What video game systems do you own?


Lv. 29 Adventurer Extraordinaire
Writers Guild
Level 5
Jan 10, 2025
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I thought it could be fun to compare what systems we have, and how we use them!
What are your favourite ones to play on? Do you have a "protagonist" system you just never plug out?
(This is by no means meant to be a brag post or anything, I just thought it was a neat idea for a topic :))

My collection (I marked the ones I aquired after they were "current gen" with an asterisk):

Gametech Neo Fami* (sounds are played at a higher pitch which I think is due to me using a PAL TV but otherwise it works great)
Super Nintendo* (I have a cool Street Fighter 2 Turbo bundle with a unique box)
SNES Classic Mini
Nintendo 64*
Gameboy Advance, GBA SP*, GBC*
Nintendo DS, DS Lite*
Wii U

Mega Drive Mini (not the modern one, an earlier shitty one)

PS2 (my first real home console, my first true love)
PS3* (broke down less than a year after I bought it, managed to play through Demon's Souls and Dragon's Dogma a hundred times though)
PSP (technically my brother's but it's on my shelf for some reason, hasn't worked in a long time)
PS Vita* (my baby, my muse, my raison d'etre)
PS4 (the red MGSV version)

Xbox 360
Xbox Series S

Most of them are just stuff that I've saved throughout my childhood that the entire family used.
The Series S is obviously the latest one, so I have that plugged in. I was super surprised with how much I like using it.
I also never really use my regular SNES anymore, since the SNES Classic Mini is so easy to set up and use, especially since I have it loaded with a truckload of extra SNES games, along with NES, Mega Drive, GBC/GBA games.

Here's what the Neo Fami looks like, I really like the form factor of the controllers and the general design, even if it feels somewhat cheap:
Steam deck
Nintendo switch

Currently borrowing from my cousin:

I suppose the machine i never unplug is my PC haha. It is also my preferred platform to game on.
As for my favorite? Tough to answer. Probably which ever has an exclusive title i am interested in, which at most is a tie between the playstations or xboxes. Also, if the game just runs more optimally on said device, such as nier automata on my cousin's PS4. It's unfortunate that it is not stable after a certain segment in the beginning on the PS5. Sleeping dogs as well.

As for the others like the steam deck, that device is mostly for tinkering files for emulation, and i'm using it to study and learn linux and steam OS.

The switch is for exclusives that i'm interested in as well like the bayonetta trilogy. NDSi for homebrew and to play games that require the touch screen w/stylus such as TWEWY.

If there's one device i do miss owning and wish i never let go, it's the PSvita. Such an amazing device for homebrew. I suppose i do miss my 2DSXL as well but it wasnt ergonomically friendly on my hands, even with an after market grip.
I've never really bought any lol, maybe the 999 in 1 consoles. But even that's my family's money

What I did bought with my own money (which doesn't count as consoles) is i5 laptop, Panasonic brand. Got it for a pretty cheap price, like RM120+ (like $26+).

It's a pretty good hardware for emulators (not heavy ones of course). It also comes with some extra keyboard and mouse

Here's an example
Playstation 1 through 5
Playstation Classic Mini
PSP 1000, PSP 3000, Vita

Genesis/Megadrive Mini

NES Mini
Switch v1
DS Fat

Xbox Classic (broken for now)

Other than those:
Atari 2600, but I don't have games for it haha
Dell Optiplex that runs BigBox for all the arcades
Gaming PC

Majority of' em excluding the handhelds are connected to one 43 inch tv through webs of HDMI switches and power sockets, most are also modded so it can play games without disc, I even have to make a diagram for all this. Pretty handy, I just need a quick glance, flick the correct switch according to the table, connect the controller and that's it.

Here is a sneak peek if you are curious.
Between my boyfriend and I we have...

Atari 2600

Wii U
Super Mario Bros. Game & Watch
Game Boy Color
Nintendo 3DS
New Nintendo 3DS XL

Game Gear

3 PS2s

Xbox 360
Xbox One

Steam Deck

Past consoles: NES, Genesis, SNES, GameCube

The NES and Genesis were sold when I was a kid. My mom only wanted me to have one console at a time, so we sold the NES when I got a Genesis and the Genesis when I got a PS1. Boo. Though I honestly didn't have a great library for either. The SNES was lent to someone and it was stolen from them. Super boo, I loved my SNES. The GameCube got mixed up with my former roomie's stuff and we haven't really talked since then. Meh, I have a Wii and Dolphin if I want to play GC games.

Ultimately, they don't get much use anymore. Except the Steam Deck, Vita, New Nintendo 3DS XL, PS5 and Switch. My boyfriend has put custom firmware on most of them too, which is nice.

Thinking about it, I don't know where the Game Gear came from. I can remember the origins of everything except for that. I know it was the mid 2000s when I got it, but I couldn't tell you from where even if you had a gun to my head. Spooky...
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Pretty much everything nintendo / sega / Sony from the nes era with the exception from the Virtual Boy and the Nomad, until the ps4 era.

