English patched Monster Hunter XX if you don’t have the switch version.
Dragon Quest Monsters 2 remake which also has an English patch
Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 3 Professional, the English version is hard to find but it’s out there.
Yokai Watch 3
Rune Factory 4
Kirby Planet Robobot, probably the best Kirby game ever made
Yoshi’s Woolly World
Zelda Majora’s Mask remake, Ocarina of Time remake and A Link Between Worlds
Seconding the Etrian Odyssey, Fire Emblem and SMT recommendations in this thread. The 3DS is probably my favorite console, there’s just so many good games on it that haven’t been ported anywhere else. Don’t forget you can inject GBA games to run natively on the console using New Super Ultimate Injector and play DS games using Twilight Menu. If you have a New 3DS the snes library is also available to you on the Nintendo made emulator which runs most snes games quite well in my experience.