Which user would you go on a date with?

I feel extremely fortunate that I’ve never had any trouble sleeping, which makes me pretty much the only person I know who can say that. With the right condition conditions, I can — and have — sleep for like 12 hours straight.​
I'm sorta like this, but not exactly. If I'm even bordering on vaguely tired, I can fall asleep pretty easy if I try, but just depending on the night and what dreams I'm having, I might get many short spurts of sleep that last somewhere between 30 minutes to an hour, just wake up a couple times, or do what I did today and sleep way, way too long. I think most nights I actually get 6-8 hours, but have gotten as little as a few minutes and as much as 16 before. My body with sleep is very temperamental and unpredictable, and melatonin just makes it worse because it doesn't make it easier to sleep, but it still makes me feel more tired, even after waking up after sleep.​
Post automatically merged:

You being a goober is part of the charm, don't ever change daddy.​
My real pigment is incredibly white, like snow so I might be an actual vampire.​
Mine is weird, because I get pale enough to actually kinda shine in sunlight if I don't go outside for long enough, but I also get tan if I do go outside enough, so my skin kinda ranges from "I can't even look at you in light" to caramel brown.​
Mine is weird, because I get pale enough to actually kinda shine in sunlight if I don't go outside for long enough, but I also get tan if I do go outside enough, so my skin kinda ranges from "I can't even look at you in light" to caramel brown.​
My skin color situation is a little odd too, as my family is predominantly Native American but my Dad and I inherited the lighter skin from my Caucasian Great Grandmother, so we stick out at a family reunion. I don't tan easy either.
I mean....how do you become a space cowboy? Aren't cowboys like people who live in the wild west and ride cows? No I mean have cows or something ?? Space marines kind of make sense if we consider space like a sea without gravity​
It's mostly an umbrella term. It encompasses the notion of living in a dangerous, untamed frontier (space), as cowboys once did on Earth.

At least That's how I interpret it.​
Yeah this is pretty much it. Cowboy itself as a word lost a lot of the specificity of its meaning with time, because it originally did pretty much exclusively mean just someone who tended to a ranch's cattle or horses, bu it morphed more into the idea of a character archetype. A cowboy, especially when talking about fictional characters, would now just be someone with personality traits popularly associated with cowboys. Also with space marines, technically military marines are just part of a group of troop that are trained for land or sea. A space marine would just be one of those that operates in space.​
BORINGGGG let’s talk about something interesting.

Who here has smoked pot?​
I've got bad enough asthma that smoking is a terrible idea for me in any form. Based on some family reactions, I also have good reason to think I'd react poorly to THC, it tends to give most people on my Mom's side of the family massive migraines.​
Mary Jane is legal where I am (has been for a decade, thanks Trudeau, shame about the cuckoldry), but I ain’t never touched the stuff because it really smells disgusting to me. No other drugs, either — I’m CLEAN CUT!!!!!!!!

Well, except for the liquid poison I pour down my fat cake-hole every night or so. BUT THAT’S IN THE BIBLE SO IT’S A-OK!!!!!​
Nah, I'm a square. Outside of an occasional pint or a Whiskey old-fashioned I don't really partake of much.​
I too do partake of the occasional burning flavored water.​
Has anyone tried both shrooms and acid? Did you find one better than the other? I hear shrooms feels healthier but depending on the type you get and how many you consume it can gove you stomach pains afterwards. Like with liberty caps you have to take like 40+
I've been trying to learn about them so I'm less scared, but it doesn't stop the primal urge to run the fuck away and scream when one flies near me.​
Yeah I get that. I'm a little better than I used to be, because where I currently live frequently has mud daubers occasionally find their way inside so I'm getting a little more used to them, but I still get pretty freaked out. The time one managed to find its way into my shirt and stung me like five times when I rolled over didn't help much either.​
I'm squarer than a SuperFX rendered character in this regard, but I have an interesting anecdote to share. I'll amend this post later with the actual article, but there are people that would go to the extreme of smoking powdered scorpions to get high.

The person that got asked about this said they felt several hours of excruciating pain before getting an actual high. So, there, that's my contribution to the theme in vogue.

Amendment follows:

The person that got asked about this said they felt several hours of excruciating pain before getting an actual high.
That's brutal. Reminds me of the horror stories I read about Krokodil, people mixing heavy amounts of domestic bleach (for the ammonia) with other household chemicals, without proper equipment or procedures, feeling a wack "high" for minutes and then experiencing flesh necrosis.
I hear some variants of fent have the same effect also.
That's brutal. Reminds me of the horror stories I read about Krokodil, people mixing heavy amounts of domestic bleach (for the ammonia) with other household chemicals, without proper equipment or procedures, feeling a wack "high" for minutes and then experiencing flesh necrosis.
I hear some variants of fent have the same effect also.
Yeah, it's all exceedingly dangerous. Desperation can be deadly.

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