Mega Man 2 - A Flawed Adventure with Plenty to Offer!


We continue our series of Mega Man reviews with none other than the sequel itself! Mega Man 2 follows up on what’s been established already while making some interesting tweaks, such as giving Robot Masters more than one weakness!

However, multiple other, somewhat questionable, tweaks were also made. For reference, our previous review went into great detail about enemies. This may not be present here. Because enemies in Mega Man 2 are a shockingly huge downgrade from 1, having far more basic and uninspired patterns that are nowhere near as memorable or interesting to dissect. Unfortunately, this may become a theme. Because the different weakness structure isn’t the only thing influencing this review, but also the frankly inferior weapon selection.

Rockman 2 is a game with a lot to unpack, so let’s not waste time. A route with the new weakness chain in mind will be considered here. We’re also shifting the format a bit, instead of images for the robot masters, we’re linking videos. It should be a workaround for the attachment limit and should provide you with a few neat remixes. I’d say we’re all winners today. Without further ado, onto the review!

Flash Man​

Flash Man is actually a better starting point than people give him credit for. Plus, since this order wants to maximize the use of the Mega Man 2’s admittedly lackluster weapon selection, it’s useful to try and get Quick Boomerang as soon as you can.
some Sniper Armors may give you trouble but… that’s it. Yeah get used to Mega Man 2’s underwhelming levels be a recurring theme today!

You Got - Time Stopper!​


Time Stopper isn’t as bad as people say, it’s actually worse. Jokes aside, the weapon is a joke. No, for real, there’s only a few specific instances where it’s handy (outside of Quick Man, who’s next on the list). Those instances include stopping a few not-so-friendly Frienders in Wood Man stage, stopping the Goblins in Air Man stage and Press in Metal Man’s… That’s it.

Let’s just move on.

Quick Man​

With Time Stopper in your repertoire, this stage should be a cinch. Ignoring the out-of-place Changkey Makers, there’s some Sniper Armors at the end but they won’t pose a thread once you have Air Shooter, which one-shots them.

You might already know about the lasers. It’s up to you whether you choose to use Time Stopper on them or save them for Quick Man. I wouldn’t blame you either way with how finicky the lasers are, as with everything in this game.

You Got - Quick Boomerang!​


A mediocre weapon by the franchise’s general standards but fantastic within the context of Mega Man 2, and possibly the second best. It’s fantastic for taking out specific enemies and nice to have as early as possible. Will also make Metal Man’s stage, who’s next on the list, much more of a breeze.

Metal Man​

Metal Man’s is the first stage after Quick Man’s where Time Stopper comes into play. As soon as you start, immediately use it to stop the Presses (their hit box can be quite weird so it’s definitely worth it) and you’re already off to a great start. Grab the E-tank if you want. Afterwords, you’ve a few annoying Moles, and then some Pierbots which you can take out with the Quick Boomerang!

Then comes Blocky, he’s the reason we’re playing on Hard aside from the fact it’s, y’know, the intended way to play. Blocky is only annoying when he catches you off-guard so don’t worry, a lot of us find him a bit silly.

You Got - Metal Blade!​


Metal Blade shoots upwards and diagonally, and has low ammo consumption. It lacks hit-power though, so if you want to one-shot enemies like Sniper Armors, use Air Shooter if you have it. This weapon should also help give you a more dynamic weakness chain, due to Mega Man 2’s unique weapon weakness system.

Wood Man​


Wood Man is our first display of MM2’s multiple weakness system. Normally, Wood Man is weak to Atomic Fire, but why on earth would you torture your ears with the charging sound?

Woodman has a relatively dynamic stage. We already mentioned you can use Time Stopper to bypass Frienders, but you can use Pipis to refill weapon ammo!

Wood Man himself is a terrible fight, but with his weakness he should be no problem.

You Got - Leaf Shield!​


Despite Leaf Shield being slightly better than people give it credit, it’s still terrible compared to even the tiny shield Fire Storm gave you in Mega Man 1. Still, MM2 isn’t without sections where you’ll need it and being able to shoot it is still helpful! When it’s not being deflected, that is…

Air Man​

What, you can’t beat airman? Don’t be silly! This guy is pretty easy! IT’s recommended you use Time Stopper on Goblins if you’re not confident about tackling them head on. Kaminari Goros will also pose no threat to you now that you have the Leaf Shield. You can also use Pipis later on to charge weapon ammo, so ammo management shouldn’t be an issue for you.

