Gaming = waste of time/life?

I don't want to sound indiscreet, but what is it that leads you to spend your days this way?
For me, playing mostly relieved an absence of affection and attention from my parents, whom I nevertheless have always loved deeply. Somehow my family situation also affected me in my relationships with others, especially in the school environment.
Then things changed, new interests arose, new people who helped me reevaluate myself, recognize my limitations and some of my qualities. And it will be the same for you, I'm sure?
Having lost the will to live at 20, helped by my apathy started years ago. From my point of view, at 36 I feel old. What I could have done it's long gone. It's too late for me to start doing something like living a life in which I could never get what I really want. So what's left to do is waiting to die or try it myself.
I'm wondering if there are people who genuinely would support a society focused on productivity and banning any form of entertainment.

This could make a nice book.
There are people who would support a society like that... for others. You work all day with no breaks, they benefit and entertain themselves. That's kind of what the elites have always done.
You didn't stock up on Phoenix Down?
What a noob he probably had 100k gil and didn't even bother to buy echo screen or eye drops imagine...

Now to ze actual question is gaming a waste of time? Yes and no , what do you get out of a game? Is it this little fantasy world you escape to cuz your life is shit? Is it this little fantasy world that keeps you inspired? And at times even motivates you?

For me gaming isn't a waste of time its a tool that can teach life lessons in way more engaging ways than movies , it can help your ability of pattern recognition when solving puzzles , it can be a motivation to be ripped like the orcs from WarCraft or be brave like harry mason from silent hill its about the mindset and how you view it.
If you enjoy what you're playing and not hurting anyone because of it, then I don't think it's a waste of time.

Like a few people have already said some good things that games can teach you. Playing certain video games is actually extremely helpful in suppressing any runaway anxiety I might be experiencing even when I'm on medication.

But in the end, it's all about moderation. Like it has been proven that too much of even things that are considered good for you like eating too many vegetables, sleeping too much, or drinking too much water can actually be harmful to your health. The same is with video games. If you play them too much, it can get in the way of things like your sleep schedule, or you can forget to eat meals because you're too into it.
If gaming is a waste of time all hobbies are. You need things that let you unwind, relax, and enjoy yourself. I can't believe anyone would even consider it seriously being a waste.
If someone told you that "your hobby is a waste of time" maybe they are the one actually wasting theirs by trying to school everyone about what they're doing with their day instead of doing something they like.

Sadly there are parents out there that think that their children have to be productive all the time with like one hour of pause each day which is imo a form of slavery (minus the whipping).
Having lost the will to live at 20, helped by my apathy started years ago. From my point of view, at 36 I feel old. What I could have done it's long gone. It's too late for me to start doing something like living a life in which I could never get what I really want. So what's left to do is waiting to die or try it myself.
I hope you are joking. The mere fact that you were able to express your current state of mind, although negative, is in itself something immense that many people are unable to do. You are 36 years old and very young; you need to take advantage of that.
Not really; it's another form of hobby after all. Just need to regulate it a bit if you feel it's gone out of control. I'd say gaming is one of the better choices since I know some people who use their free time to just scroll social media...
I hope you are joking. The mere fact that you were able to express your current state of mind, although negative, is in itself something immense that many people are unable to do. You are 36 years old and very young; you need to take advantage of that.
I'm complitely serious.
I'm complitely serious.
this belongs to me stella academy GIF
I'm complitely serious.
So think about what I was telling you, you are young and that is definitely a great potential. It allows you to make choices that will affect your life and gamely your peace of mind. In many cases caring for a small (or large!) pet can work wonders. At least, for me it has... They do not judge, not only will they always love you for who you are, but they help give you strength and help you regain your taste in life. And then there is this forum where we can all express ourselves freely beyond our common passion...
Nah, if all of us were super elite scientists there would be too many cooks in the kitchen. Live your life how you want.
Nah, if all of us were super elite scientists there would be too many cooks in the kitchen. Live your life how you want.
To be honest I still think there are too many cooks in the kitchen when it comes to politicians but I won't delve further as that kind of talk is not really allowed.

On the other hand a society built upon scientists may work but then again no model is perfect.

Another issue is that STEM studies and jobs are much more challenging so we also don't have as many as other sciences.
I'm wondering if there are people who genuinely would support a society focused on productivity and banning any form of entertainment.

This could make a nice book.
Not gonna happen because I will personally hunt them down.
Like Segata Sanshiro but I'm open to all platforms.
You learn a lot by playing games. Studies suggest that gaming helps the brain stay active and you're less likely to have Alzheimer's/dementia. Besides, it is okay to have hobbies and interests, every person does. It is just that capitalism LOVES portraying games as a "waste of time" merely because you don't contribute to society and economy. But you know what? That is totally okay. It's your own life and you do what you love the most. You only live once so it is wise to make your life as good as possible by doing the activities you love the most. Make sure gaming doesn't interfere with your evolution, basic human needs, and work/school and you should be fine!
Studies suggest that gaming helps the brain stay active and you're less likely to have Alzheimer's/dementia.
Usually I take "studies" with a grain of salt because of who may finance them and one test does not define the absolute truth but working the brain is always a good thing to do.

It is just that capitalism LOVES portraying games as a "waste of time" merely because you don't contribute to society and economy
I don't think that's capitalism as a whole but more likely the corporate culture where you have to optimise every actions you do (if you go from Point A to Point B you have to take the fastest route with something in your hand to make it the most effective).

Shareholders and traders are contributing more to the economy than most employees in a lifetime so it's not even a slight change if someone does not contribute.
The biggest pitfall of gaming compared to other hobbies is how time consuming it is. You could really spend your entire life "living" inside video games, in which case your are wasting your time. I don't find that this is the case with movies. They basically build an entire world, create a bunch of characters, and tell you a full story within an hour and a half to two hours. It's much more economical in terms of time. I've never felt the need to spend 5-6 hours watching movies in one day - I watch one and I'm good, because a good one will stick with you. So again, games can be great, but they really can be dangerous if you're running away from life. Even more so for online competitive games since they don't end.

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