I just had a talk with someone who about one of my favorite games Déraciné. They said they hadn't played the game in years and had honestly forgotten about it, thanking me for reminding them. This made me think. Granted the human memory is a fickle f**k, and so much goes on in our lives throughout the years that take precidence in our mind above novelties like videogames... but the thought of forgetting something that has brought you such an amazing narrative experience full of emotion, is a depressing thought indeed. But it's not just videogames. You could have a joyful experience with anything, be truly happy in that one moment... and then over time forget about the thing that made you happy.
Don't really know where I'm going with this other than trying to be deep and philosophical. But I guess I just wanted to share this thought with the rest of ya'll and maybe make you aware that perhaps there are things YOU have unknowningly forgotten about, that once filled you with joy? Maybe also make you aware to be extra careful to NOT forget the things that give you joy here and now.
Don't really know where I'm going with this other than trying to be deep and philosophical. But I guess I just wanted to share this thought with the rest of ya'll and maybe make you aware that perhaps there are things YOU have unknowningly forgotten about, that once filled you with joy? Maybe also make you aware to be extra careful to NOT forget the things that give you joy here and now.