You Got - Air Shooter!​


Sniper Armors will no longer pose a threat to you! And a couple of other enemies too. Air Shooter really packs a punch and should make our next target a breeze. Onto Clash Man!

Crash Man​

Crash Man, known as Clash Man in Japan, is actually one of this author’s favorite stages in this game! Well, with so many duds, there was bound to be a few correct steps.

Don’t be shy of using Leaf Shield to take out Telly enemies. They’re also fantastic for farming. Pipis return once more but they pose no threat. Clash Man has also a relatively easy pattern.

You Got - Crash Bomb!​


You’ve actually already missed out on the biggest use for this if you’ve already beaten Flash Man, but it’s ok, it wasn’t gonna be that useful anyways. You’ve already acquired all your essentials, Clash Bomb is just an inferior version of all the other weapons in the game and a cause for many well-deserved criticisms later on.

It’s quite hard to think of something interesting to say to hey, did you know Clash Man and Flash Man only have one different letter? Hyadain made a joke about this.

Bubble Man​


Cards on the table, Bubble Man is easily this author’s favorite robot master from the game. Sorry Metal Man. How can I not pick him? He completely sold me on his tragic backstory.

It’s actually really tough picking a favorite track in Mega Man 2, as they’re all beautifully composed by Takashi Tateishi. But there’s a special place in this Author’s heart for Bubble Man. Hyadain did a fantastic job of recontextualizing it as sad and tragic track. And for that, I truly appreciate it.

You Got - Bubble Lead!​


I’d rather not be hard on my buddy, Bubble Man. But the arc Bubble Lead shoots in is quite awkward, and you already have Air Shooter for hard-hitting stuff. Not to mention, Mega Man 2 is such a generous game with its weapon consumption that you’ll never run into issue where you need it.

Heat Man​


The final of the eight robots. Sadly, Heat Man leaves a lot to be desired. Now, as someone who doesn’t really find the disappearing block puzzles to be as hard as people make them out to be, there’s still no real purpose in taking them head on when Item 2 bypasses it all.

You Got - Atomic Fire!​


Hello again, Super Arm! What, think I’m exaggerating? Atomic Fire can only be fired a whopping total of 2 times. Shoot too early and you’ve got a pathetic little fireball that makes Dan Hibiki blush.

Super Arm, we were too hard on you. At least you didn’t have a screeching charge sound effect!

Final Notes 📝

While Mega Man 2 offers a lot of unique quirks, such as a dynamic weakness chain unique to this entry, but MM2 sadly fails to deliver on a lot of qualities that make Mega Man interesting. The enemy patterns are far more braindead and resemble something Inti Creates would make in MM9-10, because they unfortunately used this game as basis. The weapon selection and level design does not give you a lot to praise and latch onto.

Mega Man 2 was made in the devs’ free time, so it has a feeling of being “unfinished” similar to what you find in MM1 and 3, and while you can absolutely toss that critique towards those two, the reason they get away with it is because 1 and 3 are just more interesting and more fun to go through. They’ve a far superior wraps selection that easily blows 2’s out of the water any time of the day and the levels, while similarly short, offer way more variety and things to actually tackle that are unique and interesting. Enemies with legitimate patterns, gimmicks that do offer a unique puzzle. MM2 gives you very little. I can remember the entirety of MM2 like the back of my hand not necessarily because it’s memorable in and of itself, but because the game is so barebones and has little to offer besides a few neat concepts.

While it was fun to tackle this, we can at least reassure readers that the worst is over (well, until we get to Mega Man 8), from here on out, it all goes up from here.

