Video Game Soundtracks in Your Daily Playlist


Paladin Knight
Writers Guild
Level 1
Jan 6, 2025
Reaction score
Ukraine _ Kiev
What video game soundtracks do you listen to on repeat in your daily life? Do you ever have a track stuck in your head, playing over and over? Share your favorite melodies and tell us what they mean to you!

I listen to both "Burning the Battlefield" (Pokemon Gen 1 Battle Theme) and "Brave Heroes" (Lunar: Eternal Blue Battle Theme) constantly when I need to do a monumental amount of work. Also, the SEGA CD version of Lunar: The Silver Star Story opening is always there.

"Troublemaker" from Mischief Makers is actually my ringtone.
The songs I listen the most while I do things are: Anarchy Reigns "Play My Ass Off" Madworld "Crazy", "Look Pimpin" "Deathwatch", "You don't know me", a lot of songs in the Midnight club 2 and 3 OST, No More Heroes 3 "Musical Chair", Killer Instinct 2013 "Herald of Gargos", Sonic 4 EP2 "Metal Sonic theme" and for last almost all the songs in Metal Gear Rising. I forgot about True Crime Streets of LA "I'll Do Anything"
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Here’s my list of tracks:
1. “Free from Fear” - Resident Evil 3 — this track is calm and relaxing.
2. “Never Fade Away” (Samurai Cover) — Cyberpunk 2077 (performed by Olga Jankowska) - a very atmospheric and deep track.
3.“Only” - Need for Speed: Underground (performed by Static-X) — a great rock song.
4.“Nazi Punks ” — Wolfenstein The New Colossus - a powerful and energetic track.
5. “Моя душа” - S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 (performed by Lely45) — a wonderful and touching song.

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Dead Estate and Risk of Rain 2 are the only game OSTs I regularly listen to, but I do occasionally listen to the soundtracks from some of my favorites games in the Touhou Project series.
While this track's combat variant doesn't change much compared to many other stage themes (notably the themes for Attic Sanctum and The Laboratory), the song is still amazing regardless, and, in my opinion, really fits the theming of The Mindscape.
This song is the main reason Sundered Grove is my favorite stage in Risk of Rain 2. I just love everything about it. Especially that guitar.
The first 5 video game ost from my unfiltered playlist were:
1.Throuhh the Patches of Violet (Limbus Company)
2.N.S.F.W. (Guilty Gear)
3.Misty Memory (Arknights)
4.Gathers Under Night (Under Night In-Birth)
5.the credits song from the first danganronpa
But lately I've been listening to the entire OST touhou 6 just cuz listening to the last track feels great
I listen to both "Burning the Battlefield" (Pokemon Gen 1 Battle Theme) and "Brave Heroes" (Lunar: Eternal Blue Battle Theme) constantly when I need to do a monumental amount of work. Also, the SEGA CD version of Lunar: The Silver Star Story opening is always there.

"Troublemaker" from Mischief Makers is actually my ringtone.
You have a cool ringtone on your phone.
My ringtone is the soundtrack from the game Crash Bandicoot. It even sounds a bit similar to the iPhone Marimba, and it’s really pleasant to listen to.

These are all played at least once a day.

End of small sanctuary is so catchy! I'm a big fan of Silent Hill music and Akira Yamaoka's work in its enterity. The day before yesterday, I was on bus with my headphones on coming back to the city where I live after having visited my mother and this song it played randomly on my phone. I considered for a moment to set it as an alarm to wake up.
For soundtracks, Silent Hill 1-4 (and a little of Origins) are my usual choice. Final Fantasy Tactics and Persona 5 as well. But in the end, I like a bunch of different soundtracks so it's kind of just a mess of different things. Here are a few that I've been rockin' out to the most lately.

For soundtracks, Silent Hill 1-4 (and a little of Origins) are my usual choice.
I never really listen to game OSTs outside of playing the games, but Silent Hill is the one exception. I just love the vibe.

The songs weren't created specifically for the game so it's not an OST but I also love the Hotline Miami soundtrack.

I never really listen to game OSTs outside of playing the games, but Silent Hill is the one exception. I just love the vibe.
It depends on the game for me. Some games have great music that fits so well into the game that it's hard to separate it. Others I can enjoy in the game and still want to either chill or rock out to it outside of the game. The Silent Hill series is probably the best example of the latter. Akira Yamaoka just unleashed a four hit combo of some of the best music in video game history. I feel like he didn't quite vibe as well with the series' music after 4, but there are still some gems to be found in them.

The songs weren't created specifically for the game so it's not an OST but I also love the Hotline Miami soundtrack.
Hell to the yes. I feel like both Hotline Miami games picked absolutely wonderful music for their soundtracks. The music fits in pretty much flawlessly to the atmosphere and energy and feel of the games.
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This month for me it has been this childhood gem on repeat... I miss the first time feeling of booting up MHFU and seeing my home
A lot of game soundtracks I keep on repeat are for studying and other brain activities like writing. I'll write down some games as examples of the ones that work for me:
- Picross 3D: Round 2
- The Silver Case 2425
- Saya no Uta
- WII-U/3DS eShop
- Wii Fit Plus
- One (1998)
- Love Plus
Depends on the mood I guess, usually I leave one of these two on repeat in the background.


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