Anyone else feel like they are getting WORSE at games over time?

Avoid Sekiro and Skill Based Matchmaking like a plague. I'd say if you can clear an MGS title you still have it, but many newer games just don't seem to play as well. I am perplexed by the people that sing praises to the latest 5ma5h br0s game because I cannot be playing the same game I hate how the camera pans and cannot tell what is going on at all.
Games today are very hyperactive, no doubt to keep the TikTok brainrotted kids hooked for more than 10 minutes. I hate newer multiplayer games. I just can't get into them anymore. Meet me in Quake and we will talk lol.
Yes. Yesterday i was playing tekken tag with my gf but she didn't wunna be on my team :(
and wanted to 2v2 me ><
so i decided to teach her a lesson and go full force with my best two characters Paul & Yoshimitsu.
but the controller kept making me jump when i pressed left or right and i couldn't do any good moves!
she beat me up with her button mashing technique and then said "you're mad aren't you?"
and i lied and said "NO IM NOT"
she also figured out how to activate the fast forward function on the emulator to make her button mashing technique with Eddy even more impossible to beat ?
Never been that good at videogames, but in the last 10 years I've seen how I got worse with fighting games, can't even remember more than 5 or 6 combos.
In my late teenage years I felt godly at FPS games like Halo 2 especially at lan parties. I can't do half of the things I used to be able to do in them. But on the flip side I am better at RPGs now, especially when it comes to grinding. Younger me just wanted to rush right through while older me is like, grinding isn't that bad. I don't know how many RPGs younger me got to the end to, couldn't beat, and then forgot about, while current me now has a goal of 12 games per year beaten which I have been hitting that goal in recent years.
I want to say that it's just part of getting old. But it's not.

Yes getting old is part of it, slower reflexes and not as in-tune. But also it's hard to keep my attention on games anymore. I'll boot up a game, play 15 minutes and get bored and shut it down. It feels like i've played 100,000 hours of the game already and I just don't care.

Some new or obscure games have more spark to them, but otherwise i feel like i've done it all before. I'm so sick of Call of Duty, and i've never played it! Or so many movie or anime or manga or other tropes.

It's suggested by some metaphysicals that there's a collective consciousness, and if so i feel like i'm getting most of the drain. But i also get dozens of cases of Deja Vu like this isn't the first time I've lived this life.

But one thing that never gets tiring and i'll never get bad at....


Cookie Monster Eating GIF by Sesame Street
Yes getting old is part of it, slower reflexes and not as in-tune. But also it's hard to keep my attention on games anymore. I'll boot up a game, play 15 minutes and get bored and shut it down. It feels like i've played 100,000 hours of the game already and I just don't care.
This is so real, I've spent a lot more time choosing what to play and then play it for a couple minute before I got bored and shut the game down. ::confused
I mean, I've never been a competitive level gamer. Never been good at fighting games. I love arena shooters like Quake and Halo, but I suck in multiplayer. But I've always had a knack for single player games. I love overcoming challenges, learning games mechanics, ect. I always play on the hardest difficulties, and love seeing myself improve and overcome the challenge.

I've beaten all the Uncharted's on Crushing, all the Halos either on Heroic+ or Legendary, beaten Demon's Souls, all three Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Elden Ring, Hollow Knight, every Mega Man and Mega Man X game. I play classic Doom on Ultra Violence or UV+, and modern Doom on Nightmare. I beat God Of War 2018, including Sigrun, on Give Me God Of War. Etc

But lately,
I couldn't beat Ninja Gaiden Black on normal. I've been playing Killing Floor - a game I've played with friends for YEARS, and can't seem to complete a round on normal. I started playing Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge last week, a game I shouldn't be finding hard, and it's taken me 6 hours to get to chapter 8, I've C ranked every mission, and I'm now stuck on a boss.

I just feel terrible at every game I play lately, and it's kind of sucked the fun out of playing video games to the point I have more fun downloading them and getting them to work in different ways, than I do actually playing them, and feel the urge to game less and less.
Yeah, the reflexes aren't as fast as they used to be but I got better at pattern recognition with time, so games like Hollow Knight, old testament MegaMan/Castlevania and souls like are getting easier. Always sucked at shooters, Fighters, RTSs or anything competitive so no change there?
after a 1000+ hours in each souls games + elden ring I feel I become so damn good at games that easy or normal difficlty is do damn easy heck some games even hard is to damn easy.

Sure then we have OLD rts games where Easy = nightmare and hard = go F your self and die. I mean KKND so damn unbalanced the only way I could even beat the game at all was cheating because the AI was to stupidly broken.

But no I feel I come better and better over the years. I still suck at FPS games after 20 years of playing them but some games you will never ever become good at.
What Nidstang said in his posts, I relate. For me also, age is catching up. Can't hold controllers for hours without it hurting. Can't push buttons as fast as i used to, doesn't help when modern systems like XBox X/S or PS5 don't have rapid fire button controllers either. Switch does, but they don't? Buy or DL games and not play them because of getting frustrated with another game.
Sometimes I feel like games today are getting too complicated for me. But the reason for this is because a lot of multiplayer-oriented games no longer feel the need to teach you the ropes at all. They know you're gonna look it up on Youtube. I grew up with manuals and later GameFAQs, so I'm not used to games outsourcing their instructions to content creators. I adapt, though.
I've definitely gotten worse at button mashing over these past few years, likely because of my weight gain (which I'm gonna attempt to work on this year)
Maybe a longer break is needed .

When i noticed that i struggle at a game which im extremly good at , i take a long break from gaming. Can be a week till a month but this always works for me wonders .

Our brain needs sometimes a rest too to digest our progress and defeated challenges into experience .

To get back into the groove in older games belongs as a challenge too , even when we beat the games so often that we must be gods in these virtual realms .

I even learned to accept game overs again because i already played many different games in the last decades that older game-designs becoming foreign to me again and i saw a new challenge again to regain that oldschool game flow that i lost in years .

It gives a new spin on older and already beaten games years ago .
you should buy chinesse gamepad that have turbo trigger
Please tell me one for PS5. Big reason i dont get on as much anymore. Ive been looking and can't find anything. Spent 150 for a Modded Zone controller. Not impressed, and it'd be more for FPS, which I don't really play.

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