Do you remember school fondly?

The school seems to train its students to be parrots, rather than preparing them in advance to live the life of an adult.

When you're in your early years of life, it is normal for a person to be ignorant of the world, but this also applies to self-knowledge.

Therefore, it should be the school that guides all these young people toward their future.
Hahahaha, hell no.
It was a really bad period of my life that I barely survived and it left many scars, mentally and physically. I don't hold a grudge against anyone because it's a waste of time, but whether it's the other students or the teachers I'm fine with never again for the rest of my life meeting or hearing from close to 100% of them.

I remember being a teen more or less fondly. I had few friends but we were close and helped each other out greatly. School itself however was a nightmare. The loneliest, most damaging part of my life.
I think the arrogant kind of educated people are brainwashed by the media and internet. Their ego is inflated too with useless information. Less critical thinking.

I kind of agree with you but I think the stupid kids in class were mostly the bullies who should have been separated from the others. Then the remaining stupid kids would have had more of a chance.
Forget sending people to Mars (that sounds like a scam). ::winnie
You seem intelligent to me. I think the system is the main problem.
Many people here and in real life rightfully complain about it.
I guess a lack of funding (or money laundering) is one reason it sucks.
Did it always suck?

The powerful people don't like an educated population unless that education is useless stuff or how to be obedient in a factory, etc. to make them huge profits.
I wonder if there are some low budget changes that can be made to make learning better even in poorer public schools? Or at least a way to make homeschooling better.

The politicians never want to fix it, only sabotage it.
I heard greedy people like Bill Gates were involved with the failure called Common Core, and also the "clot shot".
Suspicious Monkey GIF by MOODMAN

Apparently Finland does things better and even their rich kids have the incentive to improve education because it affects them more directly. But most countries, rich parents can just buy expensive private education and ignore the substandard public education. Politicians get billionaire money to not actually fix things.
secret smell GIF
Creeping The Mask GIF
Actually where i live, there's infinite pour of money into education system, both from people and from govern, but to no good results...
Being a money source caused it to divert from its true purpose, and has almost turned it into a scammy business!
Most of the things they teach have no real use in our lives, and wouldn't result in real expertise in most professions...
And even so, instead of looking for ways to improve the quality education with novel tools and methods, they actively look to prevent anything which can potentially cause a reduce in number of teachers, staff and/or buildings!
And ethicals? going into criminals lairs is probably a much safer experience than going into some schools! 😂
*sigh*... Looking at the kind of people who have come out of their education system really makes me sad... 😔

There are indeed some very good schools too, but they are either as expensive as hell, or their quality is due to the presence of some exceptional and rare educators, hence not a fruit of the system.

Maybe many of these problems are mostly tied to our era, not just specific regions...

I wish best for all good teachers who try their best to make things better, even against all odds.
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I recently graduated high school and started college, and it’s been a huge improvement so far. I struggled a lot mentally, socially and educationally. As I’ve gotten older and out of high school I’ve been told I was being bullied when I’ve brought about my social life in school, but idk about that, I was ignored by my classmates but I don’t think they even thought about me enough for it to be intentional. Relationships were so superficial, I hate thinking about how annoyingly desperate I was. When I did form friendships they were purely in school, I was hardly invited out (it would happen like twice a year) and when I tried to plan things I was ignored. There was just so much I’m not going into.

I was extremely depressed throughout most of middle and high school, I was failing a lot of classes, it was so hard to get up and go. There was a lot of stuff about my education and environment that just sucked. I’m in a much better place now, I’ve learned a lot about myself that should make future education easier, I don’t hate learning at all.
I recently graduated high school and started college, and it’s been a huge improvement so far. I struggled a lot mentally, socially and educationally. As I’ve gotten older and out of high school I’ve been told I was being bullied when I’ve brought about my social life in school, but idk about that, I was ignored by my classmates but I don’t think they even thought about me enough for it to be intentional. Relationships were so superficial, I hate thinking about how annoyingly desperate I was. When I did form friendships they were purely in school, I was hardly invited out (it would happen like twice a year) and when I tried to plan things I was ignored. There was just so much I’m not going into.

