What's your perfect game that hasn't been made yet?

Hmm, this is a tough one.

I think my "perfect game" would be if the Pokémon franchise evolved closer to its other media/spinoff titles and moved these aspects of the franchise into one game. I don't have an interest for the series' modern titles because they have prioritized online competitive play and quick development times at the expense of quality in terms of graphical fidelity and expression.

I've been playing Monster Hunter Rise, and that game has a strong emphasis on a monster's expression and actions. A monster might be panting if they are tired, or suddenly sleep if away from their predator (AKA you, the hunter). Pokémon lacks this level of attention to detail, but I feel as though an addition like this would greatly improve the game's sense of immersion for the player.

The possibility to become your own Gym Leader with a customizable gym, or an Elite Four or Champion character, all sound like they could be fun additions. A return to Battle Facilities would expand the post-game further. Multiple regions like the Generation 2 titles would be great. As well as a respect to games like Pokémon Snap and Pokémon Ranger, which feature aspects of the Pokémon world normally unseen in the main series titles.

In addition to Snap and Ranger, the aspects of Pokémon away from battling like the contests from Gen 4, or the return of PokerStars Studios to become an actor would expand the games beyond just battling.

In regards to gameplay, the normal Pokémon gameplay loop is enjoyable to a vast majority of people, but I believe its strongest attribute is the designs of the Pokémon. A gameplay choice for players between an active, more anime-inspired battle system and a more traditional battle system as options would be a win for all types of players.

I know that while Pokémon is a game that exists, its current and previous forms are far from what I'd consider ideal. But, the potential of what the series can become if created under the right circumstances and developers would, in my opinion, be in consideration for what I'd call my "perfect game".
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I used to think my ultimate game would be a hybrid 3D fighter/RPG. There's been a few things close to that, and even though they never fully executed the formula the want I would want, I've enjoyed every game that crossed the two, even flawed stuff like Shaolin on the PS1. I'd want a modern setting (mostly city, with some nature at some point for a change of scenery), a battle system similar to Virtua Fighter's core mechanics, no random encounters, a well-paced plot that isn't corny or overly wordy and doesn't rely on contrived plot twists. Not too long, either. Like 20 hours. And integrate getting better at fighting into the story so that it teaches you how to fight as you go without relying on tutorials.
I've had this idea for some time now. It's an open world RPG where you go around finding games of various genres to play, either by buying games for your handheld, finding consoles at people's homes, or finding arcade games in various spots (like how it was in the 90s with them popping up randomly at convenience stores, laundromats, and pizza places). You need to play through some of them in single player mode, and with others you need to challenge NPCs to them. Either way, progressing in one of them earns points usable to upgrade your stats in another, making it so progress requires playing through each game off and on. Ultimately, you are trying to impress some of the NPCs with your gaming skills to the point that they'll join your gaming league and work towards winning a championship. We're also including relationship building as a stat so you can have a waifu.
A quirky game that starts as an average military shooter, however after a certain point cartoon characters reveals themselves as invaders in a plot that involves a Particle accelerator, Cartoon physics being the cause of the universe falling into a true vacuum and lots of lighthearted subversions at the shooter genre, with controls that slowly brings back the frenetic weirdness of FPS's while having a plot that by the end of the story stopped taking itself seriously lightyears ago
Someday I want to work on creating my own Dungeon Crawler/Point and click adventure survival horror game. With the gameplay and aesthetics of Nemuru Mayu (PSX) ,Hellnight (PSX) and Garage Bad Dream Adventure, with a sprinkle of Blade Runner,Abe’s oddysee and Silent Hill. The art style would be somewhat of a mixed medium if that’s a way to put it with Realistic humans and animals but cartoon/anime and comic book inspired side and background characters.
I've thought about this quite a bit, actually...

A Ridge Racer RPG inspired by Initial D co-developed by Atlus, Genki, and Namco wherein Persona-style on foot RPG/exploration/Social mechanics make one half of the game and TokyoXR/C1 Grand Prix style battles-and-races make up the other (but it drives like R4).

