly highly recommend. I fell off the wagon later but I thought all of those are amazing
Dragon Ball Z Budokai AF (romhack)
This is actually a sick pick. I wish I had thought of it!

A good degree of replayability on this one while also being ridiculously fun to play either alone or co-op (in the case that I wasn't stranded alone) and it has enough content to keep me entertained for a while. Plenty of weapons, different classes with different mechanics to learn and you can play it offline.​


Both Tetris and Puyo are games that are easy to understand but notoriously hard to master with a skill-ceiling that is as high as some of the scores that people can get on it. This features the best of both worlds and mixes them together. I realize that no online means that certain game modes aren't accessible but that's a sacrifice I am willing to make here.​


Well you didn't mention anything about no games where you make your own games like Smile Basic or Wario Ware DIY, so I am going with this one as one of my potential picks, I might eventually get seriously bored with the other titles so a Switch game that lets me make my own games using Basic might be something I'd get into out of sheer boredom.​
  • Songs of Syx
This is a seriously complex and equally entertaining civilization/settlement building and management game which also happens to have mod support so I could ideally mod it to my liking if thats something I am technically allowed to do. I highly recommend this title too, so check it out.​


A fantastic 3D platformer with tight controls and charming visuals, it just feels great to control Hat Kid and traverse the environments of this game. Also has mod support so I am technically maybe capable of creating my own content for it (?)​
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- Sid Meier's Pirates for C64: replayable and I like this version best
- PSO Episode I&II Plus for GC: I would like to get level 200 legit, having only 5 games would give me the time to do so
-Either Hexcells Infinite or some version of Tetris, so I have a puzzle game, but not both
- Final Fantasy VII: I've always wanted to do one of those wild perfect game files with Vincent's overflow and whatnot, so another game where I'd benefit from having less choice
- if the island has CDs scattered around, I'd bring vib-ribbon because I love it. If it doesn't, then Test Drive Unlimited because I liked riding around exploring the map.
Very interesting topic!
All right, let's see.


MHGU: My favorite in the franchise and has a ludicrous amount of content. Would surely keep me busy.


Sonic 3 Complete (romhack): The perfected version of my favorite Sonic game. Integrates S&K, restores the intended level details and corrects sprite errors.


Desktop Dungeons Enhanced Edition: My favorite puzzle/roguelike hybrid. Again an insane amount of replayability here. Despite there being a modern remake, the 2013 original is vastly superior because of a mod called Extreme Edition (assume it installed).


Streets of Rage Remake: The culmination of the classic beat em up series Sega should have given us but didn't, then denied fans when they outdid them. Upgraded graphics, mechanics, original stages and modular built in creation tools make for the ultimate beat 'em up bonanza.


Berserk and the Band of the Hawk: My favorite Musou game something that by nature can generate a good deal of distraction by long term engagement. The subject matter is obviously the strongest hook, here.
Rage praising a musou? Are you sure you’re the same rage I know and love? If so, good. As a helplessly unapologetic musou nutjob, I’m happy.
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Oh yeah, why complete over AIR? I’m curious
I guess I respect the romhack more for being able to do so much within the limits of the original game, but AIR is certainly a worthy substitute.

As for BatBotH, it's super solid and doesn't have a bunch of Chinese randos fighting LOL. More seriously, though, I feel it's a nice homage to the series. The HnK Musou is also one I enjoy.

I need to give Desktop Dungeons a go, that looks right up my alley.

I think you'll love it. As I mentioned, go for the 2013 version and install Extreme Edition, it allows for mechanical improvements and the fixing of development quirks that the original dev never bothered to fix and even calls features. As you can imagine, I'm not well liked on their server for calling him out on some nonsensical design choices.
I think you'll love it. As I mentioned, go for the 2013 version and install Extreme Edition, it allows for mechanical improvements and the fixing of development quirks that the original dev never bothered to fix and even calls features. As you can imagine, I'm not well liked on their server for calling him out on some nonsensical design choices.

"even calls features"
That's hilarious, I've noted your suggestions and I will most likely download it soon so I don't forget about it.
1. Crash Team Racing. (might try Nitro-fueled, don't have console for it)
2. Baldur's Gate 3. Act 1 is the size of several Bioware games.
3. Final Fantasy Tactics: WOTL.
4. whatever Tekken has most content at the time. Tag 2? 7? 8 w/ upcoming DLC?
5. Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate.

