I mean, I've never been a competitive level gamer. Never been good at fighting games. I love arena shooters like Quake and Halo, but I suck in multiplayer. But I've always had a knack for single player games. I love overcoming challenges, learning games mechanics, ect. I always play on the hardest difficulties, and love seeing myself improve and overcome the challenge.
I've beaten all the Uncharted's on Crushing, all the Halos either on Heroic+ or Legendary, beaten Demon's Souls, all three Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Elden Ring, Hollow Knight, every Mega Man and Mega Man X game. I play classic Doom on Ultra Violence or UV+, and modern Doom on Nightmare. I beat God Of War 2018, including Sigrun, on Give Me God Of War. Etc
But lately,
I couldn't beat Ninja Gaiden Black on normal. I've been playing Killing Floor - a game I've played with friends for YEARS, and can't seem to complete a round on normal. I started playing Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge last week, a game I shouldn't be finding hard, and it's taken me 6 hours to get to chapter 8, I've C ranked every mission, and I'm now stuck on a boss.
I just feel terrible at every game I play lately, and it's kind of sucked the fun out of playing video games to the point I have more fun downloading them and getting them to work in different ways, than I do actually playing them, and feel the urge to game less and less.