Request I will play *all* your 3DS recommendations.

You are looking for a game
A few that popped into my head:
Starfox 64
Kid Icarus Uprising
Ace Attorney (Literally the entire main series Is on there)
Rhythm thief
Devil survivor overclocked
Warioware gold
Kirby: Planet robobot
Shantae and the pirate's curse

If we're also going with other emulators on the 3DS:
Dragon Quest 5
Ghost trick
Hotel dusk
Last window
Fire emblem Shadow dragon
Mother trilogy
Kuru kuru kuru
Elite beat agentes
Kirby superstar ultra

Also, try out the Red Viper emulator if you wanna play Virtual boy games like Jack bros and other virtual boy games that aren't Jack bros.
I think I've just bit off more than I can chew...
The total list is nearly 100 games to play

But you know what? Keep em coming regardless.
Post automatically merged:

"Are you really gonna play all of them?"
Yeah lmao. I don't want this console to go to waste, so I'll play on it as much as possible ::cirnoshrug
i've been craving to play these games, trying to get my 3ds back from my friend:

  • Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance (combat is FLUID i LOVE)
  • Runefactory 4 (so good. action rpg + farming + romance)
  • Scribblenauts (just a fun game)
  • Pokemon X/Y
  • Pokemon Omega Ruby/ Alpha Sapphire
I saw shin megami tensie 4 mentioned, but I'll mention it anyway
I'll mention it more times!

Shin megami tensie strange journey
Devil survivor overclocked
Warioware gold
Kirby Planet robo-bot
Legend of zelda a link between worlds
Luigis mansion dark moon
Mario Golf world tour (actually really fun!)
shocked Attack of the Friday Monsters hasn't been mentioned here yet, maybe my favorite 3DS experience thus far! A must-play if you're interested in the Kaz Ayabe/Boku no Natsuyasumi oeuvre.

Some other favorites (apologies if some of these have been mentioned already):
Kokuga- fun shooter from the Ikaruga guy
Blaster Master Zero
Rhythm Heaven Megamix
Any 2D Picross game
Picross 3D: Round 2
- maybe the best puzzle game ever made? I could write an entire thesis on how great this game is lmao
Weapon Shop de Omasse- no idea how to succinctly pitch this one, wikipedia lists it as "a comedy rhythm JRPG" which feels close enough
Super Mario 3D Land- a mechanically perfect Mario toybox. Don't sleep on it!
Aero Porter- solid puzzle game from, of all people, the Seaman guy lol
Pokemon Omega Ruby/ Alpha Sapphire- my favorite Pokemon on the system, and maybe ever! Retains much of the GBA charm while adding some sorely needed QoL updates
Pocket Card Jockey
Ultimate NES Remix
- this format shouldn't work as well as it does. Combines the best levels from the Wii U Remix titles, it's stupid how fun it is
Gotta Protectors
SMT: Devil Survivor Overclocked

Some DS highlights just for fun:
Contact- charming rpg from Grasshopper Manufacture. Like all of their titles it's janky as hell, worth it though if you're that particular flavor of sicko (consider this a sub-recommendation for the Flower, Sun, and Rain DS port (demake?))
Retro Game Challenge- UFO 50 before UFO 50. Half as fun as its "successor" (these games aren't that alike ultimately) but still solid
Dokapon Journey- Mario Party for cool people with good taste. Maybe I'm projecting a bit...
Professor Layton and the Curious Village
Space Invaders Extreme
Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime
Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
Bangai-O Spirits
- Treasure at its Treasure-iest, your mileage may vary
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
- I like this more than Aria of Sorrow but don't tell anyone

Hope you enjoy :)
Stella Glow
Fire Emblem Fates SE
Digimon World Re Digitize Decode
Radiant Historia Perfect Chronology
SMT Devil Survivor 1 Overclocked
SMT Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker
SMT 4 and SMT 4 Apocalypse
SMT Strange Journey Redux
Persona Q1 and Q2
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Gates to Infinity and Super Mystery Dungeon
Pokemon X, ORAS and USUM
Starting to get a lot of duplicates
I'll record the duplicates on the list regardless, just so I know who and how many recommended them

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