The format for these reviews is still somewhat being experimental. It was really fun coming up with solutions to issues that were present in the MM1 review, we hope you had a good time today! Look forward to the eventual reviews of Mega Man 3 through 6, and hopefully even further beyond if we could manage! With all that said, the review concludes here and we’re now moving to the score tally. Do you have any memories of Mega Man 2? Toss a Clash Bomb in the comment section below!
  • + Unique weakness system
  • + Phenomenal soundtrack by Takashi Tateishi
  • + A few memorable bosses
  • + A few fun stages
  • + Some fun weapons
  • - Weapon balance is all over the place
  • - Weakness system makes no sense
  • - Lackluster stage design
  • - Uninteresting enemies
  • - The three new items are mostly forgettable
  • - A few tracks can feel a bit repetitive
Mega Man 2 is a step down in almost every regard here. Weapons, enemies, stages, etc.
While similarly pleasing as MM1, MM2 suffers from uninteresting layouts and out-of-place enemies. Stages either have a weird identity or none at all. (Ice physics with Flash Man? Really?)
There’s so little to piece from what 2 gives you. Mega Man fights 8 more robots… and that’s it.
Undeniably great, can’t sleep on Takashi’s scores.
Out of the six NES games, I dread replying this one the most. But it’s at least quick and easy to get done.
out of 10
Mega Man 2 gave us a lot to remember, multiple weaknesses, fantastic music and robot masters, it’s just such a shame that it was not only a downgrade from 1, but each NES game after it is a gigantic upgrade in fun replayabilty.
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The more I read the article the more relieved I am I never played Megaman 2! I've always heard it was kind of bad but I'm convinced I really don't want to play it now, nice article it's always fun to read what you have to write about. I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts on 3!
Mega Man 2 is actually very good, definitely much better than the first game, there's a reason why this game is more iconic than the first one.
And that reason is that a lot of boomers played it when they were kids, correct? /j

Well, it depends on what we are comparing against. If it is the whole series, them maybe 2 isn't that hot by comparison. But as far as NES games goes, it was a very high quality game. Probably in the Top 100 of NES games.
Well, it depends on what we are comparing against. If it is the whole series, them maybe 2 isn't that hot by comparison. But as far as NES games goes, it was a very high quality game. Probably in the Top 100 of NES games.
I don’t wanna go overboard with the critique since I don’t wanna intentionally knock down the game or anything, but if I made a top 100 nes games, MM2 wouldn’t be on it although tbf that’s because I love a lot of NES games no one seems to care about. I would kinda love to talk about it one day but obviously at a different topic. I think I’ll probably stay away from top tens for some time.
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All part of the plan to get this over with ASAP
At least Mega Man 2 doesn't have the Yellow Devil, which makes it superior to the first game.
tbh I have to agree here. As the most diehard MM1 defender, yellow devil is something I can take or leave.
I forgot, but check out The Megas, they have some sick rock covers of MM2 and 3's OST

They also did covers of MM1's with Entertainment System
Already did! Loved what you linked last time!
I have a Metal Man tattoo on my shoulder. One of the most nostalgic games ever for me. Is it overrated, yes, but the soundtrack is still amazing and I have fond memories of renting it right before Christmas break and getting the NES advantage for Christmas, which made the game actually beatable for an 8 year old. It still holds up as one of the most replayable NES games for me.
I have a Metal Man tattoo on my shoulder. One of the most nostalgic games ever for me. Is it overrated, yes, but the soundtrack is still amazing and I have fond memories of renting it right before Christmas break and getting the NES advantage for Christmas, which made the game actually beatable for an 8 year old. It still holds up as one of the most replayable NES games for me.
That’s pretty sick, friend. I don’t I’ll ever get a tattoo, for religious reasons, but I have a distant admiration for them so you get my thumbs up 👍
It was clearly tongue in cheek. No need to take offense to it.
Oh no that’s not it, it’s just a difference in attitude I guess? If someone disliked a game I like, I tend to not really engage, when I see someone being mocked for disliking a game someone else likes, guess you could say it’s just a vibe I don’t know how to read. I’m also a lot drier in article threads compared to the other threads so that’s also another thing on my end.
Wasn’t fully commenting on you or anything, sorry if it sounded like that. Nothing but friendly words from me.
You’re good 👍
Oh no that’s not it, it’s just a difference in attitude I guess? If someone disliked a game I like, I tend to not really engage, when I see someone being mocked for disliking a game someone else likes, guess you could say it’s just a vibe I don’t know how to read. I’m also a lot drier in article threads compared to the other threads so that’s also another thing on my end.
Wasn’t fully commenting on you or anything, sorry if it sounded like that. Nothing but friendly words from me.

Fair. I can come off that way at times. I didn't mean to mock anyone. I just have a sarcastic type of humor, from my upbringing I guess. It can be cultural or generational? Not sure if people still joke that way. In any case, 99% of the time I don't mean to insult anyone. And I don't mind discussing with others who disagree with me.

To be fair, what Fake said could be construed as being rude as well. I don't think he was intending to do so, I generally assume no rude intentions. But that's part of the internet experience, hard to read jokes or intent. I just wanted to make a jokey comment and stick up for my fellow Metal Man fans.
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Game Cover

Game Info

  • Game: Mega Man 2
  • Publisher: Capcom
  • Developer: Capcom
  • Genres: Platformer
  • Release: 1988

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