I'd really just say an overreliance on "chosen one" type stories. Games take the all-to-common chosen one story and crank up the pandering to new heights by having every character fawn over you as the player specifically. It makes me uncomfortable and endlessly groan, surely no one is lame enough to want the game to endlessly praise their mediocrity ALL THE TIME without merit right?
For me, it's forced tutorials. I also hate crappy D-PAD layouts (The car racing mission in the Genesis' Toy Story release / walking in the original Resident Evil, etc.).
That item that is only useful for one or two quests but you can't get rid off once done, especially if the game lacks an storage mechanic, or in the contrary that item that you will need but you AREN'T PREVENTED OF SELLING forcing you to in more charitative cases having to buy or farm for the thing(s) again or in worst cases locking you of the ending you wanted
Breakable weapons, don't care if they add inmersion or tension, all they add in my book is wasting your time upgrading something that will break like any startgame weapon, this is why i hate Dark Cloud 1 and one of the few gripes i have with BOTW/TOTK
Hypocrital moral based endings, AKA when you aren't allowedd to punish the character that tried to kill you because you will lose the good ending only obtainable with pacifism, irking is in Undertale Yellow where
Ceroba, the Pacifist final route, can be killed, but that leads to a lacking ending compared to sparing her, ¿The hipocrisy? SHE TRIES TO KILL YOU TO FIX HER OWN MISTAKE, granted, you end up giving her and the entirity of Monsterkind hope if you spare her, but... no
Barely rewarding hard sidequests, in EO1 there is a sidequest where you should stay FIVE DAYS in one floor, not in a strata, FLOOR, time only advance with steps, so my only way to beat it is to cheese it in a three tile aisle without enemies (As fun as you expect) ¿The reward for your troubles? A WEAKASS STAFF THAT DOESN'T EVEN BOOSTS INT, MAKING IT USELESS EVEN AS MAGIC CLASS IMPROVER
Redundant tutorials, i don't mind them teaching the unique gimmick, but stuff like "PrESs A TO ReaD TUtoRIAls LikE THIs OnE" makes my blood boil, i prefer more diegetic natural ones like BOTW's great Platea where you have to find your way before being able to leave or the famous 1-1 in OG super Mario
The typical "Hello, i am a wuby luby game I LIED I AM A HORROR GAME WITH ADULT METAPHORS AND BIBLES OF LORE OR SOMETHING FUCK YOU" it was original in Eversion, nowadays the poor horse at this point is liquid
I'd really just say an overreliance on "chosen one" type stories. Games take the all-to-common chosen one story and crank up the pandering to new heights by having every character fawn over you as the player specifically. It makes me uncomfortable eland endlessly groan, surely no one is lame enough to want the game to endlessly praise their mediocrity ALL THE TIME without merit right?
I do have to say I enjoy it when stories play with The Chosen One concept. Like Dark Souls 1, where your Chosen Undead is just being buttered up and played to uphold the status quo.
The typical "Hello, i am a wuby luby game I LIED I AM A HORROR GAME WITH ADULT METAPHORS AND BIBLES OF LORE OR SOMETHING FUCK YOU" it was original in Eversion, nowadays the poor horse at this point is liquid
Ngl, this actually pisses me off more than it probably should, but it's probably because the market is so saturated with "what if cute child-like thing...BUT ACTUALLY HORROR" things that it's disgusting.
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