Unpopular Music Opinions

I still think pop isn’t great and I feel disliking pop should not immediately label you as pretentious or elitist.
Non gaming music is superior to gaming music and people who say otherwise are often not well educated on music and probably can’t name their top twenty artists to save their skin (artists that aren’t pop artists by the by)
Slim shady isn’t better than modern Eminem.
Ye still makes good stuff.
bbno$ isn’t an industry implant. Virtually any semi popular artist can be called an industry implant. Blillie Nash displays more signs than him.
VGMs shouldn’t be on Spotify but i understand the need for convenience
Ice Cube is more of a goat than 2pac
Skeelo isn’t underrated. He’s rated fine.
Skillet only made one good song ever.
Christian rock isn’t a genre.

I’m losing a lot of friends today.
Most music nowdays are about sex, drugs or killing someone and most people that listen to that shit like mozart is on their livingroom back from the dead playing a live session for them, i understand that music is an expression of feelings and reflects the reality of those who partake in said art, but shit just feels like people have been regressing back to being apes and using their most "animalistic" instincts to copulate, attain gains and kill their rivals, there is always good and bad music despite of being old or new music, it's just that seems like shit have been decaying HARD
I still think pop isn’t great and I feel disliking pop should not immediately label you as pretentious or elitist.
Non gaming music is superior to gaming music and people who say otherwise are often not well educated on music and probably can’t name their top twenty artists to save their skin (artists that aren’t pop artists by the by)
Slim shady isn’t better than modern Eminem.
Ye still makes good stuff.
bbno$ isn’t an industry implant. Virtually any semi popular artist can be called an industry implant. Blillie Nash displays more signs than him.
VGMs shouldn’t be on Spotify but i understand the need for convenience
Ice Cube is more of a goat than 2pac
Skeelo isn’t underrated. He’s rated fine.
Skillet only made one good song ever.
Christian rock isn’t a genre.

I’m losing a lot of friends today.
i liked when Tupac was in Digital Underground.
I am ready to be disliked for this, but i do want it to get it off my chest.

I never liked Metallica.

Queen only has 2 good songs (Bohemian Rhapsody, and We Will Rock You), the rest of their discography is forgettable.

Guns N' Roses is mid.

Nirvana got outclassed by literally everyone, and its only remembered cause of what Cobain did.

Most grunge sucks.

Whats the point of listening to a song which is incomprehensible growling or screaming?

Glam Metal is better than alt-rock, but i like both.

Electronica is garbage.
Dubstep - I hate it. Its an abomination. Sounds like robots having sex. ADHD music. Vapid ear candy.

Kpop - Its a personality cult. Jpop has so much more going for it musically.

Ghost - its not metal. Its hard rock. Influenced by Abba.

Punk - Taking showers isnt punk rock. Real punks smell like pee.

Moi dix Mois - nowhere near the level of Malice Mizer, like not even close.

Dungeon Synth - this is where would-be Black Metal artists go when they can't play guitar.

Schnuffel - One of the best German artists ever. Kuschel Song goes hard.

Merzbow - I dont know how anyone can listen to this legitimately. Not everything that comes out of Japan is golden.
listening to linkin park (and nu metal as a whole) until now is like listening to barney as a baby: you never grew up, you never progressed

metallica nerds literally only listen to metallica
they can't name any other band outside of that, megadeth, slayer, and lamb of god (or any band that's not american for that matter)

queen is the most progressive music normies will ever know of

the beatles suck ass
Trap Metal > Standard Rap
Bluegrass & Old Style Country > Whatever weird emo shit country became
80s & Earlier pop > modern pop
Simple as.
Songs nowadays are extremely identical to one another. They aren’t good as they used to be anymore. Also Taylor Swift sucks.
I thought this was for unpopular opinions? If these are hot takes, this is subzero.

I agree with this statement 102%, though.

listening to linkin park (and nu metal as a whole) until now is like listening to barney as a baby: you never grew up, you never progressed

metallica nerds literally only listen to metallica
they can't name any other band outside of that, megadeth, slayer, and lamb of god (or any band that's not american for that matter)

queen is the most progressive music normies will ever know of

the beatles suck ass
I can attest the second, third and fourth opinion. Hell, my one cousin is one of those Metallica nerds (I still love him).

IDK about the first, depending on what you meant. I actually understand the genre and its songs as an adult much, much more than I did as some brooding teenager. But then again, I've got (admittedly first-world problem) issues.

Nu metal is not metal at all, just an overrated genre.
*shrivels up in a ball and dies*

I agree with everything else though, mostly. I don't hate dance music, but don't consume it either. A lot of electronica sucks ass though, and trap is no better than those crappy nightcore videos on Youtube.
I hate old rock n roll icons like Elvis and The Beatles. I swear Elvis only ran on massive market sale with no talent that made him easy to package and The Beatles while might have had some talent mainly ran on market sex appeal and hype. And nother thing I'm so sick of this breathy singing style everyone's picked up from Regina Spektor on how to think they can hide their non musical talent self behind the idea of deep retrospection in pauses and slow pronunciation, no that's not singing that's talk singing in key.
I think you’re a pussy if you can't handle a song containing a swear word or less-than-safe analogy, if you don't like it you can turn it off, same with cyberbullying.

Also, music discourse fucking sucks on most sites, it’s just regurgitated opinion after regurgitated opinion.
I think you’re a pussy if you can't handle a song containing a swear word or less-than-safe analogy, if you don't like it you can turn it off, same with cyberbullying.

Also, music discourse fucking sucks on most sites, it’s just regurgitated opinion after regurgitated opinion.

I thought this thread was for hot takes, not for straight facts.
Musical tastes are subjective as with all other things, and as the well-known Latin proverb says <<De gustibus et coloribus non est disputandum>>. There has always been bad and good music, but if someone listens to a song that I consider bad that nevertheless gives him positive feelings I am happy for him...
As a Prog musician I cannot stand basic rock/metal. AC/DC bores me. Same 3 friggin chords over and over with a lame ass basic drum track behind it. The singers squeeling does little to nothing for me. I know this will not sit well with many in the Classic Rock community.
I think you’re a pussy if you can't handle a song containing a swear word or less-than-safe analogy, if you don't like it you can turn it off, same with cyberbullying.
Damn fuckin' straight.

Also, music discourse fucking sucks on most sites, it’s just regurgitated opinion after regurgitated opinion.
Could replace "music" with anything really, I hate the bloat from pretentious blog posts any time I try to google any and all fucking questions.

As a Prog musician I cannot stand basic rock/metal. AC/DC bores me. Same 3 friggin chords over and over with a lame ass basic drum track behind it. The singers squeeling does little to nothing for me. I know this will not sit well with many in the Classic Rock community.
Holy crap, yes exactly. I'm glad I'm not the only one who's bored by Sex, Drugs and Rock n' Roll™ bands as an adult. I've definitely gotten more and more into prog as an adult, thank the Blue Oyster. I can make exceptions for some songs, but not always.

Musical tastes are subjective as with all other things, and as the well-known Latin proverb says <<De gustibus et coloribus non est disputandum>>. There has always been bad and good music, but if someone listens to a song that I consider bad that nevertheless gives him positive feelings I am happy for him...
This is the correct answer.

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