1. False1-I have tons of friends because I like people
2-I love animals more than anyone else
3-I'm a non believer
That signature should have a spoiler warning.
1. False1-I have tons of friends because I like people
2-I love animals more than anyone else
3-I'm a non believer
My bad, they were too easy.1. False
That signature should have a spoiler warning.
1.FalseMy turn!
1. I have defeated Justin Wong in a fighting game.
2. I have Hatsune Miku's autograph
3. I am a 7th Dan in Kendo
1.TrueFacts about gaming (two true, one false):
1. I've played more than four "Tales of" titles
2. I've played more than ten "Final Fantasy" titles (both main and spin-off)
3. I've played the four main titles of Dept. Heaven series (Riviera, Yggdra Union, Knights in the Nightmare and Gungnir)
No, sorry :)1.True
1-TrueFacts about gaming (two true, one false):
1. I've played more than four "Tales of" titles
2. I've played more than ten "Final Fantasy" titles (both main and spin-off)
3. I've played the four main titles of Dept. Heaven series (Riviera, Yggdra Union, Knights in the Nightmare and Gungnir)
1. FalseFacts about gaming (two true, one false):
1. I've played more than four "Tales of" titles
2. I've played more than ten "Final Fantasy" titles (both main and spin-off)
3. I've played the four main titles of Dept. Heaven series (Riviera, Yggdra Union, Knights in the Nightmare and Gungnir)
TrueFacts about gaming (two true, one false):
1. I've played more than four "Tales of" titles
2. I've played more than ten "Final Fantasy" titles (both main and spin-off)
3. I've played the four main titles of Dept. Heaven series (Riviera, Yggdra Union, Knights in the Nightmare and Gungnir)
True1. I played a game for nearly 5000 hours according to steam.
2. I played ever pokemon main game from first gen to last gen
3. I love battle royal games.
Correct. I bloody hate battle royal games.True
You're just like me frCorrect. I bloody hate battle royal games.
Nope, sorry :)1-True
1. False
2. True
3. True
Nope, sorry :)True
1. True1. I hate the music of Dragon Quest
2. I love Sonic Advance 2
3. I think Sonic 3D Blast is a good game
This is correct1. True
2. False
3. True
1. True1. Nidoking is not my favorite Pokemon.
2. I don't know how to ride a bike or whistle.
3. I have never broken a bone.
Did I seriously just answer 3 times correctly in a row? Really?
Oh well, my turn.
1. Once I didn't go to sleep for 3 days straight
2. I'm mostly naked at home
3. I have 140 IQ
Nope- True
- False
- True
how abt it
Also nope.1.True
damngh i givenzi upenziAlso nope.