Trophy Hunting: Badass or Stupid?


Part-Time Hero
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Level 4
Dec 8, 2024
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Somewhere in Nevada
Weird title, but stick with me.

Modern gaming has given us the achivement system, you can play and replay your favorite games many times to get that sweet 100%... Pfft yeah right! How many games have you 100%? Better yet, how many have you got the 50% mark? While the addition of trophies and achivements is really cool, sometimes it feels like an after tought by how little they add to the games, or by how ridiculous they can be, example:

...How the fuck are you supposed to do this? Yeah some were able to, but do you know how much is the percentage of this achivement? 6.30% of the people who played Dead Rising 2 OtR got it, and let me tell you, this is a bullshit achivement, the AI of the game fucking sucks! Why would you challenge the player to do this?... Well I guess I answered my own question there, "For the challenge". Ultimatly all of this boils down to the thrill of the challenge, sure getting the Platinum is fun and all, I got a total of 4 in my whole life, but some people don't want to go the extra mile for some arbitrary messurement of completionism, I sure don't!

Well, what about you? What do you think about video game achivements?
I've never cared about trophies/achievements. I know some people were really into the achievement system during the 360 era, and would play games specifically because they were "easy" to 100%. To me it's an alien mindset to care about goals/achievement that aren't rewarded by the game itself.
I enjoy's implementation since it lets fans make fun or obscure challenges for games. It can sometimes lead to boring "complete chapter 1" goals or insanely difficult points to get, but the multi-tier setup and the community aspect allows for some fun ways to replay a favorite.

A friend of mine often spends a long time trying to 100% RA lists and he seems to have a good time until he gets to those 0.1% of players goals and then it becomes a pain lol
I’ve never cared about it very much, but I don’t think is the root of all evil as some seem to think,

I haven’t gotten a single 100% or platinum trophy (I missed one in Bloodborne but I didn’t want to replay the game a fourth time) but if I notice a trophy that seems fun to earn I might aim for it just for fun.
I usually don't care about trophies, meaning I don't spend hours and hours and hours just to get that notification! If it's an achievement I can get while playing is ok (ex. if it asks you to do something better, I can try a couple of times and see if I can get the trophy, if it's frustrating I skip). I don't bother about trophies who may ask you to replay the game just to get some secret ending - I prefer the games in which you get all the endings in one playthrough - or to achieve something at a higher difficulty. If it's something related to side quests, I usually like to explore everything so maybe those will arrive without looking for them. If I like the challenge they propose, I can try and see if I'm able to get them!
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I love achivmeants but some games really push your limits. Example I beat MW remastered for PS4 and got the plat for that and it was hard but you feel at peace once it is done. mostly because "Mile High Club" is pain incarnet.
For me, playing a game should not be about trophies alone, it should be about the game. Trophies can compliment a good game, but a game for the sake of a trophy or an achievement imo is 1 step from a mobile game.

The trophy is arbitrary, while the story, the game play the game design are far far more important to me. But that might just be me, and everyone is different.
I don't mind them so long as they're within reason and I can do them alone. I don't play a lot with other people, so having to coordinate with someone to boost an achievement is sometimes tough. I'm currently sitting on 71/72 in Fallout 76 because I need to kill 20 other players, but everyone turns off PVP, myself included. So I have a friend who said he'd hook up with me for it, but he doesn't play it, so it's an inconvenience for him too.
There was one for the first Assassin's Creed where you had to press some button during each current-day cutscene or something. I forget exactly what it was, but you could miss it, and it's a thing you wouldn't normally think to do. I'd read about it beforehand so I knew to do it, but my buddy didn't and found out like 75% of the way through. That game is way too long to replay for something that trivial.
is a fun challenge from time to time, but some games really don't get what is good achievement
They are in between giving you an achievement every time you breathe or stupidly hard or annoying stuff. Kinda sad because i think Vampire Survivors has the first problem, and Everhood the second one. And both were my favorite games that i played on 2022
Don't care about them, But I may play games with certain limitations, like trying to finish an arcade game with a continues limit or a survival horror game with a limit in inventory, like a max of five healing items.
I-do-not-neeeeeed trophies to prove my gaming bad-ass...ness. I just self proclaim it. LOL. Joking aside, I'm not the quickest gamer and I kinda' like the trophies simply because I get a little ego boost when I accomplish getting a throphy without even knowing it was a thing. Like with steam, I'll be playing a game and something happens that's apparently super rare and I get a super rare achievement over it. Those less than 10% of the players got it kind of achievements. Other than that, I don't come to the trophies, the trophies come to me.


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I-do-not-neeeeeed trophies to prove my gaming bad-ass...ness. I just self proclaim it. LOL. Joking aside, I'm not the quickest gamer and I kinda' like the trophies simply because I get a little ego boost when I accomplish getting a throphy without even knowing it was a thing. Like with steam, I'll be playing a game and something happens that's apparently super rare and I get a super rare achievement over it. Those less than 10% of the players got it kind of achievements. Other than that, I don't come to the trophies, the trophies come to me.
Very good statement!
You want the game, and enjoy it, having the fun.
This is the most important principle,
when a Videogame is made!
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i think achievements are fun for when you're replaying an old favorite, but trying to get em all on your first blind playthrough can kinda compromise that first impression sometimes. at least, that's how i see it. i find it to be more of a personal challenge to get all of the achievements, or even just get the ones i have fun doing, rather than it being something to brag about to others.
I think it's pretty stupid how far people will go far achivements but it's a fine. easy way to add an extra layer to games. Some of them can be poorly designed with no future-proofing in mind, though like the million points one for Gears of War.
There was something similar for Kane & Lynch: Dead Men but some asshat grinded and their way to block others from attaining it, somehow. I'm not entirely sure how that one works but fans weren't happy about it.

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