Favorite Pokémon per generation?

I haven't played since Gen 4, but I've been keeping up with the new Pokes since then. Because I was bored, I copy-pasted the format OP used, and made a template of it. Here's my version.


It was hard to decide some, so here's runner-ups too. Because I'm bored.
  1. Three-way tie between Persian, Farfetch'd and Clefable I need to do my Normie-type only run someday...
  2. Two-way tie between Meganium and Furret
  3. Torchic
  4. Two-way tie between Lucario and Lopunny ( :3 )
  5. Archeops, I guess? I like archaeopteryx, and the Mons here didn't do it for me...
  6. ESPURR! 💜
  7. Two-way tie between Alolan Marowak and Alolan Ninetales
  8. Two-way tie between Centiskorch and Thievul
  9. Mabostiff

And here's the template! One can slap them into MS Paint, Photoshop, Paint Dot Net, Gimp, PhotoPea ( that one can be used in-browser 😉 ) or whatever image-editing software suits your fancy.
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1- Kadabra is someone I really bonded with. I never really cared for legendaries or mythicals, they were just Pokémon with fancy stats in gen 1, my favorite. But I was really annoyed about not getting the trademons. They were the TRUE mythicals in my heart. Now I’m not someone to lose sleep over having an unevolved mon, but the other trademons were really garbage without their full evolution. Kadabra… was the exception. All thanks to the braniac devs who decided special should be both offensive and defensive and give it to a mon who belongs to the most OP type in the game.

It was love at first sight. 😍

2- I frankly disliked all the gen 2 mons, but have a bias towards normal types. The little raccoon is cute, look at him!

3- I don’t actually like having bias towards starters as that’s the same as having a main character as your favorite and that can be kinda lame. But look at the dude, he’s just… THE GUY!!! Single type mons are looked down upon but I say fuck that. Fuck your waterground types. This is my guy.

4- gen 4 was kinda terrible too, but Biberial? More like… Biblical!!! He’s God, that’s all you need to know.

5- elemental monkeys are cute. Not sure who’s the sociopath at Nintendo who decided it’s a good idea to permanently ditch them. They’re literally a second starter, it’s literally the most creative concept in the entire Pokémon series.

6- I think she’s really cute, the witch aesthetic is beautiful. This is actually a tie between her and her second form and I really love how her fur looks like a dress.

7- I was never gonna hate the pro wrestling character. Literally impossible.

8- Tie between him and Obstagoon. Both are adorable and badass.

9- really cute design. didnt like gen 9 but the mon selection is fantastic so idk what the fandom was smoking.
@Gorse @Tonberry

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