I was extremely depressed throughout most of middle and high school, I was failing a lot of classes, it was so hard to get up and go. There was a lot of stuff about my education and environment that just sucked. I’m in a much better place now, I’ve learned a lot about myself that should make future education easier, I don’t hate learning at all.
Loading Hug GIF by MOODMAN
Middle School? Fuck the first two years, i got to be in a school where me being bullied was the lesser devil, a student beat another because he got better grades, teachers smoked the cigs they confiscated, and the infrastucture held itself with tape. fortunately i finished in a far better school where i was average in grades, no low grades, no honor student, but that school was a paradise that evocated the Elementary, that i enjoyed the hell of
School was half pure misery and half pretty good. Kindergarten isn't even a memory outside of one time where a kid took a steak knife to school for show and tell and got in big trouble. Elementary school was bad. And it only got worse. The teachers weren't so bad and I do have some fond memories of the actives we did, but the kids were the worst. I was the very opposite of popular and got bullied by everyone, save one friend I had through elementary school. I didn't just take it though, I always fought back and ended up getting in trouble constantly, even though I wasn't the instigator. I got put in detention constantly and sent home more than a few times. We even got threatened legally once for me kicking some kid's ass particularly hard. Thankfully my mom was on my side and I heard her tearing the principal a new one on more than one occasion over my bullying. She even said I wouldn't get in trouble if I fought back, though she did stipulate that I could only resort to violence if I went through the proper channels for getting the other kid(s) in trouble first. It never worked and the violence continued. x)

I made a new friend at one point and we became close, but during an argument on the playground we started getting into a mild fight. I ended up on top of him but a bunch of kids saw it and started yelling that we were humping and making out. And the rumors spread and got worse, saying we had our pants off and stuff like that too. The friend broke off his friendship with me because of the rumors and elementary school remained shitty. I got sent to the school's therapist once because I drew some fan art of Jill from Resident Evil shooting a zombie. This was not even a year after Columbine though, so fair enough I suppose.

My mom and I moved cross country after elementary school and that's when things took a sudden 180. I had a fresh slate for middle school, made some good friends who lasted through high school and was generally well liked. The teachers were hit and miss, but the good ones were -really- good. I just kinda existed through middle school and my first year of high school, my grades being the only real issue. x)

I moved to a bigger high school from 10th grade and onwards and all my friends and most the people I knew did too. I made more new friends and became relatively well liked. I never fit into any one group, but I knew a person or two from said groups so I just kinda got along with everyone. The teachers were hit and miss again, but there was some really good ones. Took a lot of fun classes too, like cooking classes, metal and woodworking, small engine mechanics, pottery and art. My grades only tanked further though. I did okay in class but I outright refused to do homework and I ended up having to take an extra year of school to graduate. I buckled down, actually tried and did quite well. They even selected me to write and give my class' graduation speech. x)

Holy shit, I rambled on way more than intended. If you read through all of that, thank you for taking time out of your day to do so. :>

If you skipped to the end for a TL: DR, shit sucked but got better. All in all, it is what it is and it helped make me the person I am today, for better or worse.
I’m very surprised by how many of these stories involve bullying. I never experienced it (though I knew people who did), but it seems just awful and permanently-scarring. I can’t believe more teachers aren’t putting a stop to this.
outside of one time where a kid took a steak knife to school for show and tell and got in big trouble.
That actually happened to me as well on the First Grade.

I took my dad's Swiss army knife to school for show-n-tell because it looked hella cool to me (and also because I had seen the Captain carry a similar one on Tin-Tin, a show I watched obsessively at the time). I got in soooo much tribune. And I later found out that the mother of another student reported the incident as well.

I’m very surprised by how many of these stories involve bullying. I never experienced it (though I knew people who did), but it seems just awful and permanently-scarring. I can’t believe more teachers aren’t putting a stop to this.
It is incredibly awful.

That's why I try to be awfully nice to people nowadays (and especially to my students), because a lot of people were simply awful to me. And some teachers even encouraged that.
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I definitely do look back in the last 2 years of highschool (maybe 3) with some fondness. I finally came into my own as a person and started breaking out of my shell during that time along with making some actual lifelong friends. As an adult I certainly do reminisce about the innocence that only a kid can possess along with the lower level of responsibility. As someone who didn't really care much about my grades by the time I hit high school it basically served as window dressing to me being able to hang out with friends and just goof around. In that sense I certainly miss being able to do that without having as many financial responsibilities to worry about.

Part of that was also a pretty turbulent home life. I wanted to be around my family as little as possible and so a pretty stress-free escape to play PSP games with friends or talk about anime was a meaningful escape.

Would I wanna go back and do it again? Idk it's a tough question I suppose. In terms of "take my current brain and plant it in my 14-15 year old self for a do-over" I'd say no, cause that's just a very odd thought exercise with a lot of problems associated. Definitely would have bought some bitcoin upon graduating and retired at 25 though lol. I think more than anything what myself and many others long for is that sense of innocence and lowered responsibilities. You never really appreciate just how small your world was and how reasonable your biggest personal problems were until you get older and everything truly could be the end of your life as you know it.

