What are your favorite retro gaming YouTube channels?

Tons of good picks here, i second Majuular for sure, he's just a really chill guy to listen to, kind of like LGR in that way. Dungeon Chill has a similar vibe to Majuular too.

I havent seen anyone mention Grimbeard, yet. high recommend for anyone who had a goth phase in highschool (i say, still clinging to an almost all black wardrobe 14 years later).
Tons of cool and funny videos.
This guy on YouTube called The Examined Life of Gaming did a whole series retrospective on Mechwarrior, and I really enjoyed it! I never even knew what these games were until I watched his videos, and he does a very thoroughly analysis of the development and mechanics of each major entry. The presenter is a little gruff, but clearly passionate about the games, and I'd definitely recommend checking him out if you have any interest at all in mecha.

Also, if you've never seen them, Stuart Ashen’s Terrible Old Games You've Probably Never Heard Of videos are absolute YouTube classics. In each video, he discusses his experience with horrible budget games for European computers of the mid-to-late-80s in a very funny, entertaining way, and examines the context in which they were released and who developed them. He's also done several lectures about these kinds of games at the University of Norwich, and his talk on Hareraiser is quite literally the best story I've ever heard about a retro game. Check 'em out, boys!
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I love Ashens. His style is so uniquely British. :LOL:
I didn’t want to mention this in my original post because I thought it would be self-aggrandizing, but I’ve literally been watching Ashens regularly since I was 10 years old. The man’s humor has been a massive influence on my life growing up, and I even have a credit in his second book, Attack of the Flickering Skeletons. If you are ever curious, Ashens gets the Gorse Guarantee™!
Jeremy Parish's Video Works series is an absolute favourite of mine. Laid-back but VERY comprehensive histories on countless retro games and systems. Recently he's taken an interest in some of the forgotten consoles of both the early American and Japanese gaming industry, before the major console players cornered the market. You'll be hard-pressed to find better videos on the Atari Xe Game System, Sega SG-1000, Epoch Cassettevision, etc.

Here's another lovely channel, enjoyable less for the videos itself and more for what an impressive work of archival it is. SO. SO. many freeware games, anywhere from the late 80s-mid 2000s. If you're a sucker for games featuring creativity and passion that outshines their admittedly poor quality, you'll love digging through the rarest game vaults..

Here's a game I found from just a minute of scrolling as an example.. Coulrophobes beware!
  • Hungry Goriya
  • GTV Japan
  • Jeremy Parish (Absolute GOAT)
  • Majuular
  • AVGN (Yes, really)
  • NES Friend
  • Sega Lord X
When it comes to Retro-Gaming- well obviously AVGN was King. There's a great download out there somewhere of the first 100 episodes as originally published without the modern YouTube tampering and post-release editing by Screenwave. They're still fantastic pieces of nostalgic entertainment.
I had no idea this existed-- thank you! I've just downloaded it. Old AVGN is pure nostalgia.
SNES Drunk, Sega Lord X, basement brothers. Marsh is good too, for older smt games. Also like Happy Console Gamer whenever he talks about retro games.

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