Play Homeworld and nobody else will get hurt. ?
But to expand upon that, Homeworld and Homeworld: Cataclysm (Emergence) are really worth a play. I'm not very good at RTS games because they're too fast for me, but Homeworld has a slower pace and you can do basically everything while paused. That doesn't mean they're not intense or easy though. It's a true 3D RTS, so both you and the enemies can attack from any angle and you have the massively helpful sensor manager that allows you to view basically the entire stage and issue commands from there. The campaigns are the highlight though, really good storytelling, music, acting, the whole package! Also, if you miss manuals, these games have fucking
manuals. I'm sure you wanted a bunch of lore you can only find out from the manuals, as well as the full stats and lore for every ship in the game. The HW1 manual is over 100 pages, HW:C is almost 150 and HW2 is about 70. All of the manuals can be easily found in .pdf format in seconds with a Google search. We need to discuss the remaster and how to play the games though.
I do own the remaster, but I have not played much of it. It only includes Homeworld 1&2 because they lost the source code for Cataclysm. Weak. One of my best buds and fellow Homeworld fan has played through the remaster campaign and does not like the changes they've made. For starters, HW1R is on a completely different engine, it was ported to HW2's engine and that has it's own set of quirks and a bunch of bugs. They have made a lot of changes to balance, UI, mechanics and other stuff.
The real dealbreaker is the nerfing of ship capturing and the dynamic enemy fleet size. Ship capturing is neat because you get ships for free! This even includes unique ships you can't get by any other methods. The fleet size change makes it so that the size of the enemy's fleet changes with the size of your own. My friend had it break AI scripting because of the size of the enemy fleet as well as them having a fleet so massive that he would die immediately, forcing him to load an earlier save to scuttle a bunch of his ships so he wasn't instapulped. Thankfully there is the
Homeworld Remastered Players Patch that allows you to adjust the fleet scaling as well as balancing things closer to the original release and fixing bugs. I would still recommend visiting PCGamingWiki, but that applies to basically every PC game for me. Sadly, not even PCGamingWiki can fix the remastered developers from not letting you choose to play the campaign as the Taiidan, only skirmish battles. Yeah the Kushan are the canon faction, but the Taiidan have such cooler ships.
The remastered collection does include the original versions of 1&2 and this is the only way to get them legally unless you get a used copy, not that such a thing matters in a place like this.

You can purchase the Remastered collection from Steam, GoG and EGS. If you've never played the original you probably won't have any problems with the changes to the remastered edition and even if you do, the original is still there. From what I know, the classic versions are more or less the same as the fully patched original releases, just tweaked a bit to play nice with newer systems. Another advantage to going with the remastered collection is it's mod support. There are plenty of mods for the original games, but the remastered collection has Steam workshop support and many of the old mods (mainly for 2) have been ported to the workshop for easy acquisition. Though, once again, a trip to PCGamingWiki is recommended for widescreen support.
As for Cataclysm, it's my favorite of the series in pretty much every way. The engine is the same as the original, but with some nice QoL changes. There's less ship variety, but the ships are more versatile instead. The motherships aren't just sitting ducks, they both have different offensive potentials. Finally, I just love the story and the Beast. They're a bio-mechanical virus that take over ships by breaking the crew down at a cellular level and turning them into living biocircuitry. The crew are still alive and the Beast uses their knowledge to know how to operate any ship instantly. So when you see a bunch of red mass on the cockpit and on various parts of a ship, that was once the crew, now turned into bio-circuitry and organic armor. Horrible, but also metal as fuck.
You can pick up a used copy or get it off GoG under the name Homeworld: Emergence. I need to bitch for a second. They renamed it Emergence because Blizzard has a copyright on Cataclysm due to the WoW expansion. Have a super duper fuck you Blizzard. Homeworld: Cataclysm came out first! Fuck Blizzard in general, they haven't made a good game since Hearthstone. Anyway, the GoG copy is your best bet, but it requires PCGamingWiki more than the other two games.
Wow, that's a whole lot of words so far. I'll wrap this up quick.
I've mentioned HW2 but not said anything about the game itself. It's... okay. It looked great for it's time and has held up really well. The soundtrack is great as well, just way different in tone than the previous two games. They changed around a lot of the gameplay and that made my aforementioned friend as well as other Homeworld vets not like the game as much. I didn't mind though, I thought it still played well. But the biggest sin the game commits is the story. The game went through a troubled production and the story is just a mess. It's some mystical focused religious prophecy shit with some ancient mysterious race called the Progenitors. Wow, what a unique name. Not much more to say. It's fine, just a disappointment compared to the prior games. You can't not get it if you get the remastered collection and most of the mods are for it, so it's worth having around. However, it also commits the sin of the race with the much cooler ships being the bad guys. D: At least you can play as them in skirmish games.
Not much to say about Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak. I own it, but have only played a couple story missions and skirmish battles. There are some really cool looking unit and level designs, but it's not set in space so it loses one of the biggest draws of the older games. My friend says it's a good enough time, so I'll play it someday.
Homeworld Mobile. Hmm. Visually it looked nice and it was neat that it was continuing the story of the series, but it was a micro-transaction and grinding riddled mobile game in the end. Never played it, can't anymore anyway, it only lasted for two years.
Finally, Homeworld 3. Never played it, not too interested. It looks super pretty and supposedly has good audio stuff but I've heard nothing but bad things otherwise. Even my bud has no interest in it. Naturally they planned to milk the game as long as possible with DLC, but the game flopped and it got one last patch in November of 2024 along with shitting out some factions that can't be used in skirmish. I dunno, watch Mandalore's review on it for more information, I have none for you. It's not retro anyway so fuck it.
Hmm, that was not quick, but it was nice talking about one of my favorite series, you can probably tell I'm pretty passionate about it. I hope this sparked interest for at least someone. :> If nothing else, Mandalore's reviews on the series might be of interest.
TL;DR Fuck you, Randy Bitchford!