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General PC Game Recommendation Thread

The Temple of Elemental Evil is a Banger old-skool Turn based RPG.
Set in the D&D world,and tbh i don't know what Rule set it goes by, rather which Revision.

I Know it was a fun game tho, and Very Diablo looking, maybe Diablo 2.
You can even Kill the NPC's as i recall, if you wanna go True Chaotic evil in it.

Also, Hard as Nails. you aren't gonna just spam-click and win this. the Enemy A.I. <for the time> was rather Cheap and would kill you 1 hit if they got a lucky Dice roll

Still hella fun if you like Old D&D

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The only Troika game I haven't played yet. Definitely gonna try it once I finish NWN2 and its expansions.
The only Troika game I haven't played yet. Definitely gonna try it once I finish NWN2 and its expansions.
Vampire TMB and Arcanum, where probably my favorite of their games
Broke as VTM was XD
Idk if this is redundant or even necessary but Daggerfall is my rec.


It's free. Bethesda released it completely and there's even a Daggerfall Unity fan project that makes modding possible. There are a ton of quality of life mods to make the game more accessible to a modern player base.

It's a high fantasy RPG with D&D dice roll elements for skill checks and combat.
Definitely Oni. A game from 2001 made by Bungie West, it was their only game. It's a cross between melee combat and third-person shooting. The PC version is much better than the PS2 by a mile thanks to the Anniversary Edition 7 project by the community. It still has a decent following, there is a discord and forum, and the mod scene is alive albeit slow these days. Really gotta try it out. And if you're looking for more info about the development then watch this video. I really love this game, it's one of my all time favorites. It has a distinct style that nothing else has come close to replicating imo.
American McGee's Alice (2000), a dark fantasy action-platformer - If you're a fan of dark takes on classic children's literature, this game has the goods. You control the protagonist of Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland as she returns to her childhood happy-place in the aftermath of a house fire that takes her family's lives. Now a young adult, Alice is faced with a Wonderland that is twisted by her trauma: the inhabitants are cruel and the environment is hostile. To see what has become of her old friends, Alice must jump and fight her way through a nightmare of her making, aided by the Chesire Cat, the White Rabbit, and a variety of children's toys that take on sinister and deadly forms.
Cultic, Cultic, Cultic. Where do I begin with Cultic? While there are certainly some things that are inspired by Blood (as many people have already pointed out), Cultic is a different beast all together. Let's talk about moment to moment game play. We got dodges, slides, slide hopping, the latter being something I seldom used as dodging felt much better for me to move with and maneuvering around enemy bullets. Coupled with guns and weapons that pack a fucking punch and a half, the game play is satisfying as hell. The sound design for the most part (I think the soundtrack is a tad too bombastic and orchestral for the mood and tone the game has going for it) really fucking hits, the sound of the pistol firing off hot lead and the squirting of blood from a red-eyed cult member soon after is like crack. The racking of shells, the grunts of enemies, the sound of footsteps as they shuffle here and there in dank, dark caves and blood soaked hallways, MMM! The visual design is wholly unique as well, it is the visual equivalent of dirt in your teeth. The whole game looks like it was been ran through swamp muck, oil, twigs and gunpowder in the best way possible. The gripping of the hatchet and the eruption of viscera as you swing down the blade on head after head soothes the soul of men. The difficulty (I beat the game on Extreme) is punishing, yet fuel upon the fire. Pistol bullets shred the player's health, you'd be lucky to keep your armor. As the bullet slowly makes its way into my brain and explodes into a metal flower lodged firmly in the frontal lobe, I'm already gearing up for another go at whichever unfortunate hooded bastard made the mistake of pulling the trigger, not knowing that I thrive within the hellish cycle of Samsara. Wish the music and bosses were a bit better though.
Begging everyone reading this to please give Evolva a shot
Amazon.com: Evolva - PC : Videojuegos

Strategy game set in a distant future, where humanity has become the protectors of the Universe thanks to their scientific progress. One day, a giant parasitic lifeform crashes on a distant planet and starts to spread and consume all life in it, as well as deplying its "antibodies" to secure more territory and destroy possible dangers.
Our ship then sends four "Geohunters" in a series of missions to collect info, destroy the invasive alien life, secure the native fauna, locate the parasite and destroy it.
You can control each Geohunter individualy while also giving orders to others, it's a strategy game with combat and the hability to evolve your Geohunters by absorving DNA of anything you kill
Diablo - 1996 - Action/Computer RPG

A truly dark fantasy game, the town of Tristram has fallen under the influence of Diablo, Lord of Terror. Pick a character class and enter the underground, facing the many minions under Diablo's control.

First off, the tone is perfect. Tristram is a dilapidated town with a church leading into the nightmarish depths of Hell. The locals are scared and are relying on you to destroy the Lord of Terror, only one of the world's three Prime Evils. In this quest you are on your own, armed only with your wits and strength, whether you play as a warrior, rogue, or sorcerer. The game's soundtrack also encapsulates the bleakness with plenty of ambient tracks, the town theme providing the only source of solace. Most important to the game is the loot system. Enemies will drop random loot on death, be it scrolls, potions, or equipment. This system keeps the hack-and-slash gameplay going, encouraging you to look out for better gear as you advance. It's a solid system before Diablo II came along and perfected the looting system.

Diablo and its unofficial expansion, Hellfire, are available on GOG and are a part of their Preservation Program: https://www.gog.com/en/game/diablo

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