  • The goal would be to start your own racing team (ala Initial D) and recruit other drivers through battles and social links/quests.
  • You be able to level up and train CPU team drivers similar to Gran Tourismo's cup driver.
  • Cars and drivers would have separate coinciding stats similar to how operators and vehicles work in Metal Max
  • All the cars would be original "in-Universe" Ridge Racer cars (Kamata, Danver, Etc.)
  • Circuit, street, and mountain tracks would have different qualities that would be beter handleed by different car and driver combinations
  • Race Queens from the series (Reiko and co.) would appear as NPC characters in the gameworld/RPG portion
  • Soundtrack would be a collaboration between the OG Namco Sound Team (Hiroshi Okubo and the like) and Shoji Meguro
  • No Micro Transactions

Tell me this wouldn't get y'alls blood pumpin'!

(P.S. I know joints like Racing Lagoon exist, but what I'm thinking is quite a bit different)
(P.PS. Yes, I made the fake cover just for this post)

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Can I give a reverse-answer? Because I do have a perfect game that’s been made. Two, actually.
I wanna know 🤩
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I've thought about this quite a bit, actually...
View attachment 43516

A Ridge Racer RPG inspired by Initial D co-developed by Atlus, Genki, and Namco wherein Persona-style on foot RPG/exploration/Social mechanics make one half of the game and TokyoXR/C1 Grand Prix style battles-and-races make up the other (but it drives like R4).

  • The goal would be to start your own racing team (ala Initial D) and recruit other drivers through battles and social links/quests.
  • You be able to level up and train CPU team drivers similar to Gran Tourismo's cup driver.
  • Cars and drivers would have separate coinciding stats similar to how operators and vehicles work in Metal Max
  • All the cars would be original "in-Universe" Ridge Racer cars (Kamata, Danver, Etc.)
  • Circuit, street, and mountain tracks would have different qualities that would be beter handleed by different car and driver combinations
  • Race Queens from the series (Reiko and co.) would appear as NPC characters in the gameworld/RPG portion
  • Soundtrack would be a collaboration between the OG Namco Sound Team (Hiroshi Okubo and the like) and Shoji Meguro
  • No Micro Transactions

Tell me this wouldn't get y'alls blood pumpin'!

(P.S. I know joints like Racing Lagoon exist, but what I'm thinking is quite a bit different)
(P.PS. Yes, I made the fake cover just for this post)

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I wanna know 🤩
can it be set in strangereal, the setting of ace combat? it would be nice to see usea not on fire, and finally have Reiko and Kei to meet.
Oh my god, I would pay any amount of money for a vehicle combat game with Ace Combat planes battling Ridge Racer cars for land/air supremacy, preferably with full online multiplayer. ANY AMOUNT!!!!!!
I've thought about this quite a bit, actually...
View attachment 43516

A Ridge Racer RPG inspired by Initial D co-developed by Atlus, Genki, and Namco wherein Persona-style on foot RPG/exploration/Social mechanics make one half of the game and TokyoXR/C1 Grand Prix style battles-and-races make up the other (but it drives like R4).

  • The goal would be to start your own racing team (ala Initial D) and recruit other drivers through battles and social links/quests.
  • You be able to level up and train CPU team drivers similar to Gran Tourismo's cup driver.
  • Cars and drivers would have separate coinciding stats similar to how operators and vehicles work in Metal Max
  • All the cars would be original "in-Universe" Ridge Racer cars (Kamata, Danver, Etc.)
  • Circuit, street, and mountain tracks would have different qualities that would be beter handleed by different car and driver combinations
  • Race Queens from the series (Reiko and co.) would appear as NPC characters in the gameworld/RPG portion
  • Soundtrack would be a collaboration between the OG Namco Sound Team (Hiroshi Okubo and the like) and Shoji Meguro
  • No Micro Transactions

Tell me this wouldn't get y'alls blood pumpin'!