My most played non-fighting games for this decade were Mass Effect Legendary and Tomb Raider Remastered, but they're compilations. TBH, a more practical choice is something like MUGEN, OpenBOR, or MAME and other emulator bundles for a "game" that can last maximum stretch of time, but it's agaisnt the rules, i.e. full romset for ALL 8 and 16-bit consoles takes less space than BG3 alone!
1. Crash Team Racing. (might try Nitro-fueled, don't have console for it)
2. Baldur's Gate 3. Act 1 is the size of several Bioware games.
3. Final Fantasy Tactics: WOTL.
4. whatever Tekken has most content at the time. Tag 2? 7? 8 w/ upcoming DLC?
5. Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate.

My most played non-fighting games for this decade were Mass Effect Legendary and Tomb Raider Remastered, but they're compilations. TBH, a more practical choice is something like MUGEN, OpenBOR, or MAME and other emulator bundles for a "game" that can last maximum stretch of time, but it's agaisnt the rules, i.e. full romset for ALL 8 and 16-bit consoles takes less space than BG3 alone!
Nitro Fueled requires an internet connection to unlock anything
shit man that's a hard question to answer. ill do my best though

Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike would probably be one of the first ones i take, and for one simple reason. it'd force me to get better at that game, and fighting games in general. i could also work towards getting the MSF rank someday, as well as unlocking Gill, if im playing the ps2 version.

N++ is one im stealing from someone on starmen.net who had to answer this question, but that's cuz its a good one. N++ has SO many levels, like it's an insane amount. it'd give me SO much to do, as well as having a level editor and custom levels, if this desert island happens to have an internet connection.

The Binding Of Isaac is kind of a boring answer that i see a lot, so lemme mix this one up a bit. i'd take the flash version specifically, because that version is WAY harder in my opinion. plus, the Eternal difficulty gives me a new challenge i didn't really have to deal with when i played rebirth.

UFO 50 is a newer game, but i think its like the PERFECT desert island game. it's 50 in one!! and all of them are GOOD!!

Doshin the Giant is my last game, because i wanted something weird to cap things off. it also happens to be the only 3D game i chose for this list, so if i want any kind of 3D platformer, guess i'm outta luck. Doshin has you working towards building a full list of monuments, so it'd be a good game to grind out every so often.

honorable mention to Crush for PSP, i would have chosen that one if i hadn't already played it to death and committed all of the puzzle solutions to memory. if i could theoretically lose all of my memory upon arriving on this island, i'd replace Doshin with Crush.
As for BatBotH, it's super solid and doesn't have a bunch of Chinese randos fighting LOL.
Nay, I’m not tolerating this cultural stander. The three kingdoms era is one of the most important and interesting historical periods ever studied. There’s a reason it’s constantly celebrated. I know you meant no disrespect to China, but this reductive remark I won’t let slide. Sorry.
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Nitro Fueled requires an internet connection to unlock anything
Seems this is why it wasn't ported to PC? Too easy to CreamAPI that thing.

Original CTR was first game I installed along with emulator as everybody I knew played it, good times! I wish the new one actually got a version that doesn't make you spend a fortune on DLCs and microtransactions.
Nitro Fueled requires an internet connection to unlock anything
This is true but it still comes wirh everything PS1 did on top of all the Nitro Kart tracks on disc. You just won't be able to get new characters or cosmetics via the rotating shop. While there are certain control differences for astute players, Nitro Fueled as a base package has more or less double the content even when you ignore the tracks, modes and dev ghosts they added post-launch (for free). It was so dumb of them to even tie wumpa coins to online to begin with, but unless the base roster of PS1 CTR doesn't appeal to you there is nothing you need from the shop. Its "just" cosmetics.

The sadder part is that when you just play the game you earn wumpa coins so quickly that the idea of spending money on it feels totally unnecessary. Activision just shoved em in there to be dicks, as per usual.

Dark Souls 1
Dragon Ball Z Budokai AF (romhack)
Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3: Anime War (romhack)

Yes I’m serious with these picks lol
I think your list is far more reasonable than you assume. I wouldn't bat an eye at any of these pics!

Could be many, but 5 it isView attachment 15510
Dope to see someone prioritize handhelds so much with their choices! Donkey Kong 94 is such an amazing game that everyone deserves to try out because it is so much more than what you think it will be when you see the front of the box.
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Dope to see someone prioritize handhelds so much with their choices! Donkey Kong 94 is such an amazing game that everyone deserves to try out because it is so much more than what you think it will be when you see the front of the box.
That's so true! It is so different and so great at introducing so many new things that would make it's way into their first 3D platformer, Super Mario 64

Also yeah I just love handheld games, handheld are KINGS
Worth noting DK64 now has a character switching mod which really enhances the game.
Mine would be games with very long campaigns / high replayability.

Deus Ex 1.

Panic Bomber!

Baseball 9.

International Super Star Soccer Deluxe.

Test Drive Unlimited.

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