Good evening everyone. Initially this was meant as a general anime list, but given it was dominated by Capcom mainly, it felt more fair to lean more towards this direction.
Naturally, we’re gonna follow the usual “one show per franchise”, as a lot of these got adapted more than once, especially a certain series about Karate fighters shooting fireballs from their hands.
With obvious opinion disclaimers aside, onto the list proper!
Honorable mentions go towards the Darkstalkers anime and the Megaman OVA.
I bet a few of you didn’t even know this even had an anime! I hear it’s considered mediocre, but I don’t quite see it. The PS cast is really lively, and I felt this show really captured that. There’s some goofy character design changes like the British flags but this show being 26 episodes long means it really doesn’t overstay its welcome, so once again, I’m surprised it doesn’t get enough love. It also had former Tatsunoko staff, so it was kinda an accidental foreshadowing in a way? It’s kinda fascinating to think of it that way.
But otherwise, yeah, I feel this anime is worth checking out! Think of it kinda like the Virtua Fighter anime, another excellent masterpiece.
Frankly, this is only low on the list due to how atrociously convoluted it is, which is par for the course for this franchise anyways as Capcom really does not know how to practice self-restraint once a new series they have starts selling like hot cake. Can you even believe Capcom used to oversaturate this IP? Well, not that you would’ve noticed, considering 99% of it was stuck in Japan.
Now as a Dynasty Warriors nutjob myself, I never found the actual gameplay loop of Sengoku BASARA to be all that stimulating, it felt a bit sluggish and thoughtless compared to Dynasty Warriors, but I was always captivated by the cast itself as I’m still a history geek deep down and lemme tell you, seeing Masamune Date wielding three swords on each hand, riding a horse with a motorbike handle attached to it and voiced by Kazuya Nagai (famous for playing Hijikata from Gintama, which is fitting given they’re both historical figures)? Chef’s kiss!
There’s not much I can expand on here so I’m only left with one question, are you ok?
Waoh, Viewtiful Joe had an anime?! Heck yeah, it did! And it’s thankfully just as stylish as the duology itself. Seriously, this is your reminder to go play the VJ games. What are you even waiting for, a signed invitation?
On a more serious note, the VJ anime is something I do sincerely recommend. It’s got a slick and confident stylish artstyle, it’s not too long (in English at least) and it’s a great adaptation of an already fantastic game.
Truth be told, I have a lot of sentimental value towards this show. Now I try not to hog the retrospective spotlight away from my friend Waffles, I think we have a nice contrast going on, he covers the outer-layers (personal history and such) while I cover the inner-layers, but today I would like to highlight some personal history I’ve had with this anime, as it was one of the ways I’ve bonded with my best friend whom I still chat with even to this day. So as a result, I got a lot of sentimental value towards the DMC anime.
It’s got a lot of charm to it as well. Also, not to mention it is alongside Gintama, one of the two shows responsible for my obsession with strawberries, so it also absolutely has that going for it. Let’s not forget the incredibly smooth animation, too!
I sincerely believe no other show could’ve ended up in this spot, it was one of the most defining shows of my teen years. It actually somewhat shocks me that it gets overshadowed by the similarly excellent Street Fighter 2 movie, which don’t get me wrong, is absolutely a close second (although I would also argue the Street Fighter IV anime is also pretty good), but I think what holds the SFII movie back is the utterly incoherent plot even my Street Fighter standards.
Nothing wrong with that of course, as I welcome a bit of chaos here and there, but the alpha animation was a really beautifully done tale that definitely deserved more attention. The sentimental value I have for it is similar to the DMC anime. Because of this, t has a special spot in my heart.
Are there any particular gaming animes you’d like to share with us? Let us if any show left an impact on you in the comments below!
Naturally, we’re gonna follow the usual “one show per franchise”, as a lot of these got adapted more than once, especially a certain series about Karate fighters shooting fireballs from their hands.
With obvious opinion disclaimers aside, onto the list proper!
Honorable mentions go towards the Darkstalkers anime and the Megaman OVA.
Number 5: Power Stone
I bet a few of you didn’t even know this even had an anime! I hear it’s considered mediocre, but I don’t quite see it. The PS cast is really lively, and I felt this show really captured that. There’s some goofy character design changes like the British flags but this show being 26 episodes long means it really doesn’t overstay its welcome, so once again, I’m surprised it doesn’t get enough love. It also had former Tatsunoko staff, so it was kinda an accidental foreshadowing in a way? It’s kinda fascinating to think of it that way.
But otherwise, yeah, I feel this anime is worth checking out! Think of it kinda like the Virtua Fighter anime, another excellent masterpiece.
Number 4: Sengoku BASARA
Frankly, this is only low on the list due to how atrociously convoluted it is, which is par for the course for this franchise anyways as Capcom really does not know how to practice self-restraint once a new series they have starts selling like hot cake. Can you even believe Capcom used to oversaturate this IP? Well, not that you would’ve noticed, considering 99% of it was stuck in Japan.
Now as a Dynasty Warriors nutjob myself, I never found the actual gameplay loop of Sengoku BASARA to be all that stimulating, it felt a bit sluggish and thoughtless compared to Dynasty Warriors, but I was always captivated by the cast itself as I’m still a history geek deep down and lemme tell you, seeing Masamune Date wielding three swords on each hand, riding a horse with a motorbike handle attached to it and voiced by Kazuya Nagai (famous for playing Hijikata from Gintama, which is fitting given they’re both historical figures)? Chef’s kiss!
There’s not much I can expand on here so I’m only left with one question, are you ok?
Number 3: Viewtiful Joe
Waoh, Viewtiful Joe had an anime?! Heck yeah, it did! And it’s thankfully just as stylish as the duology itself. Seriously, this is your reminder to go play the VJ games. What are you even waiting for, a signed invitation?
On a more serious note, the VJ anime is something I do sincerely recommend. It’s got a slick and confident stylish artstyle, it’s not too long (in English at least) and it’s a great adaptation of an already fantastic game.
Number 2: Devil May Cry
Truth be told, I have a lot of sentimental value towards this show. Now I try not to hog the retrospective spotlight away from my friend Waffles, I think we have a nice contrast going on, he covers the outer-layers (personal history and such) while I cover the inner-layers, but today I would like to highlight some personal history I’ve had with this anime, as it was one of the ways I’ve bonded with my best friend whom I still chat with even to this day. So as a result, I got a lot of sentimental value towards the DMC anime.
It’s got a lot of charm to it as well. Also, not to mention it is alongside Gintama, one of the two shows responsible for my obsession with strawberries, so it also absolutely has that going for it. Let’s not forget the incredibly smooth animation, too!
Number 1: Street Fighter Alpha
I sincerely believe no other show could’ve ended up in this spot, it was one of the most defining shows of my teen years. It actually somewhat shocks me that it gets overshadowed by the similarly excellent Street Fighter 2 movie, which don’t get me wrong, is absolutely a close second (although I would also argue the Street Fighter IV anime is also pretty good), but I think what holds the SFII movie back is the utterly incoherent plot even my Street Fighter standards.
Nothing wrong with that of course, as I welcome a bit of chaos here and there, but the alpha animation was a really beautifully done tale that definitely deserved more attention. The sentimental value I have for it is similar to the DMC anime. Because of this, t has a special spot in my heart.
Are there any particular gaming animes you’d like to share with us? Let us if any show left an impact on you in the comments below!
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