What'll Take You Out of a Game?

JRPGs come to mind because damn sometimes they churn the two together in a mediocre slur. But I actually kinda like turning my brain off with them. It's just...I don't know. You're not breaking the mold with the lather, rinse, repeat hero narrative. Then again you can point to any media and say that. And I'm not sure what the alternative is. But there have been some JRPGs I've turned on, played for 4 minutes, and just turned off because I felt like "not another one of these..."
yeah, while i agree that with JRPGs its the trifecta of typical cliche plotline, For me it depends on how well executed it is
if i have to think of one games that severely overused the cliche hero saves the world along with his friends plotline, it would be dragon quest
nowadays its a lot better now with the twist and all sometimes but you cant deny that its one game that overused the typical plotline
most of its games are mid at best but there are still good ones in the series
my personal favorite is DQV.
the reason why it became my favorite is because at the time when i played it its the first time i've seen the marriage feature and somehow the game turned into a generational type of game where halfway you play as the your child, and depending on who you marry it will affect the stats of your children.

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