I'm not an expert, however, this information is priceless.
some months ago, I met somebody who is a rom/iso leecher. quite a big one, if you ask me.
at first glance, he had a 'decent' collection of roms and isos. then...
I saw his 'hidden huge collection' (and 'hysteria') for "maintaining the main library".
when I saw such "library" with a "are you THAT serious?" on my face, he just smiled.
on the other hand, he is such a carefree (and somewhat selfish) person and wants to share (with pity results), the 'joy of videogames'.
he offered to a lot of people, a service of "roms and isos distribution",
through usb's (free of charge, by the way).
well, that didn't last long, for all the wrong reasons
(nobody took it into account, now matter how hard he tried).
he took the trouble to sort everything with 7-zip.
every. title. from the lightest to the heaviest.
months compressing, more than 1000 videogames in emulation, with only a laptop and a half-destroyed external hard drive (near 400 GB, compressed).
"like a fourth or fifth time, reconstructing the library", I heard from this leecher once.
other things I heard from that leecher:
"never trust in a hard disc drive, keeping everything forever. this things are so delicate, if you are not careful enough"
"it is not a matter of compressing everything and just saving space for more.
it's a matter of making it more durable over time.
you know, the best compressors for the heaviest and the lightest, something like winzip/rar"
"making a folder, for every respective console rom/iso, renaming it, and even making an own section for savestates and the like"
"always have that respective rom/iso, a backup (this is more possible with the light ones), and an uncompressed ready to play copy (if you are wanting to play it in your everyday)"
"to make it less confusing, whatever you have played or not, four main categories at the least:
finished, release, repeat(ed versions; for whatever specific reason) and miscellaneous"
"for people who have parents who don't respect video games, just don't be obvious with the names.
be creative, hide it in C:/, or something that they cannot easily figure out how to find"
"keep a list. whether a physical one with pen and paper, or a digital one with empty files (like notepad) and putting in it, the titles of the videogames. if you want add something, feel free to add notes to check later"
...well, this is from that leecher.
my personal opinion:
got @_@