Honestly? Given the state of the industry right now and the way they keep pushing stuff like Games As A Service on us, I see no advantage on getting physical copies... chances are, you'll end up with a very fancy-looking paperweight after a while.
Unless you remove said "service" element from the game. Think Re outbreak 1 and 2, demons souls private server, and a whole bunch others who while do not fit the bill of "live service" fully, they where modded to act in a way that would allow continued experience of title, what the developer is communicating and the overall content.
I think having code on disk i can use as i like is always a better option for preservation then no.
But you are correct, companies like ubisoft are stating "get used to not owning your games", well the obvious answer to that is "get used to us not buying in to your model".
IMHO, Games should only be a way for a person to relax, switch off a de-stress, and if it means, for my own personal sanity avoiding addictive mechanics, while having the ability to switch off, i will always go physical and alternative routes.
No one really "needs" games, we need food, water and a place to live. Games are a bonus which can have a positive effect on our mental health. If they become a hindrance to that, then people will respond by cutting it out or go back to older content.
If the market falls, let it, only way they will learn and then the indi companies and developers can pick up the peaces.
God bless companies like GOG who provide older experiances, while digitally, they are not a live service and once you own it, you own it. But how long they will keep this model, is any ones guess.