I’d say go for it. : DI never finished the original show, only Brotherhood...Should I?
You know what, I will! Just gonna finish two shows I have on queue first, the eternal backlog never stops growing.I’d say go for it. : D
Oh? Curious what those are.You know what, I will! Just gonna finish two shows I have on queue first, the eternal backlog never stops growing.
Currently To Heart because a fellow poster here recommended it to me and Soremachi, and then I have some stuff I watch on a stream too but that's not part of the backlog.Oh? Curious what those are.
Yeah! The backlog backpain is very real.
Both great shows have funCurrently To Heart because a fellow poster here recommended it to me and Soremachi, and then I have some stuff I watch on a stream too but that's not part of the backlog.
Thanks mate, will do!Both great shows have fun
I'm a fan of all three, but when it comes to either the manga or Brotherhood I feel that the manga is better. Brotherhood felt a bit too battle-shouneny for me. Anyway, I'm kind of a sucker for epic journeys and brotherly bonds so I'm not surprised that I enjoyed my experience with Fullmetal Alchemist.Either of the 2003 anime, of the manga/Brotherhood, or both.
Yeah I love the 2003 animeFan of the manga and both animes,
-2003 has an unmatched feel to it, but it strays away from the source material pretty early
-Brotherhood is the most faitful to the manga but it feels a little bland to me?
Not bad by any means, of course
-Manga is goated
-The live action movies are absolutely awful XD
Excellent pickRight here! FMA '03 is my favorite anime of all time