it should be nuLL n void of a surprise whatsoever that Prnzo's been around this block a time or 2(00,000 of them)... I've had bad trips n experienced the vice-grip pain of 'acidhead' n even a very weird 1st date where I was stiLL off-meh-face from the night before... then 'woke up' about 8 times before I actuaLLy woke up... n realized that I had an obligation with a Japanese girl who went by 'Sunny' in an engagement that was sure to be interesting at the least... but wasn't even that. just painful n creepy.
we had 3rd Strike title-screen/demos runnin for hours one time shroomin in St. George, Utah. nobody was pickin a controLLer up. we just watched the title-screen cycle through demos watchin from the couch n chairs - content, compelled, fascinated. (good times) x2
n sure, it's possible to play vidgames on hallucinogens. we jamm'd Super Mario World for hours on peyote after I was done bein stuck in the bathroom for 4 hrs. ofc we also kinda were convinced we were IN the game, too. the stage "Mondo" to be exact. long story - but really just a short story that takes a long time to teLL.
the only videogame I've played on actuaL acid was one of the PSx DBZ ones. the flashing lights n colors were too much - as if we had migraines bestowing acute sensitivity/aversion to light. either that or we were trippin vampires.
I always thought 3DS/PC Sonic: Lost World would be great to tripbaLLz to...