Do you believe you're a good person?

Are you a good person?

  • Yes, absolutely.

  • I think I am.

  • I hope so.

  • I have my doubts.

  • I'm not very good.

  • No, I'm not.

  • Some other answer.

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Is something wrong? @Crabulon're sweating.
"Mmm....Paul Allen...
...I MEAN UH-No, nothing's wrong, Nebulon_Galaxy. Let's make reservations"
I am constantly trying to improve, but as my grandmother used to say, "Only Allah is perfect..." Surely in adulthood one becomes more clear-headed about the evil one might have done in the past....
tl;dr I picked "I have my doubts" for the poll. Now, the long answer.

No. No I am not.

...but I don't think I'm evil either. Not really. I'm not even sure I'm "bad", though sometimes I do bad things and am self-aware of it. Even if sometimes, it takes me too long to realize it. Usually, it's caused by being both brave and chicken shit at the same damn time. Anger is the spark to my powder keg, especially if the pressure builds.

Besides, bad vs evil is fun. I think the one time Jesus was full of it was when he said "Satan cannot be divided by Satan". Bad or evil people stab each other in the back all the time, thank Sekhmet. \m/

Really though, I've got a laundry list of sins I could confess. A lot of stuff I did when I was too stupid to know better, or did know better and fucking did it anyway. Some of it would break forums rules at an instant. I am grateful I'm at least self-aware and as @RageBurner put it, I'd prefer to be a living containment zone for the dark of my mind and heart.

There's a good reason I've got that quote about flame from Dark Souls as a signature. I adore the symbolism of flame, and know that there's good reason to both fear and respect my own anger. I feel bad when I lash out or break things or have public meltdowns. I also wanna be the crazed aunt who will knock on someone's door with a 12-gauge if they ever think of hurting my loved ones. I lash out at my loved ones now and then; how much more would I do to you for threatening their lives and livelihood? And trust me: I am the only person I will allow to talk smack about me, without retaliation (I'm kind of a dumbass like that).

D&D alignment? Lawful Neutral or Neutral Good, depending on my mood. I'm very much a Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde kind of personality. Some days I'm cheerful or zen, others I'm spicy or grumpy. And sometimes that can change per day. Emotions are transient. And I may not be a good stoic, but I try.

As for others who also doubt their morality? Fun fact about ancient Greek views on the afterlife, after a certain point in history. Though it was talked about the least between Elysium and Tartarus, there is a third afterlife within the underworld. Asphodel, which was assumed that most people go to. The kids of the gods and exceptionally good people would go to Elysium; the titans and exceptionally bad people would rot in Tartarus; Asphodel was for the rest of us.

Helps that I view most people as neutral at worst, though I wouldn't be surprised if at least a third of the world or my country's population are either bad or evil, or are complacent with it. But hey, the number went down from half recently, so maybe I'm improving? What can I say? Y'all are bringing out the best in me. :v
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