The most, let's say not that common, system I own is the Neo Geo Pocket (the black and white version though), and I wanted the portable turbograph sooooo bad but never could get my hands on one.
A lot of them as I have been collecting systems since the 80s and have modded a great deal of them or invested in Everdrives and flash cards:
Atari 2600
Nintendo NES (original from 1987)
Nintendo SNES
Nintendo SNES Mini
Analogue Super NT
Nintendo Gamecube
Nintendo Wii
Nintendo WiiU
Nintendo Switch
Nintendo Switch Lite Animal Crossing edition
Sega Genesis (Model 2)
Sega Saturn w/ Fenrir
Sega Dreamcast
Sony Playstation
Sony PSOne (with Stealth chip installed by Voultar)
Sony PS2
Sony PS2 Slim
Sony PS3
Sony PS4 Slim
Sony PS5
Sony Playstation TV
Sony Playstation Classic
Microsoft Xbox (with Xecuter 3 mod)
Microsoft Xbox 360 (Launch day model with fan mod)
Microsoft Xbox 360 slim
Microsoft One S
Turbo Grafx 16

Gameboy Pocket (with IPS Mod)
Gameboy Color
Gameboy Advance SP
Analogue Pocket
Bandai Wonderswan Color (with IPS Mod)
Hyperkin SupaBoy S
Sony PSP
Sony Vita
Sega Nomad
Sony Playstation Portal
Retroid Pocket Flip
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I haven’t sold any console too be honest, only a retrohand held and a bootleg Wii (the wiwi)

Currently my collection looks like this:

2 Nintendo 3ds XL
3 Ps2, one of them is broken though
1 PS3 super slim
1 Nintendo Switch
1 Nintendo DS Lite
1 PSP 3000
1 Miyoo Mini +

And two consoles that belong to my sister but i also play around:
A wii and another DS Lite
I sold most of my stuff about 20 years ago, currently sitting on a small handful of things I'd also like to unload at some point. Off the top of my head: 360, Xbox One, 3DS, Vita, Switch, NGPC, two DS Lites, and I think there's a gamecube here? Nothing remarkable or any rare editions, anymore.
Wii, early model with Gamecube controller support, hacked for Homebrew
New 3DS XL, top screen is an IPS display, hacked for Homebrew
New 3DS, both screens are IPS displays, hacked for Homebrew
New 2DS XL, hacked for Homebrew
Gameboy Advance SP but the battery is dead

Pal Dreamcast
Jap Saturn Model 2

Pal PlayStation 2 Phat, wanne get that network Adapter for Homebrew

My gaming PC is from 2018 but back then it played everything on max settings.
Pretty much everything nintendo / sega / Sony from the nes era with the exception from the Virtual Boy and the Nomad, until the ps4 era.

The most, let's say not that common, system I own is the Neo Geo Pocket (the black and white version though), and I wanted the portable turbograph sooooo bad but never could get my hands on one.
A lot of them as I have been collecting systems since the 80s and have modded a great deal of them or invested in Everdrives and flash cards:
I'm surprised that Homer and Marge don't have a shared games collection. ?
Atari 2600 (original from childhood)
NES (original from childhood) w/ Everdrive
N64 w/ Everdrive
Gamecube x2 (original one and one modded by me) w/ Gameboy player
WiiU (softmodded by me)
Genesis (Model 2, original) w/ Everdrive
SegaCD for Model 2 (no modding required :ROFLMAO: )
Saturn (modded by me)
Dreamcast x2 (one is Region 0)
Playstation (modded by me)
PS3 Slim x2 (one normal, one jailbroken by me)
Xbox 360 Slim
Xbox One (OG VCR)
Xbox One S
Xbox One X (Scorpio Edition)
Xbox Series S
Xbox Series X

NES Mini

Gameboy Color
Gameboy Advance SP
DS Lite w/ uSD adapter card
New 3DS XL (jailbroken by me)
PSP (jailbroken by me)
PS Vita (jailbroken by me)
Anbernic RG351V
Anbernic RG351MP
Growing up I didn't have any consoles. I bought everything secondhand and modded them. So my collection is pretty small compared to some of these.
Currently I only have my Switch plugged in, but my Xbox 360 and Wii is ready to go. I also bring my 3DS XL and Vita with me when i go out, not both at the some time.
  1. Atari 2600
  2. Odyssey 2
  3. Gameboy
  4. Mega Drive (model 1)
  5. SNES
  6. PS1 (fat)
  7. N64
  8. Gameboy Color (purple)
  9. Dreamcast
  10. PS2 (fat)
  11. Gameboy Advance (purple)
  12. NDS (lite)
  13. PSP (fat)
  14. 360 (fat)
  15. PS3 (fat)
  16. PS3 (slim)
  17. Wii
  18. 3DS (XL)
  19. PS4 (fat)
hate 'em all
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Here’s what I’ve collected over the years:
• PlayStation:

• 5 different revisions of PS1 (Fat&Slim)
• 4 revisions of PS2 (Fat&Slim)
• 3 revisions of PS3 (Fat&Slim)
• 3 revisions of PSP(3x,e1x,Go)
• PS1 Mini
• PS4 Slim with VR headset
• PS5 with VR headset

• Sega:

• Master System
• Dreamcast
• Genesis
• Saturn

• Nintendo:

• Famicom
• Nintendo 64
• GameCube
• Wii U
• Game Boy Advance
• Game Boy DS and DS Lite

• Microsoft:

• Xbox Original
• 2 revisions of Xbox 360 (Fat)
Xbox Series S

• Exotics?:

• Panasonic 3DO FZ-100
• Dendy Junior
• Tiger Electronics R-Zone and handhelds from this company
• World Poker Tour TV Gaming
• V.Smile VTech

I also have a huge collection of games and accessories, but it’s too much to list here.

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