I haven't played since Gen 4, but I've been keeping up with the new Pokes since then. Because I was bored, I copy-pasted the format OP used, and made a template of it. Here's my version.
It was hard to decide some, so here's runner-ups too. Because I'm bored.
And here's the template! One can slap them into MS Paint, Photoshop, Paint Dot Net, Gimp, PhotoPea ( that one can be used in-browser
) or whatever image-editing software suits your fancy.
It was hard to decide some, so here's runner-ups too. Because I'm bored.
- Three-way tie between Persian, Farfetch'd and Clefable
I need to do my Normie-type only run someday... - Two-way tie between Meganium and Furret
- Torchic
- Two-way tie between Lucario and Lopunny ( :3 )
- Archeops, I guess? I like archaeopteryx, and the Mons here didn't do it for me...
- Two-way tie between Alolan Marowak and Alolan Ninetales
- Two-way tie between Centiskorch and Thievul
- Mabostiff
And here's the template! One can slap them into MS Paint, Photoshop, Paint Dot Net, Gimp, PhotoPea ( that one can be used in-browser

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