been mentioned here already but fire emblem echoes: shadows of valentia is soooo good. way better now that you can obtain all of the dlc very easily, unlocking all of the classes & adding some other content.
I still haven't finished it but of the 3ds fire emblem games this is my fav in terms of art direction, character designs (thank u Hidari) & writing. Everything feels just a bit less whimsical and a bit more grounded in a way that fits the series imo.
The gameplay is pretty different than most the other emblem games from being able to navigate dungeons & towns to revised combat mechanics based of the nes original (no weapon triangle, bows shoot further, equipment levels & abilities, etc)
Still on fire emblem, i also recommend the english translation of
New Mystery of the Emblem, which aside being the first game with main character customization, also comes packed with remakes of the
BS fire emblem Archanea chronicles scenarios from the 90s which you can access from the main menu. (doesnt have the campy voice acting of the original but still very cool)
lastly, and maybe this is a nostalgia pick bcus i played this a lot as a kid,
From the Abyss. fun little diablo esque hack n slash with a gimmick of unlocking spells/skills thru absorbing the ones enemies are flinging at you. Story isnt much but you can have pink hair and swing a sword around and at 10 years old what more could you possibly want in a game?