What is your thoughts on Sega System 32


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Level 0
Dec 5, 2024
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Hello there my fellow gamers,

What is your thoughts on Sega System 32?

I like to know that is one of Sega Arcade Systems that never left the Arcade and all of it's games library struck there.
The System 32 was an impressive beast, but I have the opposite opinion: it is bad that the library never left the Arcades. Saturn ports should have been a given, and would have strengthened the console immensely.
32x would be an incredible system if it wasn't rushed to be made. The library is pretty good too, despite some bad ones
The problem with the 32X, IMO was focus. They should have used to port more excellent arcade games to the home (while making sure they are vastly superior to the SNES's offering, of course, and as close to the arcade as possible).
The problem with the 32X, IMO was focus. They should have used to port more excellent arcade games to the home (while making sure they are vastly superior to the SNES's offering, of course, and as close to the arcade as possible).
Definitely, it's a bit unfortunate to see it in a state like that
To me the 32x and the Sega CD seem pretty strange and unnecessary; they kinda diluted sega's own brand identity.
Neither system/add-on really even has a 'killer app' imo. Unless you're a sonic completionist that REALLY wants to play chaotix I guess

Then again I never grew up with one, so maybe it was banging, back in the day
To me the 32x and the Sega CD seem pretty strange and unnecessary; they kinda diluted sega's own brand identity.
Neither system/add-on really even has a 'killer app' imo. Unless you're a sonic completionist that REALLY wants to play chaotix I guess

Then again I never grew up with one, so maybe it was banging, back in the day
I had both, believe me, you didn't miss much at all.
I believe those were System 32 games yes. The fact GA: RoDA didn't get a Saturn version is both vexing and disappointing.
instead, it got Golden Axe: The DueL. which is alright - better than Weaponlord (barely) but no Sam Shodown or whatever 2D fighter it would equate to comparison with. Golden Axed was more depressing than anything else. I never played Golden Axe: Beast Rider but I hear it's diarrhea on a disc. I can't get the Xb360 emulated version past the save-game prompt, either

...but I will stand up for Golden Axe III - yea the plain graphics are halfway to Sega Master System-lvl looks but the combat n char selection puts it up there, gameplay-wise, with RoDA. I M O

Outrunners got a port I think? on Gen/MD? SegaSonic the Hedgehog premiered those 2 chars that switch up with Sonic on that crazy but brilliant alt-game in Sonic Mania? Roy n somebody? a scrolling isometric-view game SegaSonic was apparently?
instead, it got Golden Axe: The DueL. which is alright - better than Weaponlord (barely) but no Sam Shodown or whatever 2D fighter it would equate to comparison with. Golden Axed was more depressing than anything else. I never played Golden Axe: Beast Rider but I hear it's diarrhea on a disc. I can't get the Xb360 emulated version past the save-game prompt, either

...but I will stand up for Golden Axe III - yea the plain graphics are halfway to Sega Master System-lvl looks but the combat n char selection puts it up there, gameplay-wise, with RoDA. I M O

Outrunners got a port I think? on Gen/MD? SegaSonic the Hedgehog premiered those 2 chars that switch up with Sonic on that crazy but brilliant alt-game in Sonic Mania? Roy n somebody? a scrolling isometric-view game SegaSonic was apparently?
Yeah GA: TD was pretty ho-hum to be honest. The Saturn had no shortage of fighting games and pretty much always had the best ports of the big hitters already. If you were a GA fan, you would be disappointed, if you weren't you'd play something else.

GA 3 is much better than most people give it credit for: the graphics and music are top notch, the extra moves are cool and it's a worthy sequel; just needed a bit of a balancing pass because the pacing is a little slow.

Yeah Outrunners got a MD port, but let's be real, no chance the MD could have pulled it off properly. If at the very least they didn't force the split screen it would be passable, but such as it is? terrible. You'd have a better time playing classic Outrun on the machine.
Yeah GA: TD was pretty ho-hum to be honest. The Saturn had no shortage of fighting games and pretty much always had the best ports of the big hitters already. If you were a GA fan, you would be disappointed, if you weren't you'd play something else.

GA 3 is much better than most people give it credit for: the graphics and music are top notch, the extra moves are cool and it's a worthy sequel; just needed a bit of a balancing pass because the pacing is a little slow.

Yeah Outrunners got a MD port, but let's be real, no chance the MD could have pulled it off properly. If at the very least they didn't force the split screen it would be passable, but such as it is? terrible. You'd have a better time playing classic Outrun on the machine.
agreed, I had a 4MB/import cart for my Saturn playin the crap outta many of those. still have a couple stacks but the actual console was stolen along with my Xbox OG back in the day, I been more or less strictly PC-gaming since - emulation fills in many of the voids I would feel on 'legit' PC gaming alone (especially since I go so far back with retro gaming - born in the 70's with fun n frustrating memories of archaic computer action before NES n SMS pulled me into the console hustle)

yea GA3 also non-linear... it's like SoR3/BK3's sdtrk gettin panned back in the day - I'm glad 'zines like Gamefan tanked cuz many of the editors in there, Gamepro, EGM were of a tasteless sort (but I DO miss that top-notch page-quality on Gamefan dun get me wrong l3Lz)

in Glassboro New Jersey (where I spent my first 12 yrs breathin) there was this restaurant on the way to the Depford Mall - 'Ground Round' and kids could have their parentals 'pay what they weigh' - n I would eat just a side-order mozarella sticks or somethin then I'd spend the rest of the time in the Outrun sit-down cabinet. entering arcades with saggy pants hearin nothin but my pockets jingle n the faint music n sound FX of games like Shinobi, Double Dragon, Rolling Thunder, Rastan... even the presence of the big N's games "LEFT! LEFT! BODY BLOW! BODY BLOW!" *sniffle* *_* sorry reminisce-mist in meh eye =o

also, must remember tonight to fire up the Outrunners port n compare to the Arc vers
Outrunners is pretty fun and I'd have rather had Segasonic than Sonic Spinball, not sure if the time lines up for that to even be a possibility. I really thought there were more system 32 games than I'm seeing, though.
The idea it wasn't bad at all, but practically at the end it was only used as a cannon fodder in the competition between Sega of america and Sega Japan. Because later Japan announced the Saturn released date and practically killed all commercial interest. What a shame because it got some interesting arcade ports down the line like the Star wars one.
another Bizness the BuLLy x 'Art' the underdoggie

I mean, many factors were at play (such as incompetence, idiocy, n jackassery) but in simple dynamic terms that's what it boils down - as prevalent as 'divide & conquer' war tactics - n we are, in some barely tangible way, the 'underground resistance'. idk haha I just felt like adding melodrama to my usual fare of silliness there. time to finish the sake n sleeeeeep - night aLL ^_~
Only one thing:
enjoying knuckles' chaotix, using all the time the listening spinning donut, vector the crocodile.
(just check those moves, he is in the mood!)
I played the Sonic Crackers beta/maybe alpha in early 00's n I guess that was the training wheels for what Chaotix was to be. I am crap at action-puzzles cuz of cognitive reasoning difficulties but one of these days I will play it with persistence n try to see more of what it offers n its self-perceived place in the Sonic 2D echelon or wutev in the franchise. but as of RN I'm lousy at it hehe *_*

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