Why AVGN is a Cornerstone of Gaming Culture

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“Hey, wanna listen to some tunes?”

Today we’d like to talk about one of the most important figures in our community and that is James Rolfe, the man behind the Angry Video Game Nerd. What begun as a small film project all the way back in 2004 hosted on his webisite eventually grew into the anomaly that it is today. Today we not only look back on the character, as well as the man behind the gimmick, but also make an argument as to why he deserves to remain within public conscious.

But who is the name behind the face?​


For the uninitiated, James Rolfe is the man behind the website, Cinemassacre.com. He’s responsible for classic web shows such as Monster Madness, where he reviews a ton of classic films from his childhood, but it’s when he created the Angry Video Game Nerd that he became a blip on everyone’s radar. Originally starting out as a short project only meant to last 3 episodes give or take inevitably evolved into something bigger than the sum of its parts.

Sooner or later, not only would James wind up attracting a sizable global audience (more on that later!) but would inspire the editing style of many video producers to come, especially on YouTube. It’s incredible in its own right as his video making style not only predates the concept of a “YouTuber”, but the website as a whole. Nearly all early avgn episodes on YouTube are reuploads from his website.

More than an angry nerd.​


Right, so a small asterisk needs to accompany us each time we mention he inspired a plethora of online video creators. Now we’re here to celebrate his accolades, not his shortcomings. Although it needs to be mentioned even the so called “AVGN clones” are widely misunderstood, but more on that later.

As a continuation of our previous segment, we need to establish some ground here for those unaware and as such may think James is just a guy screaming into a camera. He certainly isn’t, not only does he have a passion for filmmaking, which clearly shows, but a lot of the episodes have some really fascinating stories in them. The Mega Man episode is actually excellent example of this where he travels back in time to meet his past self and collaborate with his past self. It’s a great episode.


The fingerprints of the AVGN​


Right, so the topic of this is one that’s tough to dodge. They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery but with these guys, it’d be more like a slap to the face (thanks, death battle). However, we’re here to provide a somewhat more positive interpretation of the so-called AVGN “clones”. Sure, it gave us plenty of duds, but that’s common in the field of creativity. We as people make tons of errors, and only our few great deeds make us who we are. It’s just this is one of those instances where all the errors stood out, overwhelming the positive impact AVGN legitimately had. Today I’d like to make an argument as to why the AVGN clone hate is a bit overblown.

Meet Derek Alexander - the Happy Video Game Nerd, long lost cousin of the AVGN​


In a twist no one saw coming, the AVGN had not a clone per se, but more like… a rival? A lost relative? Distant cousin? It was left somewhat ambiguous, likely on purpose as there was less emphasis on lore this time around. Unlike AVGN, Derek was less interested in building up the mythos and moreso interested in getting his feet wet as a reviewer, as he eventually went on his quest to stop skeletons from fighting.

Seriously, go check him out. You owe yourself a favor. He’s the most well-realized and well fleshed out of the AVGN clones. Calling him a clone is unnecessary as he’s quite on-par with the legend himself.

His final episode is what helped me appreciate castlevania as one of my all time favorite series!

But exactly made the videos so awesome?​

Frustrated Angry Video Game Nerd GIF

Right, see, when James Rolfe is the G.O.A.T. of video making, it’s the truth. It must be understood that this wasn’t just some guy shouting at a camera. He did so much of that, but he did so much more.

As previously mentioned, James has a background in film, albeit humble one of the time, the man knew what he was doing. These episodes were not just well-written, they were well-produced. Fantastic shot composition, great scenery and choreography combined with a great camera all came in to produce some really enjoyable viewing. AVGN wasn’t just simple fun, there was a lot of high class artistry going on that this author’s ignorant film brain can’t begin to comprehend. These videos need to be studied in film class.

Right, global audience!​


The bit at the start of the article shouldn’t be scoffed at. The Nerd had a wider reach than his often given credit for. If you’ve seen the movie, there was a brief bit in it where tons of people apparently learned English through AVGN which is incredible to hear.

Not to mention, we can’t understate the longevity retro games had worldwide, as they had a bit of an extended shelf life in most non-Ango parts of the world as evident in a great article written by our good buddy, Lee.

So, what’s Derek doing now? He stops skeletons from fighting!​


Right, so an update is in order. As we said, he started his own series, Stopped Skeletons From Fighting, almost a decade ago! And to think this all spun off of a spin-off! It truly can’t be understated how large of an impact James Rolfe left on all of us. A lot of people would not be where they are now if it weren’t for the man behind the nerdy glasses.

