Your dream crossover

Gekisou! Benza Race -Toilet Shooting Star and Foot Odor Girl

I think what they could do for this is sell a PC peripheral to attach to your nose. It could be named 'Gran Turdismo'
I don't have any big example in mind but I would've loved to see either Panel de Pon vs Puyo Puyo or Columns X Puyo Puyo because they seem to fit together better than Tetris.

They're all colour matching tile puzzle games and two of them have cutesy characters that could interact between each others.

Even Columns had one episode with a dedicated character
Zelda crossover with Metal Gear. Action Adventure and Stealth game.


"Link, your goal is to infiltrate Shadow Moses. Use the lamp oil, rope, and bombs included in your sneaking suit to create a pathway to the DARPA Chief. Remember, this is a sneaking mission."


Beedle would be a codec frequency who can sell you items through nanomachines.

Zelda would save Link in at least one instance as Sheik. Moblins return, serving the same purpose that they did in Wind Waker's Forsaken Fortress. Beast Ganon being awoken is the end result, effectively replacing a Metal Gear's role in MGS titles. The main antagonist is a new villain not from either series, but has Zelda-like henchmen who replace Metal Gear's Sons of Big Boss.
final fantasy X transformers
just had a dream about transformers in ff7 world where the story is diffrent and sephrioth is not mad
An official Marvel Vs DC fighting game, but no, the legal team is more focused on buying the rights for characte4rs not even the creator remember to make cash grabs instead of lending trhe rights to say, Capcom or Arc System
DC Comics bought out Quality Comics, Fawcett Comics, Charlton Comics, and, more recently, WildStorm Comics. (Plus they incorporated Milestone Comics and all non-creator owned Vertigo Comics series, but they already owned those.) In the long run, it wouldn't be surprising if they buy Marvel Comics off of Gisnep one day, maybe after the Cinematic Universe collapses. Or maybe they'll remember they did a bunch of crossovers in the comics in the 90s and that they can cash in pretty well off the gimmick alone.
They'd never have the money to do this, right?
Marvel once sold the rights to adaptations of their properties to damn near anyone and almost sold the whole company to Michael Jackson. If they make enough dumb decisions to nearly go bankrupt again, it could happen. Also, keep in mind that many great companies have been bought out and merged over the years. They were usually small timers swallowed by the big timers, but it is not out of the ordinary for a big timer to divest a smaller branch and sell it off. (Gisnep managed to buy 20th Century Fox off of NewsCorp, so there is precedent for this.)
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Crossovers I'd like to see:
  • Capcom vs Capcom: Yes, they did two bad attempts at it before, one of which was unreleased and the other failed miserably. But if they actually put effort into it, it could be good. If we aren't going to get their quasi-equivalent of KOF (Rival Schools) anymore, then we should at least get an actual KOF equivalent from them.
  • All shitty MK clones from the 90s: It's the only way any of them (with the possible exception of Eternal Champions) has a chance of making a comeback.
  • SMT vs Pokemon: It's a natural crossover that Nintendo probably did consider before crossing SMT with Fire Emblem. Probably feared kids would fuse Mara with a Pokemon and get some horrifying results (Dicklit, Dickachu, etc).
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I would kill for a Mortal Kombat vs. DC vs. Marvel vs. Capcom fighting game. I imagine characters would have styles to function how they chose between traditional MK, Injustice, Marvel Superheroes, or Street Fighter, and their movesets would change accordingly.​
SMT vs Pokemon: It's a natural crossover that Nintendo probably did consider before crossing SMT with Fire Emblem. Probably feared kids would fuse Mara with a Pokemon and get some horrifying results (Dicklit, Dickachu, etc).
While I see that I think I'd love to see Digimon X Shin Megaten over Pokémon.
Puyo Puyo vs Bomberman. They would go together so well for some reason.
Main gameplay would be like Bomberman 64, where you could play either as Bomberman or Arle, or as both in co-op mode. Arle would use puyos that acts as bombs.
There would also be extra VS modes featuring Bomberman 64-slyle vs, classic Bomberman vs and Puyo Puyo vs, with a roster of characters from both franchises.
I would kill for a Mortal Kombat vs. DC vs. Marvel vs. Capcom fighting game. I imagine characters would have styles to function how they chose between traditional MK, Injustice, Marvel Superheroes, or Street Fighter, and their movesets would change accordingly.​
Sorry, best we can do for you for the time being is this (surprisingly, actually proposed at one point):

Puyo Puyo vs Bomberman. They would go together so well for some reason.
Main gameplay would be like Bomberman 64, where you could play either as Bomberman or Arle, or as both in co-op mode. Arle would use puyos that acts as bombs.
There would also be extra VS modes featuring Bomberman 64-slyle vs, classic Bomberman vs and Puyo Puyo vs, with a roster of characters from both franchises.
Panic Bomber is the same basic concept, though with different gameplay.

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