You have to ask the authors first. Can it be art if the author doesn't see it as such? And if they do who are we to say that it isn't? Due to technological advancement games have become a medium that can contain various form of art: digital art(hm...) and animation, 3D modeling and animation, voice acting, music, writing etc. These are undoubtedly art forms that are continuations of the classics (drawing, painting, scultpure, theatre, music, writing etc) and people who work on these are people who study the classics and strive to bring them to the new medium - they can rightfully claim authorship of this new art. There is however another technical aspect and a group of people who work on it, engineers, who would rather call themselves scientists who discover new inventions rather than creating art. This is a continuation of classical sciences, that were never concidered an art form. And then there is the nebulous notion of the game, something we like to play, that someone (or many) had surely came up with, but we still wouldn't usually call art. Is chess art? Is baseball art?
Are video games art? I would say no. It's a medium that allows for articstic expression, but technically and in its most distinguishing features it is not itself art. The speration of its artistic, scientific and nebulous aspects is actually very distinct from the point of view of the creators, and the confusing unification is only an illusion created by the current state of the industry that wants to present these works as distinct products to be sold on markets. While this illusion exists and dominates, both the art form and the science will not be able to fully realize itself, we will not know the names of great artists and scientists as we gloss over their names in credits and commit to memory only the companies and their products.