What is "love" to you?


Paladin Knight
Level 1
Dec 7, 2024
Reaction score
the walls
I was browsing the net when I heard this question:
What is love? How do you see "love"? How would you describe it?
Everyone sees it differently and I want to know how other's describe it
Realistically talking:

"Oxytocin, known also as the love hormone, provokes feelings of contentment, calmness, and security, which are often associated with mate bonding. Vasopressin is linked to behavior that produces long-term, monogamous relationships."

Love is something that exists only when you feel it, if you live you life without loving someone, you will never know what love is. I'm talking about love between a man and a woman.
I'm not sure if this is a serious question, but I suppose I'll give my answer: love is the potential to rise above the natural egotism that defines our species. Humans are more than a casually existing agglomeration of cells, more than hormones and neurotransmitters.

To love is to understand, to share, to sacrifice, to belong, to care. There are too many facets for me to list, all of them true and valid.
A feeling or action that expresses appreciation, respect, happiness. A recognition that the subject improves quality of life. A desire fulfilled, and a desire to see the subject propagate, even if that requires considerable self-sacrifice.
The modern form of Love would grant you Accelerate (+3 movement range), Strike (Next attack will have 100% accuracy), Alert (Dodge next enemy attack against you), Valor (Damage x2), Spirit (+10 Morale), Gain (x2 experience) and Luck (x2 money obtained).
I'm not sure if this is a serious question, but I suppose I'll give my answer: love is the potential to rise above the natural egotism that defines our species. Humans are more than a casually existing agglomeration of cells, more than hormones and neurotransmitters.

To love is to understand, to share, to sacrifice, to belong, to care. There are too many facets for me to list, all of them true and valid.
Every question ever asked on this forum is a serious question.
I'm not sure if this is a serious question, but I suppose I'll give my answer: love is the potential to rise above the natural egotism that defines our species. Humans are more than a casually existing agglomeration of cells, more than hormones and neurotransmitters.

To love is to understand, to share, to sacrifice, to belong, to care. There are too many facets for me to list, all of them true and valid.
Curiously in some people the love for their partner in fierce selfishness, distrust and indifference to others. Perhaps, unconsciously, it is a way of defending themselves against everything else. In my case I had a very possessive girlfriend who saw in me someone in whom she could confide her fears. The problem is that in this case I was not only acting as her full-time psychotherapist, but I was neglecting my other affections....
Human nature is complex at times....
I'm not sure if this is a serious question, but I suppose I'll give my answer: love is the potential to rise above the natural egotism that defines our species. Humans are more than a casually existing agglomeration of cells, more than hormones and neurotransmitters.

To love is to understand, to share, to sacrifice, to belong, to care. There are too many facets for me to list, all of them true and valid.
Nice way to see it, but for science is exactly what we are. We're just a product of evolution, like any other life form. There is nothing else, everything we feel come from our brain.
Many definitions I guess but it is to care a lot about someone to want to see them in a better place to be there for them to appreciate their existence in your life and acknowledge it to enjoy the moments you are with them I think love can be defined by a set of actions that come from a feeling.

Well there is many types yeah? Tough love , motherly love and romantic love etc each with its own definition and actions that describe it.

Some people express love differently than others so I think it boils down to the person own definition of love and how to express it.

But I think we can all agree that there is no hurting me no hurting me no more
It's the songs we listen to, it's the TV shows we mindlessly watched, it's the cheesey movies we dared each other to watch. It's the stupid inner jokes that no-one else understands. It's seeing the sun and the moon on someone and marvelling at the fact that someone can make you whole even before you realized you were missing something.

And, for me at least, is sitting on a railroad overpass and make it the best date ever because being around each other turned every place into a slice of paradise.

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