your favorite levels or missions of all time?


Young Hero
Writers Guild
Level 1
Dec 24, 2024
Reaction score
some of my favorites are listed below, I would like to know what others think ( no boss only levels, otherwise the list would be filled with Vergil)
1. Tower of Dawn ( prince of Persia sands of time )
2. Curtains Down ( hitman blood money )
3. Devil's Dalliance ( DMC devil may cry )
4. Black & White, Majima vs Dojima Family ( yakuza 0 )
5. The Battle of Kaer Morhen ( the witcher 3 )
6. There Are No Happy Endings ( Max Payne 2 )
7. Heaven ( persona 4 )
8. Chun-Nun ( sonic unwiished )
9. Lady Boyle's Last Party ( dishonored )
10. The Guest Area ( little nightmares )
1-March of the scourge (warcraft 3)
2-the siege of dalaran (also wc3)
3-the spirit of ashenvale (wc3)
4-the druids awaken (also wc3)
5-midwitch school made want to recite the whole Quran and I hardly have memorized any of it , it also is the introduction for the otherworld now you get to play in it and it doesn't hold back on terrifying me I jumped many times playing it (silent hill 1)
6-alcemia hospital from also silent hill 1 the
7-the RPD from resident evil 2 not exactly one level tho.
8-the tower from metal gear solid where you have to run run run AND RUN
9-soviet mission 4 (red alert 2)
10-china mission 3 (Cnc generals)

These are my top 10 levels
Nice idea! Most of it are final bosses though like
Yoshi's Island - Baby Bowser
Monster Hunter 3rd Portable - Amatsu and Jhen Mohran quests
Donkey Kong 94 - The Donk Tower
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow - defeating Death
  1. Sonic The Hedgehog - Green Hill Zone
  2. Sonic The Hedgehog 2 - Emerald Hill Zone
  3. Sonic CD - Palmtree Panic
  4. Sonic The Hedgehog 3 - Angel Island Zone
  5. Sonic Generations - Green Hill Zone
  6. Sonic Mania - Green Hill Zone
  7. Sonic Forces - Green Hill Zone
  8. Sonic Dash - Green Hill Zone
  9. Sonic Runners - Green Hill Zone
  10. Sonic Adventure - Green Hill Zone
  11. Sonic Adventure 2 - Green Hill Zone
  12. Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) - Green Hill Zone
Nice idea! Most of it are final bosses though like
Yoshi's Island - Baby Bowser
Monster Hunter 3rd Portable - Amatsu and Jhen Mohran quests
Donkey Kong 94 - The Donk Tower
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow - defeating Death
the idea was for me to know what set pieces or parts of games people enjoyed, favorite bosses could be their own separate lists, think of it as journey vs destination
chapter 7 of super paper mario is a personal favorite, i love how it's not just another level, you basically get sent to hell and have to claw your way out, slowly getting all your party members back until you reach the heavens. i always look forward to it on every playthrough. labyrinth in cave story is a similar situation, you get sent to what is essentially the trash dump of the island and you have to work your way back to mimiga village, you don't get a free out. i guess i have a type when it comes to videogame levels, huh?
the idea was for me to know what set pieces or parts of games people enjoyed, favorite bosses could be their own separate lists, think of it as journey vs destination
I see…I don't know man, I just love those kinds of mission or task. Maybe they're just that good
Astro Man's stage in Mega Man & Bass is my favorite Mega Man level of all time. Peak level design.

The funny thing is, I hate his stage in Mega Man 8.
Forest Temple in Ocarina of Time is my favorite Zelda dungeon by a country mile. Love the atmosphere and music and somehow I still haven’t memorized it all, so there’s still some mystery to it.

Whodunit? from TESIV Obliivion.
You and some other guests a locked in a mansion looking for gold except there is no gold and you play the part of the secret murderer. Depending who you kill in what order, dialogue changes so it's always fun to replay.
Whodunit? from TESIV Obliivion.
You and some other guests a locked in a mansion looking for gold except there is no gold and you play the part of the secret murderer. Depending who you kill in what order, dialogue changes so it's always fun to replay.
Don't know if this count as an stage but I always remember fondly the part of the Norman Hotel in Silent Hill 1

In which the game becomes more open than before, for you to explore and discover more of the town secret stories.

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