The old man telling you to get off his lawn
Xenosaga ep 2 has a good soundtrack and the battle system is better, especially when it comes to the mechs, xenosaga ep 1 suffers from a severe lack of music and where there is music half the time it either sucks (the battle theme for everything but the final boss) or has no music at all (like half the dungeons), that said when ep 1's music is good it's really good, as for the battle system it felt less of a proper battle system in ep 1, like it was trying to be xenogears but fell behind what made it good in the first place, also xenosaga ep 1 had that "porcelin doll" effect which made it kinda uncanny, also not much really happens in ep 1, this isn't necessarily unexpected in the first game in a trilogy but it's still very noticable, not to mention how utterly useless A.E.G,W,'s were, unlike the E.S.'s from 2 and 3.I'd say it depends what you want in a game but I really don't see any area where Ep 2 exceeds Ep 1, and there's many areas where it falls short.
3 compared to 1 is more of a mixed bag because it really does do some things better than 1 even if it does others worse (1 has better writing and cutscene direction/budget, but 3 has better paced combat and dat Yuki Kajiura soundtrack).
What ep 1 does better than ep 2 imo is at least the first half of the game is better paced, ep 2 spends a good portion of the first half of the game in the dreamscape, which drags on, ep 1 has a proper shop system and also has minigames even if they kinda suck or are irrelevant, ep 1 also has ff8 and ff13's biggest problem though where most of the story is told through a primer, though i'm not deducting this as ep 3 also suffers from this to a extent, when it comes to story however, that really depends on the person, i personally find ep 2's story more intriguing than ep 1's but i can see how others might think the opposite.
Miserable is subjective, i'd say it just has not aged as well as people want to admit, though i still enjoy it, if i can get past ep 1.Full miserable experience???? I really need to play Xenosaga too...!!!
From what i've heard RS2's remake is amazing, better than the original but is a actual remake, not a upgraded graphics game, aka the feef is different,Suffering builds character
RS2 is excellent. I wonder if that recent remake was any good.