i was 100% one of those HEH...... WALKING SIMULATOR? DEAR ESTHER, MORE LIKE ERM DON'T BOTHER..... people when dear esther was about, although that was partially cus i had no money to actually try it for myself (don't tell anyone i still haven't got around to it)
there's actually a pretty fine line between where the walking sim ends and the Gamer's Game begins i've come to learn, especially when you start including stuff like the stanley parable. if you wanna be an asshole like me you could totally include stuff like monkey island in that definition since all you do is walk and talk and then use items to talk more - but oh shit turns out i wanna listen to these guys talk.
the definition is just too nebulous for me to ever wanna attach to anything is a big stinker for me, since even if a game is nothing but WASD movement and mouselook that's still
something. you can't even mouselook in real life
doom the gallery experience is a 5 minute pisstake of art snobbery and walking sims both and it still has personality to it i'd still call it pretty fun, at least a good few giggles in there. you don't gotta be shooting people to appreciatee looking at nice things! there's those horror spot the difference games that take the concept of looking at nice things and expanding on it like
Now it's spot the difference walking sims like Exit 8.
like that one!! man i gotta stop taking so long to type these out considering it's just unfiltered rambling anyway
This one had a really cool premise and atmosphere, but I watched a video essay about it and basically didn't need to play the game, anymore. OH WELL
this has started becoming a real big stinker for me on video essays. people who take on some story rich and give the most surface level thoughts on it while basically narrating the entire plot to you. it's like second hand consumption
we somehow managed to go from people spoiling something for you to mother bird digesting and dribbling it into your awaiting beak it for you