Xdqwerty, I normally wouldn't comment on these things even if I watch this thread but people wear three faces, one for the world, one for friends and family, and one you keep to yourself. You would be surprised just how many of us are feeling upset, and I don't mean to diminish how you feel but at a glance over your profiles (because you spoke about dying which was worrying) you're only a teenager. It's really tough at your age for a lot of people, don't wish harm on yourself because of how things are now.
Take it from someone that's come very close to dying, once you get a taste of it you realize that actually, you REALLY don't want that. You don't. The only way your life can get better is if you start working on improving yourself.. If you're struggling with being social, I recommend a book that really helped me by "How to Win Friends and Influence People" - by Dale Carnegie. It sounds like a silly self help book but it will honestly help you out in social situations, it's very well researched and there's a reason it's been a best seller since it released in 1936. It sounds stupid but if you apply the principles they work. I have aspergers too, so I know how hard it is to understand other people.