(P.S. I know joints like Racing Lagoon exist, but what I'm thinking is quite a bit different)
(P.PS. Yes, I made the fake cover just for this post)

Post automatically merged:

I wanna know 🤩
Yooooo! some one else who likes Initial d! And your game idea sounds pretty sick!

And more Racing lagoon like games imho would not be a bad thing!
I asked this question earlier in Lee__Kanker's AMA thread, but thinking more about it I'd actually like to open it up to the floor. What I want to know is what your ideal video game would be – not a game that already exists, but one that would do everything you'd ever want a video game to do. A game tailored to your exact, individual tastes, executed as well as humanly possible.

I'm keeping things general here, so feel free to discuss game mechanics, visuals, genres, whatever – just tell me what a perfect, idealized video game would be for you.
like a 3d version of yume nikki and then mix it with cyber rush, so you move around on skates or what ever maybe a bike. and traverse dream like spaces, would be cool if it was the style of jet set radio or a cel shaded retro vibe; I think if its scary like the fan games of yume nikki that be better. You know I always try to sign up to be a video game tester in my local town; and they never pick me! Guess its cus I dont play mobile games and stuff lol.
I've thought about this quite a bit, actually...
View attachment 43516

A Ridge Racer RPG inspired by Initial D co-developed by Atlus, Genki, and Namco wherein Persona-style on foot RPG/exploration/Social mechanics make one half of the game and TokyoXR/C1 Grand Prix style battles-and-races make up the other (but it drives like R4).

  • The goal would be to start your own racing team (ala Initial D) and recruit other drivers through battles and social links/quests.
  • You be able to level up and train CPU team drivers similar to Gran Tourismo's cup driver.
  • Cars and drivers would have separate coinciding stats similar to how operators and vehicles work in Metal Max
  • All the cars would be original "in-Universe" Ridge Racer cars (Kamata, Danver, Etc.)
  • Circuit, street, and mountain tracks would have different qualities that would be beter handleed by different car and driver combinations
  • Race Queens from the series (Reiko and co.) would appear as NPC characters in the gameworld/RPG portion
  • Soundtrack would be a collaboration between the OG Namco Sound Team (Hiroshi Okubo and the like) and Shoji Meguro
  • No Micro Transactions

Tell me this wouldn't get y'alls blood pumpin'!

(P.S. I know joints like Racing Lagoon exist, but what I'm thinking is quite a bit different)
(P.PS. Yes, I made the fake cover just for this post)

Post automatically merged:

I wanna know 🤩
Ngl this Idea is pretty peak.

Also if it's gonna set in Strangereal seeing it not on fire gonna be a treat for sure.

But if it's gonna be on the war though, we literally get a new Split/Second.

i'll never forgive Disney for closing Black Rock Studios istg.
That's a good question! I don't know what my ideal game would be *about* (probably anything that isn't Tolkien/"classic" fantasy, I hate elves for some reason), but I think I know what mechanics I'd like to see.

  • Character progression with clear choices, like choosing from rewards in Hades I/II, for example. I feel annoyed by minute statistical changes, like 1.5% faster health regen -or- hoping my character is noticeably improved with 8 more points in Freshness or Good-brained. Give me rewards that provide options, not micro-efficiency; I wanna feel like I'm building a playstyle, and not just gradually improving the one available method.


Pour that diverse array of sugar options on me (Ooh, in the name of love!)

  • This might overlap with what Miguk suggested, but the best thing about Persona 5 (to me) isn't the story or characters, but the way almost every possible activity yields a broad reward/improvement for the rest of the game. You can play darts and improve your combat stats, or write a really nice letter to a friend and fucking bend Lucifer to your will. In real life, we just have to trust that some things are "character-building", but in a video game? Show me the stats. Give me something where nothing is truly a distraction/divergence, but plays into a comprehensive whole in both theme and mechanics. A video game Gesamtkunstwerk, if you will! (I'm definitely not using that term correctly, just vibe with me here.)


