This can apply to any patch that is not good, either through grammar, faithfulness to the source writing, or formatting. For me, one of the early Fire Emblem Gaiden translations sticks out as really, really hard to read in how it was programmed.
I assumed that was the vibe of the game…Beyond the Labyrinth for 3DS has such a horrific translation, not because of errors but because of the translation decisions by the people who did it fucked up the vibe of the game completely, it was like it was made by an edgy 12 year old trying their best at being offensive. And worse is how for a long time i didn't saw anyone criticizing it because of that "hey man, at least he did something and you did nothing. Can you do better?" mentality.
This is maybe the worst fate for any anime game: having the abridged dub take precedent.From the top of my head, Yu-Gi-Oh ARC V Tag Force SPECIAL
like I get it dude you like Abridged, could you take this seriously
Also Saikyo Card Battle on 3DS
This one? spanish translation of Megaman Zero, I don´t remember who made it
I found the engrish quite funny though.Vietnamese Crystal
No, it wasn´t this one, I´m talking about one that was almost an entire dialect of spanish cuz of how unredable wasThis one?
And why does it suck?
same, I think it's the only one I played where I was taken out of the experience because of the choice of words.Rockman & Forte English patch.