
  1. χKai

    Fond Video Game Memories

    I was just talking with a friend, and the subject of Local TV Channels got brought up, which reminded me of my young preteen days when I used to stay up late at night to watch something unlike any of you have probably ever heard of. Keep in mind, this is before Youtube or even Google was a...
  2. thanonyx

    The first LGBT+ video games characters

    There's a pair of French PC games for the Apple II that are both contenders for the first game to feature an LGBT+ character and they both were released in 1985. First we have Le crime du parking which is a murder mystery about a couple of detectives who find a woman dead in a shopping cart in a...
  3. XanDeVoir

    Survival Horror for a One-Night Playthrough

    Hey everyone! I'm looking for a survival horror game I can play through in one night. My parents are out, and I'm taking advantage of the holiday break to have a horror gaming night! I don't get much time to play anymore between work and school, so this is a real treat for me. Note1: In...
  4. 7eve70rd

    Personal Gaming Screenshot Collection

    How do you organize your game screenshot collection? What is your oldest game photo? Post other thoughts about photos of game screens to commemorate an achievement.
  5. randomdudeguy

    Games you DON'T like despite it checking the boxes of what you do like.

    Ever come across that game or game series that embodies so much of what you love that you in turn should totally be into them but when reality hits they fall flat and you just can't bother. For me, everything Mega Man. It checks nearly all the boxes for me but once I start I just can't get...
  6. RageBurner

    Games you were glad you just rented, not bought outright.

    Yeah I'm on fire today. Ideas, ideas, ideas! Anyway, I remember a little anecdote from my childhood and decided to make a thread out of it. In a galaxy far away... nah, seriously, what happened is at one point in the past during my childhood I rented Sword of Sodan. Having loved Golden Axe, I...
  7. HTBandicoot

    Ideas for Old iPhone

    I have an iPhone 5S I don’t use that still has battery and works. However, Apple doesn’t release updates anymore and most emulation apps don’t run on operating systems that old. I thought I could use it just for gaming, but I’ve run into these problems. So I thought I would ask you for ideas...
  8. Ignyx_8

    Power Rangers S.P.D.: Escape Of The Five Fugitives (plug and play) - emulation help

    Hello, I wanted to ask if anyone has a rom for this game. I used to play it when I was a little kid and I just got into emulation. This was literally my childhood and I would love to play the game again since I don't know where my plug and play controller is. I would greatly appreciate any...
  9. Waffles

    Favorite Intros?

    What are those openings that get you really pumped to start playing the games they are introducing? Mine are:
  10. B

    stop killing games EU petition

    hello, this is to EU citizens I’ll give context it's called stop killing games, it’s a campaign going on right now that is trying to have laws on ownership for online games, so when you buy a game you should still keep it and have an offline mode when the servers are shut down, now currently...
  11. Kannibal

    HI-SCORE Thread

    Post your high scores or 1CCs. Time Attack and Survival results are welcome too! Post Template Game Title: Clearly list the title of the game. Title from Wikipedia or equivalent preferred. Platform/Version: Mention the platform (e.g., arcade, console, emulator) and version if applicable...
  12. Gorse

    The Prequel Problem

    Simple question: Can you name a good prequel? I was listening to a podcast recently where the presenter asked the above to his co-host, who couldn't answer. I thought "Well, that's ridiculous! Surely, there must be some prequel, across any media, that's generally thought of as being...
  13. DJPlace

    what's your anger stress games that you go to.

    if your really mad and stuff and need to calm down. i like to go to saint's row the third on my PS3 so i can go into my TRON looking tank and blow stuff up also running at people and slamming down face first in the ground is epic. my 2nd game is less violent it's bully on PS2 i just love going...
  14. Spike

    Games you replayed a hundred times?

    What's that game you replay again every once in a while? I think for me it's SOTN and Metal Gear Solid. I never adapted very well to modern MGS games, I love the simplicity of it. SOTN is just fun to try weird things to do. It's the first game I move to every new device.

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