like the emoji I just left on your post, Felix the Cat I think has a Gen/MD game n there's like... uhh... a Garfield game for Commodore 64 xD I'd mention Bubsy franchise, but then if I did I'd have to 5-finger deathpunch mehself into magic hara~kiri world where seppuku is a happpyyyy... wait wtf am I on about lol
we mustn't forgets Socks the Cat. in politically ridiculous times he will save us but 1st Sega has to get involved with their adored dolphin-worlded franchise
the new team-up game, planned for release at test markets at the bottom of the Baltic Sea in early 2037 (but you can pre-order now to get a free Doraemon scratch n sniff) is tentatively titled 'Clin-Tahn'z Neko & Goddamn'd Ecco on Death Row: The 1st Electric Chair RPG starring everybody from Persona franchise history but with only 1 Seiyuu voicing them aLL. wow Sega. n here I thought I had gone insane. there is hope AFTER ALL' yes that's all in the title. it's tentative!! yo Sega will fire me if I spread misinfo - I got kids to feed d00d!! n beckoning cats to pay to go away! aLL dey eh'ree dei baybehhhh now who got the catnip.
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