Opinions on the ranma remake?

I think it looks ugly as sin, I’m afraid. The colours are really awful and pastel (they kind of make my eyes water), the character designs have that chubby, plushy, overly-simplistic look that all modern anime does, and they even took out the nudity, unforgivably! The show just looks atrocious, and I’m sure it’s far, far worse than the original. (Not that I’ve seen it, I have no need to sit through 20 minutes of this slop.)

Why are they remaking all these shows if they’re not able to meet, let alone exceed, the quality of the source material!? The answer, of course, is because there’s no talent left in the 2020s anime industry. Rumiko and every other mangaka who was popular four decades ago should retire on a beach somewhere and spend the rest of their lives drunk.
I think it looks ugly as sin, I’m afraid. The colours are really awful and pastel (they kind of make my eyes water), the character designs have that chubby, plushy, overly-simplistic look that all modern anime does, and they even took out the nudity, unforgivably! The show just looks atrocious, and I’m sure it’s far, far worse than the original. (Not that I’ve seen it, I have no need to sit through 20 minutes of this slop.)

Why are they remaking all these shows if they’re not able to meet, let alone exceed, the quality of the source material!? The answer, of course, is because there’s no talent left in the 2020s anime industry. Rumiko and every other mangaka who was popular four decades ago should retire on a beach somewhere and spend the rest of their lives drunk.
you should hate more stuff
Please make a hate essay on KH please 🙏 we’ll be buds beyond forever
Hum, i was going to watch the remake when i had time because i saw the original and loved it. This post made me go take a better look at it and i dont know about the dialog, if is about the same or not, things tend to be sanitized alot these days. But honestly i much prefer the original art style. There is something about the handmade animations from 80s and 90s that really appeals to me!
I think it looks ugly as sin, I’m afraid. The colours are really awful and pastel (they kind of make my eyes water), the character designs have that chubby, plushy, overly-simplistic look that all modern anime does, and they even took out the nudity, unforgivably! The show just looks atrocious, and I’m sure it’s far, far worse than the original. (Not that I’ve seen it, I have no need to sit through 20 minutes of this slop.)

Why are they remaking all these shows if they’re not able to meet, let alone exceed, the quality of the source material!? The answer, of course, is because there’s no talent left in the 2020s anime industry. Rumiko and every other mangaka who was popular four decades ago should retire on a beach somewhere and spend the rest of their lives drunk.
Literally my thoughts. And I feel the same about most of these recent remakes, like the Urusei Yatsura one.
Its a nostalgia cash grab. Inferior to the original. Just like all the other "remakes"...
Eh it’s not that bad
Unfortunately when it comes to remakes "its not that bad" is an abject admission of failure. A remake will always be compared with its source material and if its at least not on par then its at best pointless at worst it directly damages the original. People tend to always go after the most "recent" version of things, even if they are not the best, so when a newer remake presents some kind of regression it might damage the brand overall.

Think FF7 before and after all the supplementary material(Advent Children, Dirge of Cerberus...). Before the supplementary material nobody really thought of Cloud as a emo wannabe. After it suddenly became his most defining characteristic. Remakes and sequels do affect the overall perception of the whole product. There is nothing to be done about that, its human nature.
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Unfortunately when it comes to remakes "its not that bad" is a abject admission of failure. A remake will always be compared with its source material and if its at least not on par then its at best pointless at worst it directly damages the original. People tend to always go after the most "recent" version of things, even if they are not the best, so when a newer remake presents some kind of regression it might damage the brad overall.

Think FF7 before and after all the supplementary material(Advent Children, Dirge of Cerberus...). Before the supplementary material nobody really thought of Cloud as a emo wannabe. After it suddenly became his most defining characteristic. Remakes and sequels do affect the overall perception of the whole product. There is nothing to be done about that, its human nature.

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