Games to play on @cid

I don't think I could play a video game on acid. I don't even see how it could be possible. Doing basic tasks on acid is barely possible. Just being present in the world is barely possible. You people need better acid if you're even contemplating this question.
I think it’s just a hypothetical lol, this forum is pure and innocent :D
Looking for recommendations.

Personally I would recommend Um Jammer Lammy.
It`s an experience.

View attachment 41210
LSD Dream Emulator is the easiest choice

Earthbound is another choice

Deep Labyrinth is the more obscure choice

And I imagine Jumping Flash would be hell on earth
it should be nuLL n void of a surprise whatsoever that Prnzo's been around this block a time or 2(00,000 of them)... I've had bad trips n experienced the vice-grip pain of 'acidhead' n even a very weird 1st date where I was stiLL off-meh-face from the night before... then 'woke up' about 8 times before I actuaLLy woke up... n realized that I had an obligation with a Japanese girl who went by 'Sunny' in an engagement that was sure to be interesting at the least... but wasn't even that. just painful n creepy.

we had 3rd Strike title-screen/demos runnin for hours one time shroomin in St. George, Utah. nobody was pickin a controLLer up. we just watched the title-screen cycle through demos watchin from the couch n chairs - content, compelled, fascinated. (good times) x2

n sure, it's possible to play vidgames on hallucinogens. we jamm'd Super Mario World for hours on peyote after I was done bein stuck in the bathroom for 4 hrs. ofc we also kinda were convinced we were IN the game, too. the stage "Mondo" to be exact. long story - but really just a short story that takes a long time to teLL.

the only videogame I've played on actuaL acid was one of the PSx DBZ ones. the flashing lights n colors were too much - as if we had migraines bestowing acute sensitivity/aversion to light. either that or we were trippin vampires.

I always thought 3DS/PC Sonic: Lost World would be great to tripbaLLz to...
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Dood drugs lmao. What if i smoked that crack and snorted some cocainum while playing vidya james wouldn't that be funny?
Me being a jackass aside, play some Yume Nikki or whatever, i don't use drugs so idk how all of this bullshit works.

sometimes drugs (or even just a caffeine buzz after a week or 2 without havin any) can align with n enhance your gameplay harmoniously with sublime beauty - n sometimes it can throw you out of sync even moreso than a bad, uninspired or stressful day mired in sobriety's unseasoned/bland but healthier, more subtle default. I appreciate that you may have held back from totaLLy demonizing the art/culture of substance usage/self-medicating.

life is a probability gamble even at its safest n most docile/reassuring - n drug usage is not much more in a fundamental sense than playin with the odds n increasingly raising the stakes - as long as the perceived estimate of risk vs. reward ballpark-ratio is somethin one can handle n accept... then there ya go. it's not an exact science - at least, in the sense of semi-accurately gauging it - but then, nothing is. physiology guesstimation is just as much a shot in the dark n doesn't account for 'freak occurences'.
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Dood drugs lmao. What if i smoked that crack and snorted some cocainum while playing vidya james wouldn't that be funny?
Me being a jackass aside, play some Yume Nikki or whatever, i don't use drugs so idk how all of this bullshit works.
Ok Fed /j

Unironically, though, Yume Nikki is amazing.
I once got suckered into partaking in this the clerics really hyped it up saying it was so cool and trippy it was very over rated and I got sick and puked. My wife too was suckered by the clerics and whatever it ended up being made her feel like her skin was on fire. I recommend getting e drunk on sea of theives or e high on gta v instead. Its a much better experience and if you already have those games you save money too. I do not ever recommend buying or even taking strange substances from strange people especially in 2025 just a little bit of that fent can take you away like a kick in the back from Patches.

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