I strongly recommend you go check him out. Dude’s great!

If you’re unsure where to start, the man has a plethora of esoteric lost tech videos. This RE4 is definitely a must, but most of his content is great and worth watching! He also has a fantastic documentary on Mighty No. 9! Worth a look!

And look, Derrick even briefly cameos in an AVGN episode! Sweet!


Got any memories of watching the AVGN? Ask yourself “what were they thinking?!” in the comment section below!

? Lastly, some housekeeping…​

I will not hesitate to call this the most hellish article I’ve worked on. It’s like the universe was out to get me. Researching a person is not as easy as researching a game. This author was ready to commit to a full rewatch of both AVGN and the HVGN to grab the necessary images. Thankfully, tenor and a few other sources saved my skin. I wasted around 6 whopping hours looking for really minor stuff just to publish an article that was already ready and prepared to be published. Why did I go this far? I just really care. Funniest part? This was a blessing in disguise because turns out after all this effort, I was on the verge of publishing in the wrong category. Something a mod can fix with no doubt, but would’ve been embarrassing regardless. That said, got any favorite episodes? Please share! If you were curious, my favorite episodes are Silver Surfer, Bugs Bunny and Mega Man.
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I think I watched some of his episodes that were fan-dubbed into my native language.
Seriously? This is super interesting to find out he has dubs in other languages! I should look into this so I appreciate you letting me know.
My fave video of his is actually the one where he made fun of Inspector Gadget DVD menu with Mike Matei.

I always loved the episodes where the Nerd give some context for the things he reviewed for example the majority of the consoles episodes like the one for Tiger electronics. PFFFF bits wars.
Or the Atari Jaguar one and I also like when he told his experiences about a game he played as a child, like in the Ghost and Goblins episode. Also great Mention to Derek videos! I love his Zeboo video where he shows the games and the one of the RE Degeneration mobile game. Cool retrospective!
I always loved the episodes where the Nerd give some context for the things he reviewed for example the majority of the consoles episodes like the one for Tiger electronics. PFFFF bits wars.
Or the Atari Jaguar one and I also like when he told his experiences about a game he played as a child, like in the Ghost and Goblins episode. Also great Mention to Derek videos! I love his Zeboo video where he shows the games and the one of the RE Degeneration mobile game. Cool retrospective!
Nice to see another Derek fan ! : D
Loved him back then still to this day also lol to all the loser lolcows who, can't watch him anymore, just cause he does edgy comedy like lol trolls remorse much? what a bunch of weenie hut jr types. But yeah i still watch him even to thsi day.
Loved him back then still to this day also lol to all the loser lolcows who, can't watch him anymore, just cause he does edgy comedy like lol trolls remorse much? what a bunch of weenie hut jr types. But yeah i still watch him even to thsi day.
yup have to agree. I still like enjoy his vids.
The AVGN did a huge favor to the then-young retro gaming community, and it's hard to tell just how many people he inspired, from the always cheerful Rinry to the epic comedy ball known as JonTron.

However, he's also indirectly responsible for spearheading the age of unfair criticism, which still plagues the gaming scene as a whole. People just seem unable to understand that he's playing a character.
The AVGN did a huge favor to the then-young retro gaming community, and it's hard to tell just how many people he inspired, from the always cheerful Rinry to the epic comedy ball known as JonTron.

However, he's also indirectly responsible for spearheading the age of unfair criticism, which still plagues the gaming scene as a whole. People just seem unable to understand that he's playing a character.
All well said. Nice to see you comment, thanks for reading! Appreciate it!
Great article! I watched Angry Nintendo Nerd game in the GameTrailers.com days and continued to watch when he moved onto his own Youtube channel as the Angry Video Game Nerd.

I disagree with anyone blaming James as having anything to do with the toxicity in gaming culture. Toxic people are toxic because they are unhappy people and have real issues going on in their personal lives. Often (but not always) the younger the person is, the worse they are about dealing with whats going on and even worse, the easier it is to be manipulated by others online. And the internet, being an easy way to lash out with little repercussion, enables that behavior. This is a problem across all interests, not just gaming. There are plenty of content creators that actually advocate toxicity, whereas James is literally pretending to be irate about old videogames.

