There really wasn't anything fun about watching all the other kids gather into the groups of people that they'd be with until they graduated, while you sit by yourself.
When I was little, I cried about it, but, fast forward, the grand majority of the population is not able to accomplish even a single task alone, and is happy to be a worthless, herdfollowing idiot if it means they don't have to be responsible.
There's also all the schooling I just didn't bother with. One of the teachers harassed the crap out of me until I just stopped going to her class. She was probably jealous because I had more gonads and common sense at 12 than she did as a grown-ass adult woman who hadn't achieved anything other than being an eternal high schooler, and had evolved into a huge, non-stop chattering mouth. Kind of like some sort of D&D monster, before D&D started sucking so hard.
I didn't go to much high school, I just got my GED later.