Your New Tribal Chief
Just a friendly heads up, my two youngest sisters threw a huge fuss over transitioning from high school to college, so be prepared for something like that, LOL. Don’t worry though I’m sure you’ll be fine! (Although I’m at least happy I no longer need to drive them to school since they both eventually learned how to drive, so you have something to look forward to!)I see myself fussing over college, as my two oldest will be out of school by then.
I also see myself fighting an attrition war with my eldest girl, as she will be a teenager by then.
Thank God the other one will still be into toys and cartoons XD
Is Sweden that fucking bad nowadays? It always seemed to me like it was a chill place to live in.Preferably with a job and income. But knowing my shitty asshole of country that will not happen. I bet in 10 years time the unemployment rate today is 10% will be 20-30% in the years meaning more people to fight over the few jobs we have.
So in 10 years I bet I will be like today no money to enjoy life and just sit here play games and be bitter as fuck.
It´s been shit for over a 10+ years now. Schools and hospitals closing down left and right now save money. more and more kids go out school with worse grades than they used to. unemployment rate has gone from 2% in the 90s to 10% today.Is Sweden that fucking bad nowadays? It always seemed to me like it was a chill place to live in.