While I do feel that James' golden years are behind him, there are still some new episodes that I enjoy that he puts out. James love of cinematography and his relatable love of retro games is what made his show special to many of us. Some of my favorites are his Castlevania retrospective episodes and his Earthbound review. There are so many more but my memory is hazy, I should watch them again sometime.
Great article! I watched Angry Nintendo Nerd game in the GameTrailers.com days and continued to watch when he moved onto his own Youtube channel as the Angry Video Game Nerd.

I disagree with anyone blaming James as having anything to do with the toxicity in gaming culture. Toxic people are toxic because they are unhappy people and have real issues going on in their personal lives. Often (but not always) the younger the person is, the worse they are about dealing with whats going on and even worse, the easier it is to be manipulated by others online. And the internet, being an easy way to lash out with little repercussion, enables that behavior. This is a problem across all interests, not just gaming. There are plenty of content creators that actually advocate toxicity, whereas James is literally pretending to be irate about old videogames.

While I do feel that James' golden years are behind him, there are still some new episodes that I enjoy that he puts out. James love of cinematography and his relatable love of retro games is what made his show special to many of us. Some of my favorites are his Castlevania retrospective episodes and his Earthbound review. There are so many more but my memory is hazy, I should watch them again sometime.
It’s funny how many sites avgn hopped between, gametrailers, screwattack, silvermania.
Yeah I still enjoy the newer eps. I’ve come to appreciate the man behind the camera way more than the character, and became happy just seeing him on screen! The need has a welcoming feel to him that’s hard to verbalize.

Good write-up btw ?, yes it’s unfair to put the blame on him. People need to understand anger and toxicity is still a choice. I don’t really get why you’d blame avgn unless they already dislike which just creates a biased POV imo.

Thanks for reading and commenting!
AVGN THE GOAT! He's the one who either started it all or the one who made the biggest impact for the gaming industry

He's creating a history by simply (or not simply) hating and ranting on games, it all started with Castlevania II: Simon's Quest. And to think that I would still watch him despite the gaming trend that keeps changing, just shows how consistent he is with his content

He doesn't just rant, he also adds some skits or even short films in between his videos. He has his own style, culture, morals, knowledge, games, etc. He can also be a teacher, coach, professor and even a father figure. The greatest of them all ::bigboss
AVGN THE GOAT! He's the one who either started it all or the one who made the biggest impact for the gaming industry

He's creating a history by simply (or not simply) hating and ranting on games, it all started with Castlevania II: Simon's Quest. And to think that I would still watch him despite the gaming trend that keeps changing, just shows how consistent he is with his content

He doesn't just rant, he also adds some skits or even short films in between his videos. He has his own style, culture, morals, knowledge, games, etc. He can also be a teacher, coach, professor and even a father figure. The greatest of them all ::bigboss
Big agree here. It’s an admirable quality how he is not affected by the change of tides, and how he balances his chaotic life. As well as incorporating his movie passion into every bit of his work. The man knows what he’s doing. This was probably the most fun to research thus far.
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Big agree here. It’s an admirable quality how he is not affected by the change of tides, and how he balances his chaotic life. As well as incorporating his movie passion into every bit of his work. The man knows what he’s doing. This was probably the most to research thus far.
True that, he's really passionate about it too! I'm happy for him ::bigboss
True that, he's really passionate about it too! I'm happy for him ::bigboss
What’s also great is that (imo) how solid the quality is even compared to older eps, and how he ups the ante and lengths of episodes as the series goes on. I mentioned in my notes how I was a bit worried I’d need to commit to a full rewatch but avgn is surprisingly one of the most rewatchable shows ever. While it thankfully wasn’t needed as I managed to sort out my problem regardless I still would’ve had fun anyways. This was one of the most fun to write and research and it was nice reuniting with old memories I’ve had while watching both AVGN and HVGN.

thanks for the comment and reading!
What’s also great is that (imo) how solid the quality is even compared to older eps, and how he ups the ante and lengths of episodes as the series goes on. I mentioned in my notes how I was a bit worried I’d need to commit to a full rewatch but avgn is surprisingly one of the most rewatchable shows ever. While it thankfully wasn’t needed as I managed to sort out my problem regardless I still would’ve had fun anyways. This was one of the most fun to write and research and it was nice reuniting with old memories I’ve had while watching both AVGN and HVGN.

thanks for the comment and reading!
I agree with most of these, I'm glad that you're having fun writing all of this

And you're welcome man, it's always nice to read it all ::dkapproves
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it's really impressive the impact James Rolfe has had on gamer culture, I've always been a big fan of AVGN since I was a kid, and he was essential for me to learn English self-taught since I used to watch his videos with Portuguese subtitles made by Brazilian fans.

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