Not really, but retail certainly helped me *Look* kind, at least.

  • I'm taking my time finishing Suikoden II again for the first time in a few years, and I'm still in love with the Castle/Headquarters and the way it works with your enormous cast of characters. I think my ideal game would also have a large playable cast, with a similar kind of Home or Base Camp where they "exist" when not with you. I enjoy choices mattering in games like Mass Effect 2, but the "choices" your motley crew makes without your involvement are interesting too! I love seeing a new character pick a living space on the Normandy, or fulfill some kind of role like Mordin in the Med Lab. Also, when your merry band interacts with each other while not in your party? Ohmygodyes.


I recruited one guy in Suikoden II and he built this whole Trading Post in my castle. Now I'm the economic hub of the region, hoisting my shiny baubles on the dolts at Kobold Village. Sure, there's magic swords in this world, but you'll find no sharper edge than my financial acumen.
  • A "cinematic" presentation beyond a scope ratio in cutscenes. (Small edit: That's a standard 2.39:1, in a projection booth we say "Scope"). I really loved the way the Arkham games used camera angles; movies have pretty well pioneered the language of visual media, but video games rarely embrace that beyond surface level stuff. Frame our hero in a wide shot against a massive landscape of obstacles/opponents/fucking kaiju, emphasive how outmatched they must feel in the moment. Look over a crowd and have the focus blur on everything but one familiar face amidst the mob, the rest of the world falling away as our protagonist lays eyes on them. (Cue rhythm game in the fashion of the Gene Kelly/Cyd Charrise number from Singin' in the Rain). Honestly, this one is probably just me complaining that more games don't try a bit harder, visually. For all the impressive technology that gets built and employed, sometimes a bitch needs more than a shot/reverse shot conversation with intricate character models.


I'm not a huge fan of the dream ballet numbers, but I love this one.

  • Large scale boss fights. This feels obvious, but nothing says "video game" to me like battling a giant crab while an orchestra goes NUTS. It's like how I feel about James Bond movies; there's a quality to all of the enormous set-piece action scenes - done with practical effects and miles of style - that just screams "CINEMA, BAY-BEE". Boss fights that go hell to leather on spectacle and drama are such a treat, and thoughtful buildup to the action can go a long way. I'm thinking of the lead-up to fights like in Vagrant Story, where Riskbreaker Ashley Riot rejects the rotting Dark that suffuses the dead city of Lea Monde while the final boss embraces it. It's the culmination of the characters viewpoints, played out in the form of a swordfight on the roof of a crumbling grand cathedral. (In phase two the boss transforms into a flying dark angel, buuuut let's call that artistic license). Another good example (that I can't believe I'm going to add) is Sonic Adventure 2. It's silly as hell, but a robot dinosaur with a satellite up it's ass is about to colony drop the fucking Earth, and only some shiny woodland creatures can Space Fight to save us all. The music and encouragement over the radio from the rest of the characters really heightens the whole thing, and heat bloom as the space station approaches the Earth is such a good visual for the mounting danger. It's all very much like the finale of Gundam Wing, where the lead suicidal terrorist shoots down an impending mass extinction event. Heero (hilarious name for a protagonist) affirms his will to live in the world he's saving, serving up the conclusion of his character arc coinciding with the action on screen. It's basic drama, but not all action rises to that point. (In any medium, not just video games).


The same picture, basically. (I couldn't find a Youtube playthrough where they played poorly enough for the re-entry effect to start showing, efficient bastards).
....not sure how I managed to write all this without saying how it would actually play, but maybe I'll figure that out later!
A anime dating sim/mystery game with horror element.
Where you get chance to play as male/female player and meet characther from various anime like Naruto, Bleach osv get to know them, date them and have a realthionship with them, during game one of anime characther are Found dead and your goal it`s to find the killer and solve the mystery.
Be careful since it can be your boyfriend/girlfriend so are the killer and you might be killed next.

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