What's with all the pessimism about dating? Sure, it sucks sometimes/most of the time, but so do a lot of things in life. Just because you may be single often, doesn't mean the time is entirely wasted. Observing the relationships of others has its merits, both to figure out what you'd want in a relationship as well as what you don't want. Dating apps suck, and I think are the worst place to find someone. I haven't had much luck myself the last several years, but I've also largely been a hermit outside of work. Anything is possible, though - two of my good friends met off of Tumblr many years ago, started dating, one moved cross-country to live with the other and then they got married. I don't think the sayings about not finding that special person until you stop looking are true, I think just not having tunnel vision and being open to possibilities is important.
Plus, hopefully, you gain wisdom as you age. I can look back on a bunch of previous situations in my dating history and realize what I did wrong, or sometimes what I didn't do at all that led to a missed opportunity.
Anyway, to stick with the imagination of the thread, if some of you young'uns want to go on a date and need a ride, just let me know! I can fit 5 people in my Scion iM, 7 if yer real friendly with each other. I'll drop you off at the skating rink or mall or whatever and go park somewhere and play my 3DS or nap until you're done.