New Challenger
Is BotW a good introduction to the series? As I said, I've never owned a console nor played any Nintendo game before.This is quite likely the most cliché, basic answer to that particular question theoretically possible, but man... the game is genuinely really good: Breath of the Wild.
Oh yeah, you're right, I totally forgot about that lmao. The character from my current avatar comes from one of GTA Online's artworks, I don't think it's a real character in-game. Or maybe it's supposed to represent our online character.Yes, you had a Candy Suxxx avatar a few days ago. Now your avatar is a character… I’m ashamed to admit I don’t recall the name at the moment.
Me neither, but I always stuck with PS because it's what I'm most familiar with.I'm not a consolewar type but it has a huge, huge, library.. I think Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate is quite fun, as well as Mario Kart. You can't go wrong with Mario Kart!
I've been looking for a racing game on the store and pretty much everyone agrees that the Mario Kart games are the best. Are they an enjoyable experience if I play solo or is online play mandatory? It is a party game after all.