Honestly I do agree that making Mario do a 180° is infuriating, especially on platforms but I forbid myself from criticising the game simply because it redefined 3D gaming (on console) as a whole.Mario 64. It was revolutionary at the time, but nowadays it feels so slippery and imprecise. It's even worse because I got used to the similar but improved movement of the later 3d marios. I swear its easier to play the platforming sections of Alone in the Dark than Mario 64 to me.
And because of the crazy speedruns of that game.
I'll be honest I got used to that control method but only when playing casually with cheat codes on or on Agent.The default controls from Goldeneye and Perfect Dark (N64). What sort of masochist can use move forward/backward + look left/right on one stick and strife + look up/down on another stick?
I've only finished these games so far in the harder difficulties on both the XBLA and PC with a mouse injector for 1964 (or the PC recompilation of PD) but imo it also kinda trivialised the games because they're balanced around the usage of the R buttons to aim precisely.
IMO tank controls for AitD/RE are meant to make you feel powerless in horror games instead of being able to swiftly dodge the enemies, same reason why RE4 onwards with the over the shoulder camera became more action-focused, Leon felt like a beast with his high kick.
FPS for consoles is tricky I may agree, I think Turok with the platforming and aiming (that centers back automatically) is less convenient than the slower paced Goldeneye.