Idk I could ramble about it quite a lot in general. While I wouldn't call it the peak of my life by any means, I have a ton of memories associated with my Junior and Senior years of high school and I'll always look back on it fondly. There's definitely a certain aura and vividness when I recall it that I can't really say goes for the rest of my childhood, given how little of my childhood I can remember at all.
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I’m very surprised by how many of these stories involve bullying. I never experienced it (though I knew people who did), but it seems just awful and permanently-scarring. I can’t believe more teachers aren’t putting a stop to this.
As a former teacher I can tell you one can't do much, especially these days. You can't beat the shit out of the bully for obvious reasons. You can report the bullying to the headmaster which doesn't do jack shit because they're busy trying to keep up appearances. If anything they crack down on the bullied students just so the school's reputation doesn't suffer because their own reputation is directly tied to it and a lot of headmasters try to use the position as a trampoline to get into politics or some other lucrative position to line their pockets.

Another thing is that as a teacher you don't want to get involved and I don't necessarily mean that in the 'fuck them kids' sense. Parents are very protective of their little 'angels' and they not only refuse to understand that their precious could ever possibly be a bad apple they will threaten you with legal consequences (whatever those may be in their retarded headspaces) and raise a whole load of stink just to fuck with you. I think you can imagine why people don't want to work for minimum wage, be saddled with lowest common denominator garbage parenting and have to smile about it too.

For teachers it's about survival as much as it is for the pupils. My heart bleeds for the good and smart kids because one of the few joys of teaching was watching sharp young minds maturing under my watch and steering them in a direction that would allow them to grow and harness their potential.

Some of my former pupils still get in touch every once in a while and I see that as a personal success but I've learned my lesson. Public schooling will never have my meager talents again.
There is not much to say.

good teachers, good and bad college partners.
have not seen them, for 15+ years.

university, well, let's just say, too much "independent nation", to even say something good about it.
even heard it later, it goes bankrupt, for a scamming in the funds.

not a single soul in sight, because I'm almost moving to a new house, from time to time...
not a new one to meet, yet, looking to the horizon,
until today...
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That actually happened to me as well on the First Grade.

I took my dad's Swiss army knife to school for show-n-tell because it looked hella cool to me (and also because I had seen the Captain carry a similar one on Tin-Tin, a show I watched obsessively at the time). I got in soooo much tribune. And I later found out that the mother of another student reported the incident as well.

It is incredibly awful.

That's why I try to be awfully nice to people nowadays (and especially to my students), because a lot of people were simply awful to me. And some teachers even encouraged that.
Take this *Send him a virtual hug* It's barely something, but it's what i can do the most
Long Distance Love GIF by Chibird
I ditched a lot. There's a lot of stories, but basically it involved literally every toilet at the school being broken except the teacher's lounge, and they wouldn't let students go there. So I was given a go-ahead by the security as long as I came back. Sometimes it was the same day, sometimes it was the next school day, but I did come back.
I ditched a lot. There's a lot of stories, but basically it involved literally every toilet at the school being broken except the teacher's lounge, and they wouldn't let students go there. So I was given a go-ahead by the security as long as I came back. Sometimes it was the same day, sometimes it was the next school day, but I did come back.
School especially high school washrooms were such a strange place , I’ve seen so many things, heard so much.
all i really remember doing in school was shoving a bunch of losers in lockers hoping that theyd be traumatized enough to one day grow old and not be able to share any happy stories about their school life on a retro forum
School especially high school washrooms were such a strange place , I’ve seen so many things, heard so much.
The toilets were broken off because that way two people could go in there, close the door, and play craps for money. If you drove by my high school now, it's been completely redone to the point that I think only the gym is original from when it was built, and when I went was perhaps the low point as far as spending on repairs. The year after I graduated, the high school in the next town opened, so the amount of students was reduced by half and they started having money to actually fix stuff. Born too early, I guess.
I was part of the “smash ultimate scene” in high school. By this time nerd culture had become normalized and resulted in little to no bullying, but you’d still catch some people laughing at you for daring to play game with friends during lunch break. We even had smash tournaments that people who didn’t even like video games attended (I heard these tournaments are still going on to this day, but more sparingly). Leaning wasn’t too difficult, the people I talked to then are living their lives now, and my friend group remains largely the same. Overall I think I liked it, I got to experience a little bit of everything school had to offer
Elementary school was a great time
Middle school was not (A broken nose and 9 stitches as long term damages 👍 that place was not fit for a school)
Highschool was cool overall I'm still connected with my friends,remember the days of the Tekken 5 arcade ,they were good times
College .. Eh ..

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